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Bravehearts looking for mature players

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hi guys

Bravehearts are looking to recruit a few more older players to our growing clan.
We have ten active members and are looking to grow to about 16, we are all in our 20/30/40s and have a great time playing as a team or squads in dayz.

So what we are looking for are mature players over 21 who want to play as a team.
You must have a mic for communicating on teamspeak 3 when playing and able to speak english.


We have been playing Dayz for a year now and have our own 18 man server which is running Dayz Overwatch at the moment with Sarge AI running and mission mod.

Our website can be found here:http://thebravehearts.enjin.com/home where we have just moved to.

And our Steam Group is -- Dayz Bravehearts


We also have a teamspeak 3 server with 20 slots.


If you are interested in playing with us then just add me on steam "tajertam" or post on our webpage.


thx for reading




Edited by tajertam

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added you tajertam, i dont use steam much but my name in steam is turanafon aka { aggonyjudge}

im UK based { notts } and a mature gamer at 30+

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please add me, i'm also looking for a group of people to play with.

steam id: thach562

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I am interested in joining up, this game is just not quite as fun by yourself.

I am 23, currently active duty air force, i play from 330-10pm central.

My skype name is codyjamesp, let me know if I could play with yall

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hi i would like to join the team I'm 38 and from Denmark steam name Tommy.dk

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