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What is a Carebear?

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If so' date=' and given Rockets explanation as to what this game is about... why do the "Cod Kiddies" (for lack of a better description.. I mean really, apparently you are one or the other) get so pissy when "carebears" attempt to call them out? What is the attraction to a playing a game in a way that is entirely inconsistent with "survival"?


You are trying to rationalise with sub 12 year olds.

This wont work because they haven't had sex yet.

Their minds are full of strange new things which they want but cant have.

Their hormones are totally in over drive and they need to vent some aggression.

They do this by running around shooting anything they see

If this gets too difficult with hmm say a bandit skin ?

They moan and bitch until its removed and then call anyone who disagrees with them a name.

This name calling actually shows the mentality.

And the name they chose was carebare.

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Carebear refers to people who want bandits punished or survivors rewarded in some ways. Indeed, there needs to be incentive for survivors but not in the way that most would go about the matter. Rather, it needs to be in the form of constructive end-game content that requires distinct cooperation between players so much so that mutual trust is absolutely necessary to avoid utter failure, rather than artificial implications against certain behavior.

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carebear = 1337 pker from ultima online... it's become very deluded over the course of history, this term is also popular among EVE players

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Somebody who becomes overly and emotionally attached to their character, therefore adapting gameplay tactics by whatever means available to survive and avoid THE END.

That includes DC'ers" as far as I'm concerned.

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I think someone is raging cause they were called a carebear. Carebears are gay and harmless, no one wants to be refered to a pussy. Im just sayin.........noobs. This term has been around for ages, like in UO kind of old. when people would perma death your character and cut your head off and store it in their castle and carebears would cry and be sad.

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Origionally the term Carebear referred to a person who wanted to eliminate certain game mechanics in order to eliminated or reduced all risk and challenge from a game. Over time it was extended to any player who did not want to participate in PvP combat in games where this was optional (namely MMOs) since PvP by definition is a major cause of both risk and challenge.

These days people throw the term carebear around to mean ANYTHING derotagory. Want to craft? You're a carebear! Don't want to PvP? You're a carebear! Don't like to play the game like I play the game? You're a carebear!

This has caused the term carebear to become meaningless.

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Want to craft? You're a carebear! Don't want to PvP? You're a carebear!

I can say these two examples are true from past first person experiences.

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PVP and no-consensual PVP. Guess you can argue that by playing DayZ mod. You have consented to PVP, as it's part of the mods game mechanics.

Though judging by the posts on these boards. If your someone who just kills for the LOLs sees anyone who suggests it should have penalties attached to it. Then the person making the suggestion is a carebear.

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You are trying to rationalise with sub 12 year olds.

This wont work because they haven't had sex yet.

Their minds are full of strange new things which they want but cant have.

Their hormones are totally in over drive and they need to vent some aggression.

the fact that this kind of bitter (and extremely incorrect) logic is still so prevalent in 2012 is amazing

i think it's time for you to grow up and accept that the guy who shot you probably has a college degree and a real job (and still shot you)

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That's a carebear alright. Does anybody remember these guys anymore ?

Dat theme song.

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I first heard this and similar terms in MMOs to refer to those who eschewed PvP content and went for PvE... Especially if there was any kinf od role play element, or they were mostly playing to socialize instead of progress.

Here, it means "someone not as hardcore as me"... But it's used interchangeably to refer to people on any side of the argument... But especially the anti-PvP crowd.

I've seen people make the point for this about snipers that have spotter friends and also essentially avoid real risk... So yeah....

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