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About lukeman3000

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. lukeman3000

    Tired of playing alone

    How old are you?
  2. lukeman3000

    Tired of playing alone

    How old are you?
  3. You are a WarZ developer? Interesting
  4. lukeman3000

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    No, it's not exactly a deathmatch experience. It certainly CAN be, or, you can lay low and keep your presence unknown. You may choose to speak up over direct chat and see if you can form an alliance. Risky. Or, you can find the threat and eliminate it. There are many different ways to proceed, and there is no scoreboard. However, many players inherently feel threatened by other players because you have no idea who you can trust. You can trust no one. So everyone mistrusts everyone else and it usually devolves into shoot first and ask questions later. Not always, but usually. Tell me how this would be much different from a real-life scenario in which resources were scarce and people were doing anything they could to survive? DayZ is very much a "survival sandbox".
  5. lukeman3000

    How could DayZ fail?

    We all like to talk about what DayZ could do to go to the next level and improve upon the great foundation that has already been laid. But, to play devil's advocate, what are some definite missteps that DayZ could take which would make many fans cry out in protest? Rocket once said "it's not like it can get any worse".. Or can it? I think it's good to focus on improvements, but equally important to be aware of what could go wrong. I'll start. I think that it would be a great folly for Rocket and Co. to not take optimization seriously. I know he has said that new zombie models will help, but how much? Many players have to play on low settings and still suffer 20-30 FPS or even lower. Personally, I have an i5-3570K and a GTX 690 and I still drop to 40FPS in towns and cities.
  6. lukeman3000

    Suggestion to Rocket

    Well, we all now know that War Z is a steaming pile of crap. So, false alarm, everyone back to DayZ : )
  7. lukeman3000

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    No, I would personally not implement any penalties whatsoever. DayZ is all about playing the game how YOU want to play it, and if you want to play the role of predator and hunt down noobs, more power to you. However, I think that it would be fair to do something like give fresh spawns invulnerability for a limited amount of time. Plus, the spawn system should be intelligent enough to spawn away from other players. Here's an INSANE, alternative solution -- new spawns get dropped out of a plane with a parachute and can land wherever they like. I'm sure this has been suggested, but that would be the shiz.
  8. lukeman3000

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    The player HAS to be the biggest risk. That is the whole point! DayZ is not about zombies. It's not about the apocalypse. It's about player interactions. That's what truly makes this game worth playing. In my mind, the scenario, environmet, weapons, etc are all very important, but are secondary to this fact. What makes DayZ so great are those tense moments when you hear a gunshot and wonder where the hell it came from. How many other people are here? Zombies are a given, predictable, and relatively easy to kill (as they should be). Players are not. What the OP has the problem with are likely "griefers" -- people who kill other players just for fun. Well guess what, that's part of the game. I don't like spawning and getting killed 10 minutes later, but that's the breaks. Now, I DO think that players should be protected immediately after spawning, at least for a period of time. I would give newly-spawned players 30 seconds to a minute of invulnerability -- enough time to at least have a chance at escaping spawn killers.
  9. lukeman3000

    Starting with friends.

    An interesting topic. There are good points to both sides of the argument, but I tend to think that spawning with a group is still more advantageous. However, consider this: What if you were allowed to spawn in a group with only one other person? That way, groups would only be two-people large, but it would still let you and another person play together without having to hike halfway across the world.
  10. Hey Rocket, I love the new screens, and I hope to see more and more as standalone approaches. However, in addition to an art-themed update, is there any way you could talk about how the optimization is coming along? I have an i5-3570K at 4.2Ghz and a GTX 690, and I still drop to 40FPS in big cities like Cherno. Can I expect a solid 60FPS everywhere in the standalone?
  11. lukeman3000

    100% NEW! Couple Questions.

    nononononono Please use DayZ Commander, it is so much better.
  12. lukeman3000

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Just because someone isn't aware that it's a combination of both engines doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it.
  13. lukeman3000

    Offline version of Day Z Map?

    This is really nice. Where's the larger version of this? I've tried looking but can't find this specific one.
  14. I'm a relatively new player and just looking for someone to have some fun with. I have Teamspeak and am in timezone UTC-6 (if that is relevant). Let me know if you want to play! Join my teamspeak server here: server: dayz.adrenaline-gaming.net Scroll down to the bottom where it says "Create Perm Sub-Channel Here" channel name: Luke password: boof