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Server error: Player without identity

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Hey guys,

my buddy and I run our own server. However after id disconnected and tried to rejoin it said "You were banned".

My ID is not in the banned file and the Server log says the following:

Server error: Player without identity Pyrofreak (id 2082295582)

Do you guys have any Idea what I can do to get back on my own server :D ?

Other servers work fine btw.



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If anyone has the same Problem:

  • Delte all the server logs
  • Reboot server

That should fix it.

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I have the same issue even after purging my logs as suggested



Server error: Player without identity Stomper (id 137727####)


Any suggestions

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check port forwarding.

Check your config.cfg for your server, should have

For example:


steamport = 2300;

steamqueryport = 2301;


Also, if you are running multiple Arma 2 servers on the same dedicated machine, then you will need unique ports for each.


So for your second server you should add something along the lines of:


steamport = 2320;

steamqueryport = 2321;


if it happens just for a couple of people it could be that there profile is corrupted


Hope this helps.

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Hey, this is due to a bug with battleye when you join the server too fast after a restart. Go in to bans.txt and remove your GUID then reload bans or restart the server. It should even say (No Reason) as the reason for the ban. 

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