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More Zombies, Less Bandits!

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Before downloading, I expected a zombie survival game with the spice of some bandits.

But what I got was a big fps with zombies here and there disturbing the team-deathmatch action...

When I search through the environment and explore the island, I just don't care about zombies anymore. They don't really deal any damage and they are not in hordes either.

I am the whole time busy just searching for camping snipers everywhere. Those who really kill you all the time

I would like the focus more on zombie survival than attacking other players...

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Most players want that or at least some of us are very vocal about it. If Arma2 engine would suck a bit less combat wise perhaps there wouldn't be so many complaints.

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Yeah zombie hordes would be amazing. Make them random. Maybe some towns are just impossible to loot and you have to move on. Otherwise your f*cked. Unless you have a MK48...

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Yeah zombie hordes would be amazing. Make them random. Maybe some towns are just impossible to loot and you have to move on. Otherwise your f*cked. Unless you have a MK48...

totally 100% agree

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I don't think we need more of the infected, just to make them harder to kill. It is kind of hard to say if anything right now, with the upcoming changes of the infected. But just a thought.

I had look at the new changelog for the upcoming patch. And I really enjoy the new changes with the behaviour of the infected. But something that I hoped would be in it is this...

(2.30 min in) but not from lag or any glitches.

I don't know if or what Rocket has in plan for the backstory, how the people got infected and how the virus change the body and mind of the them. But lets say the infected are numb to pain, trauma and chock ain't anything they worry about. So the only thing they could die off is blood loss, or maybe stop their inner organs working. A bullet to the brain, heart or lungs. Maybe 6-7 bullets from a small calibre weapon. They sometimes fall down to the ground after 4-5 shots (sometimes 1-2 shots, sometimes not at all) but gets up and continue to chase you. Some will crawl instead. I think this will create great tension and drama instead of knowing, that 3 shots from the Makarov and 1 from the rest will put the to final rest.

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I don't think we need more of the infected' date=' just to make them harder to kill. It is kind of hard to say if anything right now, with the upcoming changes of the infected. But just a thought.

I had look at the new changelog for the upcoming patch. And I really enjoy the new changes with the behaviour of the infected. But something that I hoped would be in it is this...

(2.30 min in) but not from lag or any glitches.

I don't know if or what Rocket has in plan for the backstory, how the people got infected and how the virus change the body and mind of the them. But lets say the infected are numb to pain, trauma and chock ain't anything they worry about. So the only thing they could die off is blood loss, or maybe stop their inner organs working. A bullet to the brain, heart or lungs. Maybe 6-7 bullets from a small calibre weapon. They sometimes fall down to the ground after 4-5 shots (sometimes 1-2 shots, sometimes not at all) but gets up and continue to chase you. Some will crawl instead. I think this will create great tension and drama instead of knowing, that 3 shots from the Makarov and 1 from the rest will put the to final rest.


Making them harder to kill and at least doing more damage, rather a little more or a lot would go a long way. Going at it alone should be impossible in less you can rapid fire headshots like a pro. In a real zombie apocalypse people would tend to stick together to survive (rather they trust each other or not) cause one fukn zombie bite and you're toast! Kinda hard to go at it alone when it's like that. I tend to love going lone-wolf unless my RL friends are wanting to play together and I would LOVE for it to be this hard.

Thing is I don't like killing other players unless they don't answer me or they killed another player or evidence shows that they have. I want hard as shit zombies!

In real life if a zombie apocalypse went down, I likely would go at it alone, not cause Im an ass that wants to murder people now that I can do it freely. But because my main concern would be the fukn zombies and finding a way to get by...and people tend to be irrational and impulsive and I just trust myself more. Also, I'd be like a rogue dealing justice to the wicked.

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Guess I can most agree with blackaciddevil. Hordes are not really fitting for DayZ imo.

They need more strength on their own.

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I like randomness in the game, to not be really sure how to approach a situation. If you don't know if there is any zombies in this (what it seems to be) empty town. Not to know if my almost empty magazine will put the zombie down. So sure "hordes" could be nice, sometimes at some places. Other times empty towns, but mainly I think the amount is fine as it is.

...Thing is I don't like killing other players unless they don't answer me or they killed another player or evidence shows that they have. I want hard as shit zombies!..

Agree! You should not be scared of other players, just don't trust them. The thing you should be scared of are the zombies. The should be horrifying! Encounter them in panic. Now it's the other way, kind of.

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More Zombies would be a much much better addition, especially in the bigger towns. The other day I was in a house held up with a Enfield and I let off a round (no ammo left in my sidearm) and they came running. I was just holed up in a corner of a room with two entrances shooting off rounds left and right praying to god they didn't take me down.

By the end of it my leg was broken and my character was shaking in pain and I had only a few rounds left. Must have cleared out the entire town.

Now THAT was what DayZ should be all about, you against the horde praying to god they don't overwhelm your position with just mass numbers and that you have the ammo to defend yourself.

Yea sure I could have Alt-F4 my way out of it, but that shits for pussies.

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That's the thing, I don't think 1 player should be able to take out a whole city with zombies on his own. Except if you sitting with a M240 (machinegun) or is amazingly good with your rifle/gun.

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I just recognized it again and I'll stop playing until it's fixed...

DayZ is really just team-deathmatch with walking targets for distraction. There is nothing "zombie-survival" about this game.

I just investigated the first city I spawned at and took out 10 zombies all on my own while they were chasing me with barely any damage. Now someone comes by while I am making friendly gestures and he shoots me. It's completely unnecessary to look for these weak zombies, all you have to do is to take care of stupid players here.

