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"Safe-Zone", don't flame right away, just read!

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"A safe-zone should consist of some simple buildings and a small hospital, inside will be patrolling guards, also the safe-zone should be sourrounded by fences of some kind, also there will be 1 guard at each exit, I will tell you why I choose just 1 guard."

I wanted to stop reading there, but I pushed through the rest of it.

"Also PVP wont be possible inside Safe-Zone, then the patrolling guards will kill you if you attack someone, firing shots should be no problem, they should just attract sourrounding zombies which will be killed by guards.

Bandits (aka people with humanity under 0) wont be allowed to enter the safe-zone."

Terrible. NPC guards are a bad idea for a player driven sandbox game.

"It will be like an invisible wall. "

No, no no.

I apreciate allowing them to be overrun, but NPC safe zones are a bad idea.

Go out and make your own safezone. Look at groups like Chernarus Quarantine Force.

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that is all!

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thanks for your constructive critism Poisonman, *sigh*..

Also I would also rather see a "safe-zone" made entirly by players but this aint gonna be a common thing, mostly people stick to themselves or small groups..

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dont just hate please hear me out:

[The exact same thing as everywhere else]

is a shitty thread for itself

the idea is overly complicated and would take the coding time of 100 better ideas

You coupled it with "bandits should not be allowed" which makes you extra stupid

You didnt address the points brought up IN THE OTHER THREADS ON THIS TOPIC like bandits just camping outside the camp.

Rocket has made multiple posts that pretty much say this wont happen anytime soon I believe, so really youre just aggrevating easily aggrevated people like myself and then claim you wouldnt care

Bosseti made good points, your reaction didnt say anything to those points instead you acted as if it was the other way around and you made points he wasnt reacting to...

Your "its only rockets opinion that counts" should lead rocket to ignore your suggestion because it is not your opinion that counts.

You are getting defensive quickly. This makes insulting you more fulfilling.

You dont seem to get the point that ALMOST NOBODY likes your idea. Which is a strange attitude to have if you see the world as a place for save-havens where people should get along.

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Nope. There is no established order left hence wtf would you need a safe zone? You'll only be hindering pvp' date=' making an area where people can take advantage of somehow (people always find a way to exploit). Besides Zeds already hate Docks those are safe zones.

Just make some friends, join a clan, and establish your own safe zone in a city/town.


^ What he said.

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