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[Chernarus Renegades][14+][Recruiting][US Players Prefered]

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Chernarus Renegades

About Us:

Chernarus Renegades is a fairly new clan with a couple of members, we are hoping to get to get a lot more members within the next few days. The people that are in the clan are 14 - 17 years old and get along well with one another very well, the ranks of the clan are are member, Officer, Senior Officer, and Clan Leader.


We are renegades of Chernarus, nothing will ever go back to normal... At least in our lifetime anyway, the only thing you can do is survive and who better to do it with then the Chernarus Renegades.


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I'll join, I have seen your clan before. I was on a server when you guys flow in with two helicopters and created your base at the tents. I was SupaSoulja, you wouldn't let me in but then your leader let me in and helped me out and then geared me up. Sadly my power went out for several hours and I never got your Skype or anything. I pmed you the app.

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kype: wschmidt711

Age: 15

In-game: sterling

Country: 'Murica

Player Type: Assult

Im outfitted pretty damn well so equipment wont be an issue

(im also a hero)

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In game: Thomas

Country: USA

Player type: All around. Team player.

I have allot of experience with Dayz and Arma. I know how to fly a heli pretty well too.

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Skype: UnbornAssassin

Age: 15 (Sound like I'm older)

In-game: Brandon (Go by Brandon)

Country: US. Central time

Player Type: Sniper, team player.

Started playing a few weeks ago, I usually play with a group. Tend to stick around in Electro and up north. Know how to get around and am set ATM. Terrible luck finding backpacks as well, lol. Always on in the weekends, and on most weekdays. Love to play DayZ, I'm not sure if im supposed to but I'dd the others whoposted their skype, actually know one already.

Hope to play with, and join the Renegades.

Edited by UnbornAssassin7

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In-game: Roggle


Player Type Medic

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A REPLY TO: What about only 14 and under clans for a change =)

People some 14 years and under tend not to take clans as serious as older people, If you are 14 and under and you think you will be somewhat mature and take the clan seriously then you may make an app. ^_^

Edited by EximiusMiles

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Age: 14

In-game: Robert F.

Country: U.S

Player Type: food/water supplier

P.s. if you can't find my Skype pm me

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Skype: LenguineMC

Age: 14

In-game: Lenguine

Country: USA

Player Type: Noob, I'm new to DayZ but not new to FPS games.

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Skype: tillman.phillips

Age: 17

In-game: Sulforic

Country: South Carolina, U.S.A

Player Type: I'm more of a scout. But i can be put wherever needed most.

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Skype: lukeseely

Age: 15

In-game: Seel

Country: Wales

Player Type: Sniper/AssauIt

Before i got killed by a hacker so i have no gear at the moment but ill try get some.

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Skype: daniel.bourke17

Age: 22

In Game: burky17

Country: USA

Player Type: Anything you need me to do.

Brand new to this game but very used to team based games, looking for group to help learn/contribute to.

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Skype: IamNotJakeHempel

Age: 15

In-game: Jake

Country: US

Player Type: Assault/Sniper

Pretty much I prefer to shoot at a range rather than up close.

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Skype: Limitidedition

Age: 17

In-game: Officier Friendly

Country: USA

Player Type:All around player/medic/bandit/hero//it always changes for me depending on my group also ive been playing on private servers for a while so i dont think my gear is amazing at the moment

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Skype: nick.linthorne2

Age: 14

In-game: Broken

Country: Canada

Player Type: Neutral (Depends on my mood but I usually like to fuck their shit up :) )

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Skype: doc.garlic

Age: 15 (very soon 16)

In-game: Kayvoo

Country: Denmark (GMT+1)

Player Type: Experienced Pilot and general/support type.


I am an experienced DayZ player and i have been playing almost since DayZ was released. I quickly got my own server and could therefor practice flying wich is my prefeered thing to do. I am not that good at fighting in general but hey. I am probably going to fly or drive anyways ;)

Hope you will consider me. I hate being a lone wolf.

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