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The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

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Just make life hard enoug so they have to spend 90% of their time looking for supplies to survive to the next day. IRL if you had these problems you wouldn't go out looking for a firefight...hell you wouldn't even look for one if you had tons of supplies, weapons and ammo in order not to risk it...

I don't care if we lose players in the standalone whose only purpose in a game that gives them a lot of freedom besides killing is killing for the lulz and killing for the grief... I'd like to go to a make shift town and not get shot at the moment the inhabitants see me, i'd like players to thank me when i kill zombies when they can't defend themselves and not recieve an axe to the back when i turn around, i'd like other players just pass eachother or talk to eachother when crossing paths...i'd like those who don't understand that the game is more than killing do go away and play another game. I hope the standalone isn't just warm words.

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Just wanted to add thats its equally important to keep pvp a viable tactics for the true lone-wolfers.

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There will always be a significant portion of the playerbase who's entire point to play is to kill other people. I've seen this in other games; especially UO. The have zero interest in ANY non-pvp mechanic or tool given to them. You can not convince them to use these tools and play the game in any other way. If you force them through rules and game mechanics they will just stop playing. A lot of these players are desirable!

I was with you right up until the last sentence, although I guess it's a matter of degrees. I would have zero interest in DayZ standalone if there was no danger from and conflict with other players. However, I also would have no interest in it as a straight up deathmatch (with zombie window dressing) like the mod has become.

I agree that inter-player conflict needs to be part of the game. I guess I just disagree that players who refuse to do anything but deathmatch need to be pandered to. There are plenty of other games that do deathmatch just fine, some of them even have zombies, and I think the promise of something different is what many people found interesting about the game to begin with.

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Every server I go onto these days has that really elite group with all the helicopters and cars. The minute anyone else gets a car or helicopter they elite squad are there within minutes (every server I've been on) to destroy you. This game isn't about zombie survival , it's about ego and lol-kills for stupid youtube fame. Don't get me wrong, I think a bit of pvp should be kept in, but I think over-kill should be punished not rewarded. If these people want to just go around shooting other players, then sod off and play COD or actually play ARMA on its own without the mod.

I've joined private servers, white list servers and all those special servers in the hope that I'd find a more cooperative survival against the zombies style game play, but it's always the same old BS , you spawn, run to find a weapon then head to the hills to avoid being sniped by a very bored easily amused player..

Pranking is one thing, getting into clan wars and the likes is okay too, but everything else is just ruining the game for me.

I await the "stop crying", "don't play it then" posts.. :P

Hugs and peace

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As far as I can see all these complaints about pvp are people plainly whining about the fact that others just don't play as you want them to. Are you sure this is the game for you?

Which part of ZOMBIE SURVIVAL did I not understand then? Not Quake meets COD meets "oh lets throw a few zombies in for decoration"...

I'm sure you're going to come back with another flawed argument, which I'll neglect to answer this time round...

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I don't know about you, but with recent updates, survival has definitely been harder, zombies are more powerful and they spot you much more easily.

DayZ is what you make it, and that is why this game is so unique.

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Which part of ZOMBIE SURVIVAL did I not understand then? Not Quake meets COD meets "oh lets throw a few zombies in for decoration"...

I'm sure you're going to come back with another flawed argument, which I'll neglect to answer this time round...

Actually, it's not his argument that's flawed...it's yours. His is spot on.

If you want that game play experience then create it. Host a server with your rule set and your own hand on the ban hammer. With all the people complaing about pvp in this thread alone your server should have a waiting list to join. It's a 'sandbox' mod for a reason. Stand up and proclaim loudly, "Screw you guyz, I'm going home!" Then do it. You will at the same time be depriving them of their desired game play, in essence, imposing your will upon them! You get your way and you're happier for it. Win-win if you ask me...and I know you didn't.

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I'm a friendly player and normally don't shoot other players.

But I have to admit PvP is what makes this game so intense. Bandits make the game a lot more interesting.

I would change nothing, except reducing the weapon spawn chance.

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I can't wait for the new mechanics to be introduced. Team play is always good, and DayZ will always be the best Zombie FPS MMO

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