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Pvt. James Duke

Computers For Best Game Proformance

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So hey I'm thinking of getting the stand alone but I need to know what the best computer for playing Day-Z is, Thanks.

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A self-built one.

But if you don't wanna do that, you've got lots of money to spend, you're lazy, and you don't care about criticism, then get an Alienware.

That's what I did, I didn't know how to build one myself, so I bought one. Apparently it was a bad choice, but I don't give a shit, it still runs everything I need it to.

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Building a computer doesn't come cheap. But my Dad built a custom built gaming computer, 16GB of ram, etc. Including a 27inch monitor it all cost around $1,500-1,700. So it's not quite cheap, but it's most definitely worth it. If you live in Canada, I strongly recommend you buy/build from Memory Express, they have great prices, service, quality, and warranty. But I don't believe they are available in the US. Good luck. ;)

Memory Express Website: http://www.memoryexpress.com/

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Building a computer doesn't come cheap.

Building a computer is the cheapest solution next to buying one used.

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