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Dayz constant low fps on good rig in any server.

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First off here are my specs.

4.0 GHz 6-core processor (Phenom X6)

HD 6970

8 GB Memory

750 Watt PSU

Gigabyte ga-970a-ud3

I'm very befuddled by my rig's inability to run dayz above 25 fps at any time. I have spectacular moments where new servers will run well for a short amount of time but it's always back at the 20-25 range which for me personally is very difficult to play at. Is this just the shit that people deal with this game or are there some setting that must be changed before hand. Before you ask all drivers, bios, and everything else is up to date. There is currently no game that I own that my rig does not run with flying colors so it can't be a hardware issue. So I ask of you, what the hell is going on?!! Help would be much appreciated!!

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1.what res and settings are you running at..

2.check your power option in control panel.

3. check bios power saving etc.

4. are all drivers up to date.

5. virus scan /background prog check.


let me know how u get on with this. and i will see what else i can come up with. im guessing you have tried the config tweaks.. GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1;

GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; (config file in documents folder) ....

are you using win7 32bit 64bit?

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1. High usually, but I'm not exaggerating when I say there is almost no difference in FPS between low and very high. Also I play at a pretty moderate res of 1440 x 900

2. Done

3. Already Done

4. Yes.

5. Nothing like that in the background.

6. Done every week.

64 bit.

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Hello there

DAYZ runs on a beast of an engine designed to make any PC weep.

There are many many many tweaks that can be made either in the command line or in the cfg files.

Try Here http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Startup_Parameters for starters.

and take a peek in the http://forums.bistudio.com as we've been tweaking this thing for years. There's a wealth of info there.



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What mainly causes lag is that the CPU isn't calculating enough to keep up with the framerate. This is why I don't really like AMD processors. Be sure to download some tweaks from some of the users already commenting. I'm sure that the Take on Helicopters Engine should be more optimized.

By the way, do you have vsync? Sometimes that can really affect the framerates. Also, be sure to lower down your distance, as raising it to 10k doesn't do much beyond bragging rights. I think 2-4k does you wonders.

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Hello there

Arma is very CPU dependent (as well as all the other bits in your box), but unless server regulated, a far view distance can be an FPS killer.

There are so many many many variables for improving performance vs Rig which is why I really suggest looking at the BIS forums, it's been covered to death there and still is.



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@Gasundheit V Sync is always off and view distance is never above 2500. :/

@Orlok I'll take a look at the forums. I've already got some parameters enabled and they don't seems to help that much but i'll mess around with others and see if there is any improvement.

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