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Starting with friends.

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I love Dayz, but I would play it a lot more if when me and my friends were all dead and we could all spawn together. I really hate running for an hour just to try and find my friends. If you think this should be added please reply a get this thread noticed!

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A common request but its not going to happen. If your playing in a group your chances of finding a vehicle are greatly enhanced, when you have one it opens up an opportunity for some golden moments. Making things easier will never be the dayz way, having fun progressing in a fantastic sandbox whilst learning to navigate is the only way to roll.

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Rick spent weeks trying to find Sophia and didn't complain at all. (Is Walking Dead on television in Australia?)

I think they may have run it late at night but the is the information age with internets and stuff who watches TV anymore :)

Season one was great but season two just turned into "Dayz of our Zombie unlives" I don't think I will bother with season three after skipping through most of the first episode. Its a real shame too, the show has so much potential but lack of character development and locational diversity has left it wanting......I hope they all die.

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A common request but its not going to happen. If your playing in a group your chances of finding a vehicle are greatly enhanced


When you all have separate spawn your changes are finding better gear and more vehicles for your GROUP, as you cover more ground, exsample several citys and possible vehicle locations.

If you spawn as a ready group, you have to split/share everything and you cover much less ground, exsample one city all together.

when you have one it opens up an opportunity for some golden moments. Making things easier will never be the dayz way, having fun progressing in a fantastic sandbox whilst learning to navigate is the only way to roll.

-It doesnt make game easyer, quite the infact opposite. You are not as stealth as you would be alone, more mouths to feed, more people to watch for, less gear /person and so on...

Not true, rocket have stated that he has tought something like this, but notice the "tought" word. Not confirmed

This has been debated in another thread with lenght. But lets do it again shall we. I added the green parts.

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An interesting topic.

There are good points to both sides of the argument, but I tend to think that spawning with a group is still more advantageous.

However, consider this: What if you were allowed to spawn in a group with only one other person?

That way, groups would only be two-people large, but it would still let you and another person play together without having to hike halfway across the world.

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