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How to know if I avoided the Ghillie Ocean bug?

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So I heard when u use the Ghillie, when you play next time you're in a ocean. I put mine on and played for a bit. Then I logged off, and rejoined the server. I was NOT in the ocean, but in my same place. Does this mean I completely avoided the bug? Or can it happen later?

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In my experience if you aren't swimming after your first re-log you are in the clear.

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In my experience if you aren't swimming after your first re-log you are in the clear.

No you aren't. I got spawned in the ocean the first time, swa to shore, logged out, logged back in a day later, right back in the ocean. Never again will I wear camo or a Ghillie.

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In my experience, every time I put on the Camo suit (which sends me into the water for half a second), I re-spawn in the ocean after I eventually disconnect. The shore is always a barren wasteland.

When I swap outfits, back & forth with civilian clothes, I create a duplicate of myself that cannot die. I have seen these dupes of ghillie suit people.

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I logged back on after not playing for a while to test it. I'm not in the ocean... Same place I disconnected. I think i'm golden :D

EDIT: Something wierd did happen though. My stats thing says I have 0 zombies killed, even though I have killed around 150 on that char. I also now have the low humanity bandit face icon (evil smile thing), however before I changed to Ghillie I had a normal face, because I have not murdered anyone.

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Me and my brother are wearing ghillie suits for like 3-4 days already. And we're still fine :) My bro died cuz of an accident,but i'm still ok.Not in the ocean!

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Looks like, according to the bug reports, just need to make sure you're properly updated.

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So I heard when u use the Ghillie' date=' when you play next time you're in a ocean. I put mine on and played for a bit. Then I logged off, and rejoined the server. I was NOT in the ocean, but in my same place. Does this mean I completely avoided the bug? Or can it happen later?


You have avoided.

If i understand correctly, the bug happens because when your character switches clothing he's almost 'teleported' to another location by server to do this switch. So if you log out right away after the switch, the last saved location is middle of the ocean where he was teleported to.

However, if you play for a while after, you're fine because server already saved your new locations

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I've noticed that the number of zombies you have killed or number of players and headshots is tied to the suit you are wearing so if you change it resets.

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