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Is it worth keeping the PDW for my friend?

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I raided a fire station and now I have an AK47-Kobra, M1911, M1024, and a PDW. The M1024 I'm definitely keeping for my friend, but I'm not so sure if the PDW is a good sidearm. Right now it's taking up precious room in my inventory.

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If you've got room for it, keep it. It takes almost any 9mm ammo (glock, PDW, M9*, MP5*), which is cool. It doesn't do a whole lot of damage, but it isn't too loud and if you just go for headshots it can be useful. Also, the only automatic sidearm, which may be a plus for you. I'm not a fan of the iron-sights, though.

I think you mean the M1014, btw.

* as well as the SD variants

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The only thing I disliked about the weapon was I ended up with a sidearm inventory full of bandages because I was using ammo for an mp5 and that has to go in the main section. It didn't leave much space for items.

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I don't think its worth keeping..Takes 3-4 rounds to kill a zombie, each mag holds around 30 ? Eaither way getting him m1911 would be better...If you're lookng to kill players..well pdw doesnt have a long range and its gonna take 20 bullets to kill a person (mostly because you might miss a lot with it..)

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How come everyone says you can use any 9mm mag for it? I read the same thing for G17, and when i tried it, it wouldn't work

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  'Tegla said:

How come everyone says you can use any 9mm mag for it? I read the same thing for G17' date=' and when i tried it, it wouldn't work


G17 can use G17 and M9, M9 SD ammo only. PDW can use G17, M9, M9 SD, PDW and MP5 ammo.

Personally i prefer the Glock, it's easier to aim and it has a flashlight. Ammo is plentiful for both.

I always go for headshots so the PDW being weaker for body shots is not an issue for me.

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PDW has a really horrible iron sight. It takes 3-4 body shots to down a zed. Personally I'd stick with the Mak until I find at least a revolver.

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I've been using the PDW over the last couple of days and I can't say I like it that much, the iron sight is not that good and very low damage compared to other guns. Its very fast though and can use lots of different ammo.

But overall I prefer the Glock over PDW, the Glock got a decent amount of bullets in its mag (17) with an okey fire rate and damage. Also alot more quiet then the PDW, and you get a flashlight in case you'd ever need one.

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I don't really like the PDW tbh. Don't like the iron sights and since it is so weak you ahve to aim for the head.

Personally, if I am going with a weak hitting sidearm, I always go for the G17 (well, M9SD if I can find one). Otherwise it's the M1911 / Revolver.

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I want to like it. On paper, it seems I should like it. Every time I get it, I end up throwing it away after being disappointed.

Less ammo that actually does the job works better for me than more ammo that fails.

Maybe spraying shots behind you when fleeing from murderers is a good psychological deterrent, like hand grenades? It kills everyone in movies....

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Even though i prefer the glock, PDW is probably my second choice actually because of the many ammo types. The sidearm is my primary weapon and i like the large 9mm clips and not having to depend on a single ammo type, it also means i already have ammo for whenever i find a Glock. :)

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Quiet? I don't believe so. I could hear it from several blocks away, and my encounter with the guy holding it was less than friendly. In fact, he shot first. Thankfully he sucked and I murdered him.

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I'd just toss it. An M1911 is by far the most practical sidearm, with a Glock being the coolest and second most practical, in my estimation. I give the Makarov a third place, as it's easy to line up headshots with, and it's ammo is so common. I would pass on all the other sidearms; they either don't have enough ammo available, or don't do enough damage, or both. With the PDW, it's the low damage combined with terrible sights that discourage me from using it.

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Hm I wanna like the pdw too.. But after spending some quality time with it, yeah I like my glock better. And I even feel like the most responsible handgun is the revolver or 1911. Hard to deny those 1 shot kills. But.. Putting the pdw on full auto with the 30 round clips is pretty damn fun. I feel like the fire rate could be a little faster though. A real Mac 10 spits through a 30 round clip in a stupidly fast period of time. Then again you absolutely can't hit a damn thing with it unless you're aiming at a wall that's right in front of you :). Now if it was silenced then yeah it would be my first choice for sure

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