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Aruvyel (DayZ)

[Reapers] French Team on DayZ Mod

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Hey guys,

I'm here today and for my first topic to announce the beginning of a long story for us, we officially move our team to DayZ Mod.

Reapers Team is not a real "Bandit" team, we love PvP and Survival. This game offers us both and we usually never wait for battle when we see someone. (we do not camp respawn)

I'm actually working on our website that is pretty advance and maybe you could find some more informations about us there:


I try my best to offer fresh news and interresting sections in our website. Including new movies (soon screenshots of Team Reapers), a Backpack section for our needs, maps, links etc..

You can contact us by mail at contact@teamreapers.org or directly on our website.

Recruiting is: ON

For french guys with TeamSpeak 3 and mature

Thanks and see you in-game soon,


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