There is also absolutely no reason to team up and that's why everyone runs around like Rambo.

All this "try to guess if he's friendly or not" doesn't work as a concept here. Only friendly people are noobs and that's only because they are not able to kill anyone.

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You know there was a time, not too many builds ago that we had a fuckton of zombies and it was very hard to avoid/survive against them.

Then what happened?

Oh yeah the forum was inundated with crying about the fucking zombies.

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I haven't been there. I have this game for a week now.

It's just that players desperately need a reason to not shoot anyone.

In the current build there is absolutely no reason provided why you would not shoot random person A. It's either "shoot him and get everything he has" or "let that guy follow you, let him take half of your loot and risk a shot in the back later on"

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You know there was a time' date=' not too many builds ago that we had a fuckton of zombies and it was very hard to avoid/survive against them.

Then what happened?

Oh yeah the forum was inundated with crying about the fucking zombies.


Been playing sence 1.5.4. And it is the same thing with the zombie amount = fuckton and like there's now. Not so much of a difference from now and then. You had to run a bit longer and shot a little more. I don't think the amount is the answer. Maybe the new patch will fix the not so scary zombies otherwise I think the quality not the quatity will fix them.

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There are real technical limitations to this suggestion that come into play with this and maybe the zombies have been scaled back temporarily.

Anyway, there are other solutions to the same problem... see thread below.

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I agree,

Places like Cherno, Electro, NWairfield, Berezino and Stary should have much more zombies. Make these places a hell beast to solo.

Medium towns hould keep with the actual number of zombies and small towns should have less zombies than today.

So, if you want high-end gear you will need help, or be very very very lucky...

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Like right now Cherno, Electro, are cities. The amount of zombies don't equal the population of a city maybe a large town thats it add more zombies to cities!

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Personally I feel that zombies are great the way they are.

They are not the threat other players are. Instead they are there to remind you to stay on your toes while looting. They create a subtle sense of lack of security wherever you are, and occasionally if you are careless become a serious threat or give you away to other players. Also when another player takes a pot shot at you from up close or in amongst them he/she is now risking their neck to pvp.

They might be made a bit more sensitive to gun shot sounds though.

I would be bored stiff with only zombies as a threat. Outwitting an AI is a matter of figuring out the AI's loop holes and limitations, once accomplished it is usually a breeze. Outwitting a real opponent is the only time I feel a genuine sense of accomplishment.

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Without ruining the balance that Rocket has worked hard so far I feel making the infected more harsh can be accomplished by removing the broken bones and adding in being bitten.The broken bones is too harsh and having morphine around is a rare occurrence.If you make getting a broken leg into being bitten instead you can add in some more realistic outcomes.For one,a broken leg is kinda silly in realistic thought processes by knowing that a human would have a hard time breaking another persons legs by hitting them with their fists.But a bite can be very damaging and is,afterall,what the infected want to do to you since they look at you as food.

Being bitten can come from being attacked to where you take a certain amount of hits and then have a chance for it.It would be like fighting your hardest with elbow throws and weapon butts to avoid an infected's bite.

If you do get bitten then a bite icon pops up.Two things can happen with one being 100% of the time and the other a 50/50 chance.The 100% chance is the bite wound which will need immediate medical attention or risk bleeding out and mimics the bandaging function we have now.First change bandages to a medkits.This medkit is a one use kit that has stuff like gauze,alcohol and suturing supplies and takes a good time to go thru its processes.Then the 50/50 chance is of getting a bad infection where you can't run at all and so takes the place of the broken bones but in a less game breaking way.The use of morphine,where before it healed the broken leg,is now to allow you to overlook the pain and hence search for antibiotics.If you have antibiotics on you and take right away then you will not get an infection.Maybe even make infections from bites a bit worse so that not only can you not run but your screen is shaking.This means if you have antibiotics and take right away,then thats all you have to take.But if you do not have antibiotics and do get infected then you need painkillers on top of the antibiotics to cure yourself.Let the infection take a strong hold by not finding any antibiotics in a certain time and now you must crawl.

Its small subtle steps you may have to go thru or its BAM broken bone and you better have morphine. :)

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I don't know if or what Rocket has in plan for the backstory' date=' how the people got infected and how the virus change the body and mind of the them. But lets say the infected are numb to pain, trauma and chock ain't anything they worry about. So the only thing they could die off is blood loss, or maybe stop their inner organs working. A bullet to the brain, heart or lungs. Maybe 6-7 bullets from a small calibre weapon. They sometimes fall down to the ground after 4-5 shots (sometimes 1-2 shots, sometimes not at all) but gets up and continue to chase you. Some will crawl instead. I think this will create great tension and drama instead of knowing, that 3 shots from the Makarov and 1 from the rest will put the to final rest.


I think that's the way it already is... you don't need to empty half a magazine into someone to kill them, whether they can feel pain or not

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I don't think we need more of the infected' date=' just to make them harder to kill.


One way of doing it would be to increase the health of the players (so that they cant get one shotted by other players) and also make it so that only head shots can kill a zombie.

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I don't think we need more of the infected' date=' just to make them harder to kill.


One way of doing it would be to increase the health of the players (so that they cant get one shotted by other players) and also make it so that only head shots can kill a zombie.

Oooh, I like this idea. Actually make them somewhat difficult to deal with. I mean after all, they don't really need their organs, do they? It's the grey that matters. :P

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They should remove sniper rifles from the game and add three times more zombies.

If they can't add three times without breaking the game add twice as many..or 0.5 as many..JUST FUCKING MORE!

I've been to the NW airfield, it's easy to loot, we should have a major horde up there not just a few spastics running around with a few zombies thrown in ;P

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