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Your way of saying "friendly"

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Tell 'em to crouch and drop their stuff. Then to sit while I go up and either take what i need from them, or most of the time see if they need help or anything. After the first contact I usually point the gun at them and don't take it off of them until they are a ways away. Then bolt.

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So I was in a skype call with some buds and we were going to meet up in Berinzino. As i'm running through a town, I see a player with only a hatchet, much like myself. I only had the game for about a week or so, and didn't see players that often, but when I did i did the usual "Hey, man. You friendly?" But this time was different. He came out of nowhere and I was scared pant-less. I then switch to direct and say, "Are you friend? You, friend?" Everyone in the call started cracking up, even me. Now me and my friends always say that.

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There is no recipe for "how to make playercontacts". You can only try to show them/him/her that you friendly in all possible ways and eaven then you may get killed.

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Lately I've gone bandit and have decided to shoot anyone I see. This is because of my new computer which actually lets me shoot without lag and aim properly.

Once I'm survivor again, I'll usually stick behind a wall, pull a Frankie move and say "friendly" whilst not in sight, and ask them to put down their weapon. Usually they run away or look around to shoot me, but I never actually die unless it's further up North with the big kids.

I remember before I got corrupted by big clans and their good equipment, I'd be running around one of the two main cities and I'd always come across friendly people. We'd run around being the two amigos until I de-synced and got shot by a local bandit :D

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