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How to avoid Hackers (Official Hives Only)

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Note: I know that this is kind of an already used topic, but people are still complaining about hackers, and i wanted to give some tips on how to avoid them (i have yet to be killed my a hacker in dayz, playing weekly on official hives, though i have run into several of them.)

I see many, many players putting up treads whining about beeing hacked to death (i am an avid Graveyard reader), and i thought i would make a sort of list on how to get around hackers for the maximum ammount of your playtime.

This will only count for official hives, as private hives are often hacker free, and i would suggest for you to play on a private hive instead, as it will often solve the problems, but as for official hives, here we go:


Never join a server with many players on it. Especially European/American servers seems to have a large problem with hackers when they have a decent ammount of people on it. Run trough the rather empty servers 0-10 and find one that you can play on several times without anyone hacking. Be aware that these rather empty servers might have tents stashes quite often with really good/scripted gear in them, but keep your selfrespect and leave and/or destroy it. Ofcourse you can just take the equipment, but beeing well equipped can make the game boring, unless you have a purpose with it (see below). Now you have an official hive server to play on where you wont get hacked to bits.


Running around on a empty server will get boring at some point, no matter how many camps, airfields or cities you raid. Because its often decently empty or with only a moderate ammount of players, the PvP element is limited (not to say that it does not happen, but it wont be as often as some people like.) So assuming you get bored and want to go back to some PvP or a high pub server there is several ways to go:


Belive it or not there is a few official high pop servers that seems to avoid avoided that wave of hackers for now. Try searching in unusual regions (Russia is a good one) for a server to play on. Sure you might not understand the other players, but neither can the hackers, and they will not get as much satisfaction as Russian admins do not think so much about local bans (not from my experience anyway). If you look around enough, you will find one where the hacker activity is not hourly. Those you can play on without going back to your low pop server.


Switch to the first high pop official hive you can after having gotten the necessary gear from the low pop server. A map, a canteen, some food and a weapon or 2 will be enough, depends on your playstyle. If you then get killed by a hacker on the high pop server, you switch back to the first server, and gear up again, and then try a new (or the same) high pop server. Repeat untill bored.


Walk around supermarkets and churches untill you find a camping tent. Pitch it central to most of the spawnpoints, or pitch several along the spawnpoints (1-2 km inland) and stuff some gear and guns into them. If you then die, either on that server or the high population you where planning on joining, you can quickly gear up and get back in the action, but be aware that this will remove the looting aspect of the game, which is quite fun.


alt+f4 is one of your best friends when avoiding hackers. If the server suddenly has a massive lagspike, or you can hear voices even though you are sure the area is clear, hit the combination to exit the game. It is often possible to survive beeing teleported or someone teleporting to you if you log out quick enough, even if you are teleported into mid-air. Be aware that you need to be 100% sure someone has not legitly snuck up on you, or that your pc is not chugging frames. Because usage of the alt+f4 combination outside of avoiding hackers is frowned upon by the community, and you should avoid doing it at any cost.


Do not try to fight a hacker. Some of them might toy with you before wiping you out, others might just kill you instantly. Hackers can often teleport behind you, and they can often see trough all world geometry, so as you cannot hide behind a wall or a tree. You are not going to be winning the fight with a hacker, and it will only annoy you by getting killed by them. There is no shame in quitting to avoid hackers, if anything you are pissing them off, exactely what we should all do.

Regulator Lone(Thanks for information): "Hackers cant teleport behind you if you put your back to a wall. If you must fight/ distract them for maybe a teamate who is wounded or needs to loot their body before the hacker hides it, distract the hacker with low level weapons and keep your back to a wall. They will attempt to teleport behind you at some point abd eiether end up on top of the building or stuck in a wall which can confuse them for 5-10 seconds at times giving you the time to log out as they tend to teleport to you if you return to your body and try to loot it, this will give you some precious seconds to grab your weapon and pack and get out of there."

I hope this list of tips can help you avoid that deaths by those devious creatures that dare to call themselves "human".

