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40 min into my first ever game of dayz

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Been crawling on my belly since I started. No idea how to use anything, no idea the detection radius for zeds, passed up a military base because I was pretty sure I'd be done in my first 5 min if I tried looting it, almost got caught by a monkey but managed to close a door on him, finally found my first weapon (m16a2), no idea what in the hell I'm doing. This is awesome. I'm gonn shit when I run across my first player and have to decide what's the best thing to do.

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haha exactly as it should be, you wash up on the coast with a few supplies, a backpack...and no fricken clue what the hell is going on!

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And your suggestion for Dayz is?

whoa whoa whoa...steady on there tiger, no need to get defensive...he's saying he's having the time of his life, read the second last sentence again.

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Nice first weapon find! I was in the same boat as you. With each life you gain more and more knowledge of how to survive. Most fun i've had in a game for a while. Oh yeah, my first weapon was the lee enfield. Had no idea of the amount of zombies it would attract until i fired it. I died after

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Get one of your mates to play the game with you and get on teamspeak together.

If you are in Australia give me a shout man i'll help you out

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Good stuff m8 there's much fun to be had in dayz especially in the learning stages, you should hook yourself up with a good 3rd party map http://dayzdb.com/map and enjoy the ride. Keep it positive and the community will support you to the hilt. If you have any questions there's plenty of people here more than willing to help and the forum search engine is a goldmine of information.

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I've been trying to talk some of my friends into getting gaming pcs but we're all console guys. I just happened upon this game in an article and knew there wasn't anything like this on consoles. They're definitely missing out. I researched it here on the forums to check out the game and the community around it and for the most part you guys all seem cool and positive with each other. Made my choice to get the pc much easier. Hope to run into some of you guys in game sometime.

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I've been trying to talk some of my friends into getting gaming pcs but we're all console guys. I just happened upon this game in an article and knew there wasn't anything like this on consoles. They're definitely missing out. I researched it here on the forums to check out the game and the community around it and for the most part you guys all seem cool and positive with each other. Made my choice to get the pc much easier. Hope to run into some of you guys in game sometime.

Im split 50/50 between friends who console and friends that pc.......the guys who console forever speak of wishing to pc game, never goes the other way :)

Edited by SP45M
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I bought my gaming pc after years of console gaming. Just show your mates DayZ and get them keen

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whoa whoa whoa...steady on there tiger, no need to get defensive...he's saying he's having the time of his life, read the second last sentence again.

I am not being defensive at all.

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I believe this is in the wrong section of the forums, I don't really see any suggestions here. If your gonna post this kinda stuff, post it in the other section.

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If you are from America, run toward the direction that is perpendicular to the ocean. Don't go left or right unless you want to get shot.

If you are from Australian or New Zealand, congratulations. follow the railroad until you reach a big city then ask anyone for help.

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^^What the hell kind of advice is that, lol?^^

The anti-antipodean kind, apparently.

OP- let us know how you fare.

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Welcome to dayz, AMF3! What a fantastic first weapon! Mine was a makarov, totally useless. I still remember the first time I ever played. My god I was sick with anticipation, fear and excitement. I remember shaking as I signed out in Elektro that first night. Great stuff. Have lots of fun and ask if you have any questions. Remember, you're going to die - a lot - so enjoy yourself! :thumbsup: :beans:

PS. Elysion, what? Heheheh!

Edited by Sula

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If you are from America, run toward the direction that is perpendicular to the ocean. Don't go left or right unless you want to get shot.

If you are from Australian or New Zealand, congratulations. follow the railroad until you reach a big city then ask anyone for help.

I.. I... Just don't even know any more.

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I'm gonn shit when I run across my first player and have to decide what's the best thing to do.

Be nice. We already have plenty of bandits and kill-on-sight dudes. Some more friendlies would be nice.

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I creeped out to the woods avoiding a bunch of zombies by an airfield and logged out haha. I'm still trying to figure out the icons on the HUD to figure out what I've gotta scavenge for. I'm not planning on going hunting for players or anything. I'd definitely rather do the friendly thing. I think I'm gonna hang back if I see someone though. The whole never knowing who's going to take a shot at you is part of the excitement I saw on the vids of the game. I'm just going to be low key for a while. Besides the mouse thing is killing me so I doubt I could hit someone if I shot at them haha.

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Been crawling on my belly since I started. No idea how to use anything, no idea the detection radius for zeds, passed up a military base because I was pretty sure I'd be done in my first 5 min if I tried looting it, almost got caught by a monkey but managed to close a door on him, finally found my first weapon (m16a2), no idea what in the hell I'm doing. This is awesome. I'm gonn shit when I run across my first player and have to decide what's the best thing to do.

Shoot them in the face. Especially if they play under the name 'ElysionField'

I am not being defensive at all.

Not defensive, just a troll. Nobody likes a troll.

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you wash up on the coast with a few supplies, a backpack...and no fricken clue what the hell is going on!

Standard zombie apocalypse opening scene

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I started 5 days ago, or so. Same experience here. I do tend to die often though. I get into too much of a hurry playing after work.

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I started 5 days ago, or so. Same experience here. I do tend to die often though. I get into too much of a hurry playing after work.

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