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Pancho (DayZ)

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About Pancho (DayZ)

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  1. Pancho (DayZ)

    Counter-Bandit measures. In game sanity?

    I posted this a couple of weeks ago http://dayzmod.com/f...ers-vs-bandits/ . Of course is not the perfect sistem and I realized that I exagerated some features. But i hope to see something (not a class sistem or anything) in the standalone. Many players have concerns regarding banditry. I dont know if you read other zombie like games forums, but they are flooded by this same story of mindless killing of cod type of players who are ruinning the game experience for anybody else. Hope that is not going to hapend here. Will see.
  2. So I'm just in my second week of playing dayz. First days i was the common victim of zeds, after that hakers start to show around. This morning I was scavanging on an empty server somewhere in the north (not Airfield). I notice somebody just logg in. Allright, nothing to worry about, just another player trying to survive. Then another one came along. In that moment i just started to think..."i got a bad feeling about this". It was night and raining. Did not have a Nv, using just max gama and brightness to look around. I was jumping from one tent to another in this military camp looking for a sd weapon for infiltrating towns full of zeds more easy. Just found something interesting when i got this weird feeling that I'm watched. Turn around and saw a bandit looking strait to me in the entrance of that tent. He fired first from he's M9sd, zeds were crawling around us. He probably was very carefully targeting my head, but i still got halve my blood left. I was quicker with the second shot. After that my heart was pumping like 500hp engine. For a few seconds I was totaly shoked thinking :"this guy realy try to kill me....., from behind and everything" He was on me not 1 minute after he connected on the server. I crawl to his body got his nv and sd weapon plus a toolkit and get the f.. out of there. I know this sh... is hapening on a daily basis but still. First time is kind of special. I got the name of the scumbag if anyone is interested to ban him from servers, couse is clearly cheating. Now, my question is...the loot that i take it from him (nv, m9sd and toolkit) is duped, haked to? What are the consequences if u use such equipement? Couse i dont whant to get baned for this. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Cheers
  3. Pancho (DayZ)

    red cross tents

    Isn't this a humane/charitable thing to do.? So hummanity points are not applicable for this action? Bandaging your frinds in the field gets H points but this thing will not, for total strangers? I think that this course of action must be commended and encouraged more then "team up for the kill".
  4. Pancho (DayZ)

    red cross tents

    Ok...surfing some discussions about players looting some tents in desperate situations I came up with this idea.: Why not making red cross tents where survivors can put some stuff for the less fortunate to take. It will be a different tent with a red cross on it and maybe a signal flag. All the items that are put in that tent should have allso a small (or medium in case of high lvl gear) hummanity bonus for the one that put it there. When the tents are "looted" (by a different player in need) the bonus should be given to the one who provided the "service". A new "profession" will then be availeble for the veterans -life savers.
  5. Pancho (DayZ)

    Ships offshore

    I will add to your idea a ghost ship that will perriodicaly appear on the horizont and could be boarded and looted in a limited amount of time (full of zed's of course). Probably to complicated to perma implement it, but i'll make some kind of event out of it. Offshore ships should be the first step. Very nice idea.
  6. Pancho (DayZ)

    Short Campaign, Single Player Free Roam

    A short campaign like this could allso be usefull as a training ground/tutorial for newcomers, or as a free advertising small part of the game. But it should have just a small part of the map(less then 25%) and just part of the equipement (no military goodies - to avoid maybe duping).
  7. Pancho (DayZ)

    Combining Magazines

    Its the calibre and size of the cartrige that maters not the gunpowdercharge. U should be able to use bouth kinds of clips but u should not be abble to combine them as the rounds are different.
  8. Well it seems to me that there are 2 groups on the forum right now. One, of newcomers, loners, no group or real xp in dayz that are seeing some videos on youtube and experience some harsh treatement ingame from the bandits and other allready established organization. And the veterans, allready forming guilds and roaming the countryside in groups of at least 3 persons who take no prisoners. The first group is looking for big changes/regulation to give them a chanse in the upcomming standalone game. The second is opposing any changes of this kind(rules/regulations/consequences etc) hoping to keep the advantages that they have right now. Well, the final decission will be for the devs to take. If they whant millions of players, give noobs a chanse. If they dont need this newcommers, stay with the comunity of arma 2 and give everyone a sniperrifle and a nightvision so the things be interesting. On the point - Npc's are hard to implement but a safe zone(with a limitation on the time allowed to spend there) will be a nice brake for many. -drugs for bandits will be a nice, real addition. - random spawn on random servers...now THIS IS A GREAT IDEA , why? well is not this all about survival and appocalipse. Do you think that in this case scenario u will team up with your budies just like that? Of course, a group spawn will be neccesary for the guys that allredy meet in the game....but when you die?... And the ingame voicechat should be more usefull then the skype or ts3 or whatever groups are using right now...should becomme a basic survival neccessity.
  9. Pancho (DayZ)

    I will like to see bounty hunters vs bandits

    Very funny. I hope you will keep that gun when 1 milion kids with snipers will invade Dayz after the standalone will be lounched.
  10. Pancho (DayZ)

