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Friendlies only - Anti Bandit group + TeamSpeak3 + Website. (Closed For Now)

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sign me up my steam name is jsimpson998

im normally on Anz or NZ servers but ive got a good connection so can do others.

other than that im happy to run a similiar group on these servers for you,

im online pretty much everyday and most nights :)

be nice to make a tent city somewhere.

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I'll join up

Steam Name: blackhawk797

age: 21

Location: Wisconsin

I normally play BF3 or Css but ever since I found this Mod it's been weeks since Ive gone back to the others.

I also have a 10 slot TS3 we can use.. I can up the slots as well if we need more room for more members.

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Count me in, just got wacked whilst being unarmed in elektro.. sick of these fuckers running around killing aimlessly

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Things are going well, it looks like we should have just about enough people to start grouping up, remember to join steam group chat when ever you get the chance.

Also, TrixX, that'd be really really nice of you and depending on how many members are on we should be at about 10 members now so um may or may not need more slots now but later, we will probably need more slots.

Also, for those that are are asking to join, please, leave your steam ID or Steam Profile page in your post and I'll send invites.

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CrissCrow has TS3 info for those that would like to join.

Yes yes, Thanks again TrixX

I'll be posting the info in the Steam Group chat when needed.

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Steam Name: alvinbears

Age: 16

Mic: Yes

Little About Myself: I'm fairly new to this game and figured it would be good to have a group to play with while i learn this game and get the mechanics down while having some fun.

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I'd love to join. I'm tired of the hostile airfields and fearing for my life every time I hear gunshots.

IGN: NguyenSanity

Steam Username: neil_222

I do not have a single murder on my record, I was huting a bandit today in Elektro with a guy I just met. I watched the chat and heard gunshots as I saw two names declared dead. I decided that the gunshots were at just the right intervals to have killed them (three shots, one died, another three shots, another survivor died). This guy and I heard it come from the supermarket and I camped out the door while my buddy snuck around and shot him. He was carrying almost every survivor tool.

Also, it brings me happiness to find a bunch of dead bodies carrying binoculars and sniper rifles within a city. Together, we can rid Charnarus of the evil bandits and make it at least a little safer for humanity here.

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this is a cool idea!! i would like to be updated on how the hunt goes , i will ask my friend if they want in on this , we usually play in a group of 3 or 4.

what servers do you think you will be regulating ?

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will add both of you on steam..Things are looking really good for this group so far...getting close to 20 members now...To answer your question Deathpony that is something we all should come up on an agreement with, in trying to find a few servers where we all are able to join without having to worry about a full server,ping issues and what not....we have a Teamspeak 3 up and running that we use for in-game comms..once added on steam I can provide you with the login credentials.

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I am very interested if you are still accepting, might be even great to have a few factions.

This is the first FPS game where I feel I want to help others rather than kill them like I would in the other 2 games I won't mention. I have one murder on record due to being surprised and also killed 3 people due to them shooting at me first which still resulted in death for myself. I have over 150 hours playing time with this mod.

I have a mic

I will pm you my steam name and send a friend request

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I was just thinking last night how it'd be great to have a group that fights bandits. Count me in.

Steam ID: Atticus117

Age: 23

Location: Maryland

Mic: Yes

Other: I just started playing the other day, but I think I've grasped the basics. I haven't had luck finding any friendly players. Everyone just shoots me on sight even when I try to communicate with them. Maybe they'd be less inclined to shoot and more willing to listen if I had a group with me. Also had a few "encounters" with bandits, by which I mean they sniped me from a mile away before I knew they were there. :/

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Again, glad to see so many interested in joining the group, the cause, Yes we have a teamspeak 3 server now and soon will have our own forums, we are starting to get a good enough of members, enough to go on the hunt for bandits, though we have the numbers in the group now, we need to get more online at once, please if your online/thinking of playing or have nothing better to do, join group chat or if you been given the teamspeak info, get onto teamspeak

Also, TrixX and sh1f are both group officers, so they can invite players so if you don't get a response from me in time, send them a note, I'm sure they'll help you out.

and last, the group is starting to grow pretty quickly soon we'll stop accepting players in the group but we'll start accepting new members again some time later once things smooth out and tuned in but we'll never permanently close invites or how ever you wanna put it into the group.

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i don't know if this is closed buuuut

IGN: mclovin

steam name: mclovin :3

if you read my other post i like to shoot at far range and be that "medic" sort of guy

edit: wait it's closed? well..i'll just leave this here

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Hey there, I'd love to join up. Finally made it to the NW airfield and... you all know the rest. Steam name is Midnak. I'm 23 and live in the Seattle, WA area. I'd say I'm above average at most shooters. I've got a few weeks playing this mod off and on under my belt so I'm pretty set on everything.

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Hey there' date=' I'd love to join up. Finally made it to the NW airfield and... you all know the rest. Steam name is Midnak. I'm 23 and live in the Seattle, WA area. I'd say I'm above average at most shooters. I've got a few weeks playing this mod off and on under my belt so I'm pretty set on everything.


mclovin and midnak add me on steam... blackhawk797

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Steam ID: redge27

Age: 14

Location: Finland

Mic: yes

other: I always carry lots of medical supplies with me, and always help other players if i can. And i'd like to be a medic in the group.

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Steam ID: redge27

Age: 14

Location: Finland

Mic: yes

other: I always carry lots of medical supplies with me' date=' and always help other players if i can. And i'd like to be a medic in the group.


We could always use another medic, Welcome, invites sent.

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