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Standalone Snipers: Make them work for the kill

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So I kinda liked the addition of the zeroing feature when I first played ArmA 2 back in the day, made the long range shooting more than just point an click, but I always felt it was somewhat lacking and I could never figure out why. That was until I got into shooting IRL, so I suggest making sniper rifles one of the most complicated weapons to use ingame. Now I really doubt they will add a dynamic wind system into the standalone game, as that would be a massive time sink for the devs, for very little pay off in the finished game. However I do think they can do some simple things to make using a sniper rifle both more realistic and difficult simultaneously, and that is to require zeroing to be done not in range to target, but in MOA. Make each scope adjust by 1/4 MOA per click, and since the bullet drop will be different, the ammount of MOA you need to adjust will be different as well for the same range, depending on the gun you are using. Another fun thing you could add in is accounting for angle range compensation.

Here are a couple of videos that explain the things I suggested

Another thing that could be interesting, but I don't know how it could be implemented is trigger pull. When shooting at a distance, a stable shooting position and a firm consistent trigger pull to the rear of the rifle is critical to an accurate shot. It can mean the difference between a hit on the target or a miss by feet, if you jerk the trigger when you are trying to hit a target at 400 - 800m your round is going to go wildly off target. This was always one of the things I wished would be implemented into a game, its another one of those immersion things that would go great in a realistic survival horror game. Last up is going to be shooting positions and stability, I found it odd that in a Mil-Sim like ArmA 2 they decided it was totally fine if a soldier could hold a 13 pound bolt rifle unsupported from the standing position and be able to keep the reticle from drifting by feet at ranges as close as 200m. Trust me, even a beefy guy would find that difficult to do for more than a few seconds, let alone all day long. This is just a short list of things I can think of regarding sniper rifles, if you have any more suggestions feel free to add them as well.

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I definitely hope there's more skill required for sniping when standalone hits.

I can't imagine how a steady squeeze vs. rapid pull of the trigger would translate into computer game controls, but it would be a welcome addition.

I would also like to see bipods and the ability to rest against trees and walls introduced. This should be necessary for accuracy over range, and would help line up that second shot if required.

With the inventory overhaul I'm guessing items and weapons will be weighted (for backpack storage limits, stamina etc.). I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that this carries over into weapon handling.

I think the length of a weapon should have some effect on the speed at which you can take aim while standing too. It doesn't make sense that, no matter if they're holding a MP5 or an AS-50, anyone can swing around 180 and stop on a target without their gun dropping down even slightly, and with superhuman balance. It renders close quarters weapons pretty much useless.

To maintain authenticity, DayZ needs to move players away from the "best gun" way of thinking, towards the "right tool for the job".

Currently everyone can be Carlos Norman Hathcock II at the drop of a hat.

Instead of anyone being able to turn their hand to sniping, the learning curve should make it so people can be amazed by skilled marksmanship.

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Have you tried using a sniper rifle in ACE? It makes even a 600m shot a lot harder. I am hoping they will be using some ACE features in the SA. But yes I agree, sniping needs to be a lot harder.

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I definitely hope there's more skill required for sniping when standalone hits.

I can't imagine how a steady squeeze vs. rapid pull of the trigger would translate into computer game controls, but it would be a welcome addition.

I would also like to see bipods and the ability to rest against trees and walls introduced. This should be necessary for accuracy over range, and would help line up that second shot if required.

With the inventory overhaul I'm guessing items and weapons will be weighted (for backpack storage limits, stamina etc.). I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that this carries over into weapon handling.

I think the length of a weapon should have some effect on the speed at which you can take aim while standing too. It doesn't make sense that, no matter if they're holding a MP5 or an AS-50, anyone can swing around 180 and stop on a target without their gun dropping down even slightly, and with superhuman balance. It renders close quarters weapons pretty much useless.

To maintain authenticity, DayZ needs to move players away from the "best gun" way of thinking, towards the "right tool for the job".

Currently everyone can be Carlos Norman Hathcock II at the drop of a hat.

Instead of anyone being able to turn their hand to sniping, the learning curve should make it so people can be amazed by skilled marksmanship.

I think that the longer you scope better the accuraccy

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Maybe add some spin drift in there too. That way you have to aim above target, but slightly down and also to the left due to the rotational inertia dragging the round up and to the right.

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If ACE was integrated into DayZ it would make for a very, very complex mod. I think it's a little too complex for everyone to keep up to date with. But yeah, some sort of wind mechanic would be nice, but not necessary IMO.

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