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deadly weather

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I came up with this idea for a special winter thing. when winter starts in real life dayz also gets winter which will increase the chance of you dieing. Every day the world gets a little colder which increases the chance of you geting a cold. also there could be random blizzards. when a blizzard happens the world will get extremely cold and you will have to find shelter or make a fire. the blizzard will also make it harder to see also players could be a little slower in winter due to coldness. this winter theme i think should only be put in colder places like cherno. Also for desert like maps i think there should be sandstorms which will blind you a bit like when you got low health. and for island map there should be hurricans maybe which will also make it harder to see and it will rain ALOT. thats my idea hope you guys like it also i think there should be goggles for the sandstorms and blizzard, thank you for reading

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I think this is a great idea, to add to it you should be able to find a new type of clothing 'Winter Clothing' that consists of the standard Russian outfit with the thick fur coat and the big hat (I don't know its name). I think it should be the same rarity as a backpack such as an ALICE pack. Not too common, but not too rare.

I also think to shelter from the blizzards you should be able to enter houses and use a fireplace in the house to light a fire (from wood you gathered yourself of course). The downside to this of course would be that smoke will come out of the chimney so it will be fairly visible to passing players.

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Winter: Just hope they will do it justice. Love from Norway.

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I think this is a great idea, to add to it you should be able to find a new type of clothing 'Winter Clothing' that consists of the standard Russian outfit with the thick fur coat and the big hat (I don't know its name). I think it should be the same rarity as a backpack such as an ALICE pack. Not too common, but not too rare.

I also think to shelter from the blizzards you should be able to enter houses and use a fireplace in the house to light a fire (from wood you gathered yourself of course). The downside to this of course would be that smoke will come out of the chimney so it will be fairly visible to passing players.

You can find 'Warmer Clothing' in Namalsk. So luckily these idea's are getting put to use :)

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Hello there

One word...

Acid Rain.

Well two words...

Horrific Acid Rain...

Damn! three words...

Horrific acid rain that forces you to take cover in buildings. It would certainly force a sense of urgency on one. Perhaps a benefit could be that it would clear cities for a limited amount of time?

Regardless, any form of advanced atmospherics, in my book, would be lovely.

Snow angels anyone?



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