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You cannot play/edit this mission WTF?

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Ok so i have fully installed arma 2 and the Operations, i have both downloaded and when i start everything up, it gets all the way to the server selection for DayZ. Once there and i choose one, it begins to load then kicks me back to the server screen an says "You cannot play/edit this mission dependent on your weapons.." and so on talkin about maps and things. I have moved my battlekey to both arma 2 an the operations one.

Do i need to install @hive? How and were do i get these extra "mod" updates?

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When i go into expansions or whatever, in the game, it says @dayZ is running or active or whatever... but like where do i go to download the @dayZ or @hive, so i can play on those servers?

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if its saying "you cannot play edit this mission" ... it either you havnt indstalled dayz/and or you havnt enabled the mod in yer start up parameters.

Download dayz commander, use the install update tab, to get dayz installed and up to date, and launch through that... if yer just quit out of the server forum(after launching by joining a game) you can just user the gamespy browser, so yah dont limit yer servers.

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Mine says the same thing but only for namalsk and taviana. i have already tried to delete them and reinstall them. any other ideas ?

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