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Who would like to see the map Chernobyl, Ukraine on DayZ?

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I was just looking around on Googlemaps for ideas for new maps for DayZ and i saw this, i have just put the links in for the area to see the idea


Now if you turn the solar plant thing on the northwestern corner http://goo.gl/maps/LGOZG in to a military base maybe with heli pads instead of a run way, Then the town http://goo.gl/maps/DkD5R being the way it is full of apartment buildings house's ect....

Then you make your way south to the nuclear plant http://goo.gl/maps/Xj3LE where there would be an abundance of industrial loot and military loot, there is a runway in the south by the cooling towers that could be a great place for a VERY large military base, http://goo.gl/maps/A5TLC

So in total to sum this idea up

the map will consist of 1 medium and 1 very large military base one airstrip and one heli pad are, Then you would have a large open town full of stores buildings and apartments and a large industrial area,

I have no idea how to make maps for DayZ and i have struggled to find any information on how to make the maps, If anyone could point me in the direction i would be greatly appreciate for that,

If anyone that can do this wants to take the idea away and make the map then be my guest, BI and rocket if you fancy taking this idea and putting it in to the standalone then its all yours for the taking.

Edited by JamesTrendall
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After watching Chernobyl Diaries last night, definitely. It would have some great underground architecture as well as high rise apartments. Completely appropriate setting IMO.

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This map would be perfect for Day Z

Also id like to see some better weather effects like lightning

Kinda like this

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This seems wrong to do but if anyone wants to up my reddit post be my guest :)


Im searching in armaholics to see if i can understand how to make this map, But it would be best left to the professionals to be done right

WOW that video looks AMAZING!

Edited by JamesTrendall
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This seems wrong to do but if anyone wants to up my reddit post be my guest :)


Im searching in armaholics to see if i can understand how to make this map, But it would be best left to the professionals to be done right

WOW that video looks AMAZING!

Yeah its a great game too

That would be a perfect setting for Day Z imo


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Yeah its a great game too

That would be a perfect setting for Day Z imo


After watching that video i am even more excited to see this map in DayZ, If i had to i would even partly fund this map myself if i needed to,

I really hope someone with modding skills or rocket can take this idea and turn it in to something real.

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After watching that video i am even more excited to see this map in DayZ, If i had to i would even partly fund this map myself if i needed to,

I really hope someone with modding skills or rocket can take this idea and turn it in to something real.

I tweeted rocket the video

Ill do the same for this thread

Hopefully he gets a chance to read it

Why this hasnt been discussed before is beyond me :D

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I tweeted rocket the video

Ill do the same for this thread

Hopefully he gets a chance to read it

Why this hasnt been discussed before is beyond me :D

Ideal thank you, I would tweet him also but i have no idea how to use twitter at all im unsure if i need to @ or # the name then msg

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If i wanted to play Stalker then i would, lets find some new ideas instead

I wish they had locale maps like uk and usa etc etc so we could play on other countries set-ups just by logging onto their servers, but the internet is not a forgiving animal and the ping would be a killer

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Being a huge fan of the STALKER series I would absolutely love to play on such a map.

It would be great to explore the 'Concrete Coffin' with a flashlight. Lots of dark indoor areas would be a must for such a map.

Also, first post.

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Well then i think there is enough people that want this map so yeah lets get making some :)

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Why this hasnt been discussed before is beyond me :D

I think it has. Actually, I think I've seen the idea pop up a few times now...

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Chernobyl is definitely an interesting area with a lot of folklore to it, STALKER has shown that. But it takes a LOT of time and effort to create a quality map in the Arma engine. There is no shortage of good map ideas, just people who can make them. I would rather see devs/modders work on something other than another provincial Soviet area.

Chernobyl/Pripyat was a model new Soviet town, and by design looks little different from any other small sized new Soviet city. Chernarus could be more easily expanded to look somewhat similar, by adding more and larger buildings, apartments, schools, a power plant, etc. Things Chernarus should have already, that would give it the Soviet/Chernobyl look. But I wouldn't want to see anyone spend their limited time and resources developing a brand new map that would just consist of a NPP surrounded by a bunch of commieblocks. I would much rather see a large city with tall enterable buildings, or a Western/American suburban area. And I'm saying this as someone who's a bit of a Russophile.

That said, while you probably won't get an official Chernobyl map, we will be getting a community map similar to Chernobyl soon anyways called "Namalsk". Keep an eye out for that one, I hear great things about it.

Edited by Kak
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Chernobyl is definitely an interesting area with a lot of folklore to it, STALKER has shown that. But it takes a LOT of time and effort to create a quality map in the Arma engine. There is no shortage of good map ideas, just people who can make them. I would rather see devs/modders work on something other than another provincial Soviet area.

Chernobyl/Pripyat was a model new Soviet town, and by design looks little different from any other small sized new Soviet city. Chernarus could be more easily expanded to look somewhat similar, by adding more and larger buildings, apartments, schools, a power plant, etc. Things Chernarus should have already, that would give it the Soviet/Chernobyl look. But I wouldn't want to see anyone spend their limited time and resources developing a brand new map that would just consist of a NPP surrounded by a bunch of commieblocks. I would much rather see a large city with tall enterable buildings, or a Western/American suburban area. And I'm saying this as someone who's a bit of a Russophile.

That said, while you probably won't get an official Chernobyl map, we will be getting a community map similar to Chernobyl soon anyways called "Namalsk". Keep an eye out for that one, I hear great things about it.

I have been looking in to that map and it does look like a really good map new skins and surroundings. i just hope they dont get the models wrong like in panthera where you have to go prone and wiggle out of the millitary base's,

Not much of a problem but can start to get annoying when Zed's are on your ass.

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Well im sure if BI can make a gameworld like chernarus then they could do chernobyl pretty dam easily :)

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