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St. Jimmy

Different voice levels when talking or typing

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So I'm suggesting here that we should be able to choose from different voice levels when talking on our mics or type something just like choosing between direct, side, group etc channels. I think we need this kind of system so we can interact much further and not just KoS because I can't shout on someone bit further away. And if possible the more higher level you talk the louder it is near but not too loud.

I'm suggesting like 4 levels which are:

- Whisper. Can be heard to maybe 5-10m

- Talk. Can be heard to 30m

- Shout. Can be hear to 100m

- Scream. Can be hear to 150-200m

Of course these could be different values.

One important thing also is to see how far away is the chatter or VON talker. Maybe even add clock indicator if that's possible for chat so we can see what direction the shout and scream are coming but i don't see necessary for talk and whisper. Here are two examples:

(Whisper) Jim: Shh I heard something

(3 o'clock Shout) Jim: Hey you there!

Have anyone else ever think about something like this and what do you think?

Edited a bit

Edited by St. Jimmy
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And please say if this has been discussed in some other topic. I'd be happy to see some discussion.

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For typing I can see a reason to add this but for simple voice, it should just register how loud I speak and translate into how far that would be heard ingame. I have no clue how it currently works in Arma 2 but at least with the ACRE mod for example you have a certain distance your voice travels and the closer you are to the person speaking the louder it is and vice versa.

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yeah sure. but i feel that it'll be a hassle to switch different voice ranges and then accidentally shout when you meant to whisper.

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For typing I can see a reason to add this but for simple voice, it should just register how loud I speak and translate into how far that would be heard ingame. I have no clue how it currently works in Arma 2 but at least with the ACRE mod for example you have a certain distance your voice travels and the closer you are to the person speaking the louder it is and vice versa.

lol you should have the option to use that or not. If someone is married with children and they have to yell at someone in the distance in the middle of the night..oh boy lol

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For typing I can see a reason to add this but for simple voice, it should just register how loud I speak and translate into how far that would be heard ingame. I have no clue how it currently works in Arma 2 but at least with the ACRE mod for example you have a certain distance your voice travels and the closer you are to the person speaking the louder it is and vice versa.

lol you should have the option to use that or not. If someone is married with children and they have to yell at someone in the distance in the middle of the night..oh boy lol

Yeah this is why I want the different levels so I don't have to really scream, wake everybody up and break my mic or others phones :D But yeah Arma has already some kind of system for this but you don't really shout in your home to be heard further away and I'm not sure how long screaming can be heard in Arma.

Just making the output a little louder and make it heard further what louder is your speak mode.

And I agree that this is not a must in speak but at least it should be available in chat.

Of course some may use this as trolling but trolls may get a lot of bullet holes at them so I don't see this as a bad thing.

Thanks for these. I tried to use the search function yesterday but every time I tried to search it said server not available and showed Cloudflare logo.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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I can't even READ another fucking thread that begins with "SO.....". What is it with this forum ?








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- Whisper. Can be heard to maybe 5-10m

- Talk. Can be heard to 30m

- Shout. Can be hear to 100m

- Scream. Can be hear to 150-200m

Whisper: 2m.

Talk: 10m

Shout: 60m

Scream: 120m

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