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Middle Mouse Button

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Sorry if this was mentioned somewhere else but can't seem to figure out if there is a way to change the middle mouse button to a different button for DayZ?

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I would assume you can in the controls options, but idk

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I would assume you can in the controls options, but idk

Thanks for a quick reply, that's what I thought to. Maybe I am missing something but just seem that I can't do it.

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Not sure what's wrong, you could check what your middle button is bound to in the controls.

-Go into options/contoles

-Double click on the first action: Move Forward = W

-When you're in the "configure action: Move forward" window press your middle mouse button.

-Press ok to exit configure action window.

-Now Move Forward should read = W, middle mouse btn.

-Red means the key/button is shared by two different actions.

-Now you can scroll down the action list and look out for any key binds in red.

I usually have my mouse scroll wheel button unbound, because I used it for Teamspeak.

You might also want to remove left mouse button from the action: Use selected action. Use slected action means, that if you got a "door" icon on your screen, you'll activate that door if you press fire. This can be very bad for your legs, if you have to shoot someone, while standing in a doorway.

Edited by Dallas
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Simple answer, thanks for the reply this solved my issue.

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