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Counter-Bandit measures. In game sanity?

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DayZ is great, and I am really looking forward to the standalone game, I think it will revolutionise the zombie genre. But there is one thing that kinda ruins the experience for me. Bandits. I don't mind bandits in smaller numbers, it just annoys me that the VAST majority of players just shoot on sight. I think to lower the amount of PvP kills maybe there should be some kind of sanity meter in game or something. Maybe like a conscience meter. If you go around killing tons of other players there should be some kind of "punishment" at least, because at the moment, the benefits of killing and looting other players outweighs the non-existent down side of doing it. I would just like the game to go back to the way it used to be where it was like 1/30 players were bandits, there was a real thrill from not knowing who to trust. And now I know exactly who not to trust...anyone else playing (minus RL friends). I don't kill other players, I run up shouting friendly with my gun not at the ready. But this always ends one way, me being shot in the face then robbed.

The conscience bar, in my head at least, would resemble the food or drink bars, a little brain shape on the right side of the screen. I don't really know what kind of punishment one should receive for killing other players, maybe they get the shakes from going slowly insane, certainly something that is equally negative as killing and looting is positive. Any ideas fellow DayZers?

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I posted this a couple of weeks ago http://dayzmod.com/f...ers-vs-bandits/ . Of course is not the perfect sistem and I realized that I exagerated some features. But i hope to see something (not a class sistem or anything) in the standalone.

Many players have concerns regarding banditry. I dont know if you read other zombie like games forums, but they are flooded by this same story of mindless killing of cod type of players who are ruinning the game experience for anybody else.

Hope that is not going to hapend here. Will see.

Edited by Pancho

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What exactly is there to do other than kill other players? And why punish for it?

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here's another way to look at it

in the modern day, people who kill other people are punished by some sort of lawful order. When the zombie apocalypse happens, the only people who can punish them are other people.

If you want something done, do it yourself.

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not only has this been suggested several times, at the time of you posting this there was a suggestion thread named 'insanity' on the very top page of the suggestion forum.

I'll let one of the worlds most intellectually gifted men sum it up -

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

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I agree that way too many people shoot on sight. And im sure that Rocket will do something about that.

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I agree that way too many people shoot on sight. And im sure that Rocket will do something about that.

what can be done, if certain players love to kos, others need loot, some are scared of dying so shoot first etc etc, as long as there are guns and limited resources and cod kiddies there'll be this problem, personally i don't mind, it makes the game as scary as hell and i've got better at stealthy type playing. The best way to not get shot is to play in a careful and clever way and keep your fingers crossed.

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here's another way to look at it

in the modern day, people who kill other people are punished by some sort of lawful order. When the zombie apocalypse happens, the only people who can punish them are other people.

If you want something done, do it yourself.

Ok, I have started a steam group for people who want to team and fight bandits. It is called Elite Bandit Response Team (Yeh, the name is kind of a joke) and the idea is that we collect weapons and equip friendly bambis and fight bandits across the map. It's public and should be a good laugh I think. So anyone interested, it's a public group, so look it up :D

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Ok, I have started a steam group for people who want to team and fight bandits. It is called Elite Bandit Response Team (Yeh, the name is kind of a joke) and the idea is that we collect weapons and equip friendly bambis and fight bandits across the map. It's public and should be a good laugh I think. So anyone interested, it's a public group, so look it up :D

now you're talking, this is the way to combat the percieved bandit problem =) become anti-bandit bandits, this will bring the kill count crashing down.

Bandits want pvp, they play dayz for the pvp, they want you to fight back because they live for pvp. If you want to reduce the number of bandits then apply a little 'in-game sanity' of your own and adjust your play style, get smarter so they get less kills and eventually get bored. Then they'll go back to COD.

I have watched and giggled at countless 'survivors' running around the big citys completely oblivious to any danger, standing on rooftops, ignoring any cover, crouch walking across open fields just below renowned sniper positions, sprinting along roads and across airstrips, approaching armed players while unarmed themselves pleading 'friendly, friendly, don't shoot' - all manner of stupidity is on display, it's like a comedy wildlife show. These guys are just begging to be killed and it is these very same players who rage in side chat and on the forums about the bastard that shot them and how we need to sort out the bandit problem.

No cure for this problem, as long as there are fools there'll be bandits lining up to kill 'em, fish in a barrel style.

Edited by Rastamaus

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What exactly is there to do other than kill other players? And why punish for it?

Exactly the point i tried making at the genesis of this mod...this mod ONLY gives you one activity...PVP...while WARZ is doing something that DayZ should think about doing...adding other shit to do...

TBH i personally think dayz should take the minecraft approach.

Keep it solely player choice just give them OPTIONS!!!!


buildings with blocks in minecraft is just like PVP in dayz.

But besides building with blocks, we have farming, fishing, herding, killing.

Minecraft could have been just a simple game of digital legos...but it expanded and offered MORE TO DO...that is what makes things great the OPTION to do more.

DayZ will die if it hold on to the naive notion that PVP by itself will keep it afloat.

I constantly see topics of people quitting and leaving because of hacks and shitty player interaction...and i don't blame um.

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Hmm, Just to shoot down this Sanity meter thing, once and for all let's look at today's soldiers, for example. I'm sure quite a few of them in places like Afghanistan and what not kill dozens of people each, but you wouldn't consider them "insane" rather, you'd think of them of Heroes. Secondly, I'm pretty sure living in a post apocalyptic society where 99.9 times out of 100, the "person" you meet is a zombie, the Zombies are going to drive you to insanity quicker than killing others. Also, people have different consciences. If it came down to a mass zombie apocalypse where it was killed or be killed I wouldn't think twice before stabbing the cheeky cunt next door to get his food and supplies. Yes I hate bandits, I'm a escort merc after all and part time medic, but in reality, they would be everywhere, and people would be robbing and murdering each other all the time. A better thing to implement as opposed to a "sanity" bar is the option to rob people without killing them.

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here's another way to look at it

in the modern day, people who kill other people are punished by some sort of lawful order. When the zombie apocalypse happens, the only people who can punish them are other people.

If you want something done, do it yourself.

i agree up to a a point, as i have said in other posts, humanity is a social creture, and imo we would congreatre in towns and have to defend against other...groups.

while i know this sounds like PVP it also sounds like real life ( what would happen imo) while i don't agree with sever zoned "safe zones" i do belive there should be ...regulated "towns" that if u choose to go nuts a shoot everyone your name is registered on some town black list..

umm thats all

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