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Force players to team up against zombies

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I know there are topics complaining about zombies in DayZ being a minor problem, and I agree with them. I know in a zombie apocalypse, real people truly would be a greater threat than the zombies, but as of now, zombies are just a minor distraction.

I think that in some instances, let's say there's a trade off gone wrong and two groups are pointing guns at each other, it's really tense, people are probably gonna die. All of a sudden, someone notices a huge hoard of 50+ zombies approaching rapidly. The two groups are forced to team up.


Tense stand off under a bridge (random example off the top of my head), and a huge hoard is over head. Enough zombies to rip everyone there apart. Fire a shot and they will hear it and wipe you out. I think it'd be better if people had to pick and choose their shots more. No 'right' or 'wrong' decisions, I understand that players should be able to kill each other, but you should have to think before you do. Consider the threat of zombies hearing the shot and taking you down.

As of now, zombies aren't enough of a threat to make you consider sparing a life. Unless you're low on ammo, but usually you can just loot the player and cut your losses.

Sorry if this is slightly incoherent, i'm just kind of typing my thoughts. I think it should feel more like you're in The Walking Dead.

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Better idea, make players choose if they want to be a bandit or a survivor when the choose gender at spawn, if you are a bandit you can shoot and kill anyone you damn well please, if you play as survivor you can shoot bandits but it will be impossible for you to shoot another survivor (IE disabling the fire button while aiming at another survivor or just making survivors immune to friendly fire). That way the VAST majority of players can choose to be a bandit and those who wish for team play can be a survivor, if bandits and survivors are easily distinguishable from each other visually you won't have problems with people mistaking bandits as survivors.

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BoomyGT your idea is great, i would like to see this in the game

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Come play on our new private hive when we advertise it (next few days)and you'll soon see that public hive zeds are pussies, our zeds are nasty mofo's, they agro for no reason at all and a whole town of them will quite happily devour a solo player who decides to fire one shot from a weapon that isn't silenced, seriously they make public hive zeds look like babies. So keep your eyes open for our server advertisement on here in the next few days.

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@BoomyGT: Yes, sounds great!

IMO, the only way to achieve such epic experiences in the game, is to rewamp the way zombies spawn entirely.

Currently, players cause zombies to spawn, i.e. zombies only spawn where there are players. Also, the spawning is very glitchy, and zombies continue to spawn wherever there are players. Also, players in vehicles neither spawn zombies, nor does zombies attack vehicles.

As it stands, this does several things for the game:

  • It makes it non-sensical, or at least impractical, to have independent zombie events
  • it makes it impossible to clear a town or area of a town completely
  • It gives players invehicles an unfair advantage when hunting other players

However, if zombies get to spawn independently of players, this is what we get:

Independet zombies that wake when they catch the scent of players and aggro when they do stupid shit. Some of them will cluster into hordes who roam the map in search of food, and then gravitate towards those places where the most players are (heh, the places giving off the most scent of the living blood of Christian men), creating that classic scenario of the fort that becomes overrun. The players then have to react to this, either by cooperating, or by hiding their ass in the bush.

Towns can be taken and defended (giving a natural place for the KOS'ing sniper), and wars can break out over places that provide good resources and defense. And when the horde of zombies pass that bridge where those two quarreling players are in the middle of shooting each other, they will be fucked if they don't stop for a moment to cooperate.

Zombie instances only spawn where there are NOT players - of course after a sensible algoritm that doesn't swamp memory. Zombie skin and texture, things that require memory and computing power, can for instance still be triggered by player presence. The main thing is that the zombie instance are med independent of players. Some of these instances need not be sleeping, but can cluster together into independent hordes that roam the map, or infest a certain town. When done that way, it becomes much more easy to make those classical hordes of zombies that you're used to from the lore, the books, the films, the TV-series. But it can only be done with a model that spawn zombie instances outside of player activity.

@That1neguy: No! (Also, you're stealing the thread. Stop it!)

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