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Hacker has spawned buildings all over the server - map needs to be reset

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    Hey all,


    A hacker has spawned buildings all over my server, as in every 100-200 metres...cities, forrest areas, lakes...everywhere.


    How do I go about getting the map reset? I mean I can throw $5 at it and get a new instance ID that's no trouble but I thought what the hell, might as well ask the question.


    Rolling back to a previous version of the Hive and then back again? Rolling back DayZ versions and back again? Something like that?


    Thanks guys n gals

Edited by DeathJester76

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You have to tell us:

1/ private or public hive

2/ managed or standalone server

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I don't think rolling back will help you as data is stored on the main hive or private hive DB regardless of what version you have.

If your hive is private, you will need to clear your DB ( ask your hoster to do this for you, unlles you have DB access.

If your Hive is public, you will have to submit a ticket to DAYz Dev's in order to reset your server. although, i don't know if they have the time for that either.

I know 'm not helping much , but good luck!

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It should just take a server restart.

Turn it off.

Turn it back on.

Buildings (as well as any other hacked items, except what someone has picked up and is in their personal, vehicle, or tent inventory) should be gone.

If the buildings do not go away with a server restart then something is really wrong with your server and you need to get with your server provider about the issue.

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Thanks for all the replies!

Unfortunately shutting down the server, leaving it off for an hour or so and starting it back up hasn't fixed the problem. Maybe the hack gives the buildings the same value as a tent or car and so they are now considered permanant items...who know's.

Anyways, as it's a public hive server I dare say a ticket to the DayZ dev's would go unanswered and hell...I wouldn't want them to answer it! The more time they can dedicate to standalone the better. Chances were my clan were going to either convert the DayZ mod server to DayZ standalone or if that wasn't an option drop the DayZ mod server and get a DayZ standalone one...I guess this just brings the schedule up a bit and we'll just drop this one and wait and grab a DayZ standalone server once it's out in the next month or so...I don't think we can be bothered to get another instance ID with DayZ standalone just around the corner.

Ah well, was an interresting expereince while it lasted, the server admin business...so many people hacking it's crazy. No matter, according to DayZ commander theres 5013 other servers we can play on, so I think we'll be ok ;)

Will post a message in the server MOTD and on the forums letting people know we're letting the hosting lapse and the server will go offline on X day, give people a chance to move their stuff to another server.

Thanks again guys!

Edited by DeathJester76

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same story here. restart does nothing.

Edited by marrr

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You guys who've had this issue should be sorted now!


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We have the same problem on our server.

We have put a support ticket in but have had no reply for 2 weeks now.

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Another hacker spawned like 100+ hotels all over stary and novy.

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From Ander:

At the moment there is no active technical or support team for the mod anymore.

Rocket has turned this over to be run by the community instead while our time is directed elsewhere.

Locking this thread. My "personal" recomendation is to move toward local / private hives instead when global hive eventually shuts down. (when ever that may be I do not know, just that hive is EOL out of my personal perspective)

Say goodbye to your server.

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