I give no warranty that this list will remove hackers from your gameplay, or that they will always work as ive described, but hopefully they should help taking the edge of. If none of the above tips helped you, find a well run private hive with active and fair admins, and play there. That will most likely solve your problem.

Have a nice day.

Edited by V2_Danny

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Ok great ideas, but you are mistaken about russian servers, it is not a good region.

Perhaps in your experience it is, but I have been onto 3 russian servers since I started playing, and every single one of them was full to the teeth with tents and hacked gear.

All of elektro, cherno were filled with tents in the streets and buildings as well as the woods in a lot of places.

Also, may want to add that hackers cant teleport behind you if you put your back to a wall. If you must fight/ distract them for maybe a teamate who is wounded or needs to loot their body before the hacker hides it, distract the hacker with low level weapons and keep your back to a wall. They will attempt to teleport behind you at some point abd eiether end up on top of the building or stuck in a wall which can confuse them for 5-10 seconds at times giving you the time to log out as they tend to teleport to you if you return to your body and try to loot it, this will give you some precious seconds to grab your weapon and pack and get out of there, ive done it a few times

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Ok great ideas, but you are mistaken about russian servers, it is not a good region.

Perhaps in your experience it is, but I have been onto 3 russian servers since I started playing, and every single one of them was full to the teeth with tents and hacked gear.

All of elektro, cherno were filled with tents in the streets and buildings as well as the woods in a lot of places.

Also, may want to add that hackers cant teleport behind you if you put your back to a wall. If you must fight/ distract them for maybe a teamate who is wounded or needs to loot their body before the hacker hides it, distract the hacker with low level weapons and keep your back to a wall. They will attempt to teleport behind you at some point abd eiether end up on top of the building or stuck in a wall which can confuse them for 5-10 seconds at times giving you the time to log out as they tend to teleport to you if you return to your body and try to loot it, this will give you some precious seconds to grab your weapon and pack and get out of there, ive done it a few times

You are right about the large ammount of tents on several Russian servers, but for conventional hackers (teleporting, godmode etc.) it seems to be a bit lower compared to a western server of the same size.

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I got teleported to a hacker couple days ago, he had a heli and M107. I immediately pumped about 8 rounds into him at about 7 m range with my PDW and then frantically pulled my WiFi dongle out. They didn't get me but I'm pretty sure he was invulnerable to bullets so I didn't go back.

This was on a server with a pop of about 6 which from my experience is very rare, low pop is generally safe from hackers.

Regarding gearing up on low pop then going to high pop for kills, you will be targeted by hackers as I have died a couple of times from doing this.

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I got teleported to a hacker couple days ago, he had a heli and M107. I immediately pumped about 8 rounds into him at about 7 m range with my PDW and then frantically pulled my WiFi dongle out. They didn't get me but I'm pretty sure he was invulnerable to bullets so I didn't go back.

This was on a server with a pop of about 6 which from my experience is very rare, low pop is generally safe from hackers.

Regarding gearing up on low pop then going to high pop for kills, you will be targeted by hackers as I have died a couple of times from doing this.

Ofcourse you will be killed by hackers if playing on an official hive. There is pretty much no way to avoid that. But some of the things i mention above can lower the ammount of times it happends. And regarding gearing up on a low pop server its more a meassure of having an easy time gearing up, and then going on a high pop. get hacked to death or manage ot avoid it, go no another high pop. (usually i stay on the same low pop server, i know its pretty safe playing.)

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As a scripter allow me to clue you in on some basic facts, I don't have to teleport behind you, with a map esp I can teleport directly on top of you or 200 - 2000 meters from you, along with map esp I also had a basic wallhack with playername and distance from me in meters, if I was feeling like kiling you for shits and gigs I would do it one of two ways, both unavoidable. Method one, teleport about 200 - 300m from you and shoot at you with a Gau-8 I had spawned in killing you instantly and usually launching your corpse about 500m away, method two is similar but faster, teleport directly on top of you with playershield on, you would die instantly and never know why. Along with these methods I also had a fondness for running players over in client side vehicles, you cannot see them or hear them. The only defense against a scripter is ALT-F4 and that is only if they decide they want to shoot you with regular weapons, if you want to avoid being instakilled by a scripter, don't play the game ever. As a side note, keep an eye out for lots of death messages in a short time, this usually means someone is teleporting around and killing players, GTFO the server as soon as you see that happening.