    Bandits should have more consequences

    A few days ago i sugested this : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98235-i-will-like-to-see-bounty-hunters-vs-bandits/ . I did not see the bounty hunters as a class, but like heroes only with a different counter then hummanity. After all, a true bounty hunter should be at least as fearsome as the bandit is looking for. The rewarding sistem is sugested by many other players and should keep things interesting adding to the game value. The majority of players will say that Dayz ingame action should remain without councequences for the sake of "survival skills". I tend to dissagree with this. If you think that in a true appocaliptic scenario bandits will remain unpunished and everybody will shoot first and ask question later, u are dead rong. The entire humman history is a log story of revenge and ppl comming together for the bigger good, protection...and most of all surviving. Loners with snipers will be first to perish...or maybe second. If devs want this game as close to reality as possible they must intoduce consequences to your action others then just respawn(wich is silly).
  11. Ok First i will like to say hello to everyone this being my first post. Now, i have a long list of suggestions and i will try to be brief. So, for any specifics pls add questions in the comments. I dont know if the engine of the game will allow all that i have in my mind but i will say it anyway. Thank you for your patience. Reading the forums and waching on youtube different dayz related materials i came to the conclusion that this game is in dire need of some basic rules. I know is in alpha stage and i know most of you will disagree with the word rules in such an open(anarhic) world. Actualy anarchy is one of the strong points of this game and i dont intend to alter that. Just add some extra. So. The biggest problem right now(beside haking) are the , so called snipers/murderers/spawncamping ass.. etc. There are 2 things that contribute planty to this: 1 the easyness of finding a sniper rifle(dont rush to disagree here, the veterans know what i'm talking about) 2. the "no repercussion" sistem, other then some silly costume change, that is in place at the moment. Solutions : 1. Military sniper rifles should be very very very very very very very very rare(and i can continue with very). I'm sure i'm not the first thinking like that. Hunting snipers should be more common to replace them. 2. A bounty hunters guild sistem added to the survivor/bandit/heroes classes. Specifics: When a player kils/murders some other players @ a certain point he becames bandit. After that, if he continues doing so, at another certain point in his/her murdering career a bounty should be place on his head by the sistem. There should be 3 lvls of this : a) small bounty - bandit with just some extra kills = bronze reward(i will come to this later on) B) medium bounty - bandit that starts to be realy annoying for the others = silver reward c) high bounty, priority psihopat to be eliminated and punished = gold reward Rewards - the bounty hunter who performs the kill should automaticly receive a numbercode that will open a certain safe/box with goodies, location highlighted on his map. The reward sistem i leave it to the devs and the nr of murders necessary to become a bounty bandit. The sistem should provide specific info on gold bountys only (ex- when a gold bandit is loggin in, a notification should be availeble for all the players on the server), The silver and bronz bountys should remain anonymous and therefore any bandit skin should be a possible bounty=reward for killing. 3. Prison time When a bounty bandit dies he should receive a prison time=banned time from playing accourding to his/hers crimes. Bronze=15 min, silver=1hour, gold=1day. Terms of imprisonment should be addjusted by devs And here things can become very interesting because i have plenty of ideeas that i'm not sure can be easily implented. I will sketh them anywhay : a) prison time should be "rewarded" by the bounty hunter who kills the sonofa... ...aaaahhhh.. the bandit, if he wishes so and goes after the bandit corps(if he think it deserve this and it worth the risks). Giving prison time to a bandit must reward the bounty hunter with some reputation, but about this later on the post (if you'r still with me). B) prison time should not be simply a banned/black/no joining screen. The bandit should respawn in the actual prison where he could start doing his time....with other felow bandits in the same room of course. Oh no..is not about that at all. Let me finish pls. There should be a way to escape from prison. How? Easy..actualy not easy . Every 15 min(perriod depending on the sentence+numbers of bandits in one prison) a key should randomly spawn on one of the inmates. Whats the cach? to activate the key and escape u will need like 10sec or more, starting the process giving you away(heartbeating). The key should be lootable from the corps All the inmates should have knives..Lets see how your murdering career suits you now. To add more fun the other survivors should be abble to see all this and even place bets on who's gone escape.....etc Bounty hunters should have a reputation sistem that will make them legit targets for the bandits to. A bandit killing a survivor=murderer, a bandit killing a bounty hunters its trying to survive him self. This reputation should award bandits like the bountyhunters with some key to a safe with goodies(however i will not give any sniper rifles in those). Allso this will make prisson sentence not easy to give but still a strong posibility. The actual sistem of rewards should be very fine tuned by the devs so there will still be bandits around and bounty hunters should not feel like untouchables. Now. This are just a few of my ideas around the subject of bountyhunters vs bandits. I will add that al players should have a criminal record attached to his/her profile and visible ingame. Perks for bandits: - gold bandits should bee posted on forums on a weeekly basis (with a nice "Wanted" poster attached), - the current bandit skin should be replaced by a black special night camo that gives bonuses during the night and not only (like weatherproof, silent moves, low visibility during the night etc) - special tatoos and other unique bandit items (tatooing should be only allowed to bandit class) Other ideas: With the neccesary tools and equipement u should be aloud to boobytrap yourself with different lvls of dmg to prevent looting and makes things a little dificult for the thieves. ex: with a grenade and a toolkit=medium range and dmg, a sachel charge=high dmg etc. The downside of this - the trap should occupy spaces in your inv. Killing a bandit should restore some hummanity even if u are a bandit. Bountyhunters should have they own armoursets(coollooking) and even acces to an unique weapon(6shooter colt or S&W) nonlootable. I got plenty more but i dont whant to give all in one go. Thank you for your patience and pls forgive my bad english if i have made any big errors. I'm waiting for your comments.