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Shoot bandits 1st, ask questions later

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I was in Stary Sober at the top of the red barn like building over looking my friend looting the tents when I noticed a bandit enter below me, i instantly open fire as he has a bandit skin. As i watch him panic and run around I then ask if he is friendly which he responds "yes" and that I've hit him and he needs medical attention. I call my friend over from the tents and ask him to give this bandit a blood transfusion whilst I'm overlooking. The bandit thanks us and leaves heading north into the trees.

Was I wrong in opening fire first and asking questions later? This ended relatively well for everyone but could of ended far worse. I have very little trust for anyone in a bandit skin, he could of been hunting me and I just got lucky spotting him.

If it was a survivor I saw coming in I would of asked questions first, it was only because he was in a bandit skin

How would you of handled it? Should I of just blown him away or not opened fire at all? That's what I love about this game, so many different scenarios to deal with!

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I believe you were right in this,

The way i handle bandits, or anybody for that matter is simply, if I have the drop on them, i will shoot once in the leg, disabling them, i will then tell them to stay on the ground and not move, I then put a morphine or something in their pack (If i have extras) and bandage them, I keep my gun aimed on them and back away, whilst keeping communication, telling them i will kill them if they move. It usually works, it allows me to not have to kill on sight, and it slowly shows others that not everybody is a complete prick who just Pvp's for the fuck of it.

However, if I hear gunshots in say....Cherno? and see alot of players death messages on the screen, I usually get on edge and start KoS'ing everybody i come across until i get to safety.

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I believe you were right in this,

The way i handle bandits, or anybody for that matter is simply, if I have the drop on them, i will shoot once in the leg, disabling them, i will then tell them to stay on the ground and not move, I then put a morphine or something in their pack (If i have extras) and bandage them, I keep my gun aimed on them and back away, whilst keeping communication, telling them i will kill them if they move. It usually works, it allows me to not have to kill on sight, and it slowly shows others that not everybody is a complete prick who just Pvp's for the fuck of it.

However, if I hear gunshots in say....Cherno? and see alot of players death messages on the screen, I usually get on edge and start KoS'ing everybody i come across until i get to safety.

Lolwut? I find this suspcious...

*How does shooting people in the leg go really? How many times can you say this has worked? Becuase if someone shoots at me, i break my leg, i'm not going to sit idle and think "hmm he's probally just broken my leg because he isn't being a "complete prick", i will empty mags at you.

*Then when the stress gets to much you just kill everyone? This isn't "PvP for the fuck of it". It doesn't matter if you don't think it is. To the people that you kill (because you totally won't look like a prick to them) thats cold comfort.

To the op. If i have the drop on someone i let them know it by narrating their current postion to them and telling to make no quick movments/sit down/lower gun. I will approach them and or ask them to leave. This only changes in situations of gunfire in close proximity. In these situations in sneak in and observe. Will kill any hostile players that are killing/have killed people or try to help the people left standing if they look friendly.

Edited by Trizzo

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I would have blown him away... if it was a well equipped survivor.. i would have blown him away.. i leave fresh spawns/ or poorly equipped, but the amount o times ive been shot in the face by friendlies, leads me to shoot first... and hopefully last as well ;) EVERYONE is friendly when yah have the drop on em.

Edited by KingOchaos
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bandit skin doesn't mean much. if you watch frankie on youtube, he has had the bandit skin a few times defending himself. keep that in mind, but yes you were in the right, no one died and the possible threat was avoided. I would have just said through DC that hey I have a gun aimed at you look at the ground and run away or I'll shoot. but that depends on gear, I fear shotguns more than AKs/ARs since they do stupid damage so I usually kill on sight.... and steal the shells for myself.

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