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Also, not all scripters are so obvious, a friend of mine had a private radar that was way more robust than my script based ESP, he could see literally everything in a server, items, players, zombies, vehicles, helicopter crashes, tents. All the items had boxes around them, distance from, and a name, AFAIK his is still undetected by battleye, he had fun shooting players through trees and brush from about 500m away.

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Good points, but I still reckon you would have to be mad as a clown's cock to play on public servers these dayz.

My mate and I got jacked by a hacker on a private hive the other week (only time this has happened in three months of play), the admins promptly banned him and then drove halfway across the map and gave us a car to replace the one that got blown up. Good luck getting that kind of service on the dens of iniquity known as official hive servers.

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Word of advice, well known exploit is kinda enabled again.

Playing on a public hive is probably a death sentence until(BE can handle it properly again) next banwave from BE.

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Private hive servers are not any better. Admins kicking you or restarting the server immediately after they get killed, or kicking people and then locking the server when they don't get their way. It's really a terrible thing. I'm looking at you EV401

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Good points, but I still reckon you would have to be mad as a clown's cock to play on public servers these dayz

True but if you look along the severe ammount of treads/topics beeing posted every day complaining about hackers while playing on official hives. Also if you look my first suggestion is to play on a priv hive, that will remove most of the problems. I am just determined to stay on the official hives for now and i have had luck avoiding hackers for 1 month now using those tips mentioned above.

As a scripter allow me to clue you in on some basic facts, I don't have to teleport behind you, with a map esp I can teleport directly on top of you or 200 - 2000 meters from you, along with map esp I also had a basic wallhack with playername and distance from me in meters, if I was feeling like kiling you for shits and gigs I would do it one of two ways, both unavoidable. Method one, teleport about 200 - 300m from you and shoot at you with a Gau-8 I had spawned in killing you instantly and usually launching your corpse about 500m away, method two is similar but faster, teleport directly on top of you with playershield on, you would die instantly and never know why. Along with these methods I also had a fondness for running players over in client side vehicles, you cannot see them or hear them. The only defense against a scripter is ALT-F4 and that is only if they decide they want to shoot you with regular weapons, if you want to avoid being instakilled by a scripter, don't play the game ever. As a side note, keep an eye out for lots of death messages in a short time, this usually means someone is teleporting around and killing players, GTFO the server as soon as you see that happening.

You will be killed by scripters if they decide to just end you, there is pretty much no avoiding that. My list is more of a way to avoid running into the ammount you normally would, and to lessen the frustration when they kill you. Say if you have a camp of enough weapons to supply a small army and equipment to go with it, getting jacked by a scripter is not as frustrating as it would normally be.

Also i wonder why you are giving us information about how to spot a scripter, and what potential methods they use, if its what you do to play the game? :P

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I from Australia and when I play on Public hive I join US servers, not Australian or New Zealand ones because there are more hackers in the AUS/NZ ones.

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Being on low pop public is no safer than any other level of public, I've been on with only two other players had a scripter join and die quite a few times, and as for Russians DO NOT get me started with those POS, I mean you only have to look at the facts available around 60% of the players banned by Punkbuster are Russian so what does that tell you, OK DayZ doesn't use PB but you get my point that the biggest majority of the hacking scumbags come from Russia

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Private hive servers are not any better. Admins kicking you or restarting the server immediately after they get killed, or kicking people and then locking the server when they don't get their way. It's really a terrible thing. I'm looking at you EV401

Come play on our server then. We never lock it and take our deaths like men,

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