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Bonn (DayZ)


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SO I just Arma 2 online off of steam and i was wondering how do I get dayz running and playing please someone help me asap?

Edited by Bonn

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Some of the guys here will correct me if Im wrong but if you have ARMA2 AO installed, download Dayz commander from the website and follow the updates you should be away.

And welcome to Dayz

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Hi so i just bought Combined armas and everything and I try to go and Open up Arma 2 OA and it says this " No Entry 'bin/config.bin/CfginGameUI/MPTable.shadow." and after I lick okay after it says " No Entry 'bin/config.bin/CfginGameUI/MPTable.shadow.". IT says this than. " Error Compiling Pixel Shader PSSpecularAlpha:0" Can someone seriously help me as soon as possible I really would like to play this game.

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I know i had the same problem, but i dont realy remember my suloution. i think i went in to win and restarted win.exe, and try to do it all over aigen like the steps.

I know not a good answare but if you know what i mean, may be it cant help you :P

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wait its working once I get both Armas working how do I get the Dayz Mod running can you help me with that plz?

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Now once I try and Join a server it says BattlEye initialization failed?? help me please man!!!

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Bonn, did you update everything? If you're using Dayz commander update Arma 2, Dayz commander and Dayz.

If you're using Dayz commander these options are under Install/update.

I wasn't able to play Dayz for two weeks until i found out i had to run my Steam bought Arma 2 and arma 2 CO as Administrator.

Also, if you are using Dayz commander, let the entire list of servers load up first or you might end up spawning somewhere odd, like in the Debug plains and such.

The same thing can happen if you join a server that has a different update version than you do.

If you somehow manage to get into a server, once you get to the screen that shows the amount of players that are on that server and which player number you are, dont "connect" instantly, look at your bottom left corner first at the blue text and see if it says something about BattlEye updating or some such.

Wait for that vital update to say "finished" before you connect to the server.

If you're not using Dayz commander, i have no clue what else you can do. Anyone else who knows a bit more about BattlEye initialization failures?

Sorry if my post wasn't any help.

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If it resolved to just a battle eye problem, reinstall battle eye and download/unzip the latest .dll into your BE folder or where ever? ;) Had the same problem, as well. Maybe validate games from within the steam library, run Steam as admin (if you're even using steam :huh: ) Check the Arma website as well.

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I just bought this game I get into a server and its choppy. every server I join its choppy I tried turning all my graphics down. I dont get this. I can run World of Warcraft on almost max setting I can run Mine craft Or league of legends or DotA but not this game. I just bought this game and I really really would like to play it can someone please help me

Installed Memory (RAM) 4.00GB 3.75 (GB)

Processor AMD Athlon II X@ 240e Dual-Core Processor

1TB hard Drive NVIDIA GeForce 9200 Graphics.

That's what My computer says. I'm not too good with computers I've looked on a lot of forums on different websites to see if I can fix this. Was hoping someone on here HAs had this same problem. Can someone Please get back to me As soon as possible.

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The rest has to do with mixing some of the settings (in the youtube vid there are other tips in the comments area), and also the server you play on. Find a well run server with regular restarts and you can see a jump in FPS.

Otherwise, your best bet is to wait for Standalone. ARMA 2 was never meant to do what DayZ makes it do, and the standalone will have a ton of optimizations.

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@ OP...

I have just merged all of your Topics.


Read my first post :

"First thing, learn how to use a Games Forum."

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