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Devs working on standalone, what's your opinion?

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Alright, so, I watched an interview with Matt Lightfoot regarding the Standalone, what we can expect of the game and what it will evolve in to. Matt Lightfoot is a close friend of Dean Hall and he is curently working with a bunch of other people on the DayZ project.

In the interview it was talk about rather they would work on the Standalone and not go anything about the mod, only focusing on the Standalone or if they would update the mod at some times too. In my opinion I want them to forget and ignore the mod and just go all out on the Standalone.

It was also talk about underground bases, pets, WAY harder to hack the game, and so on. From Matt's words, they are aiming to maybe create the underground bases to send the player into a new "world", which of the same aspect can be found in Elder Scrolls and World of Warcraft, an "instance" of that sort. It was some "hint" about inventing a "script access" where you have to be good at "hacking" to counter-script the security. If this does get added, which I doubt, then it will be in the far feature.

As for pets, they will most likely either be able to add it together with the release or in a close update after the release. The current problem they have is the animation of the dogs, only one animation is working and they are looking to fix that as quick as possible.

Hacking will be way harder as it will restrict people from running anything other than the main DayZ file, which got the con of it being very hard, or even impossible to create mods.

Take into consideration that most of the "special" features they will add won't be at the exact Standalone. They are aiming to create the Standalone by taking DayZ and fixing what's been game-breaking so far, and I hope to see some great work of that.

That's all I have to say in this post. If you want to check out the interview, then go to the link below. I'd also like to thank RhinoCRUNCH for this interview, it had some great informative sentences in it.

Edited by morgan32
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i highly doubt that his anti-hack measures will work as he intends.

and they call it standalone, but still rely on arma2's scripting bullshit?

i hope the community will be much more involved in the process of making DayZ less hackable... give us custom, private skins or sth like that and many of us would be glad to help...

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I'm taking a leap of hope on the reduction of hackers, only thing that makes me dislike the mod at the moment.

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i highly doubt that his anti-hack measures will work as he intends.

and they call it standalone, but still rely on arma2's scripting bullshit?

People say reading is hard, but some people can't even listen well either.

The standalone won't be as trusting as ArmA II. They're going to prevent any and all external scripts and programs from mucking up the game and "completely lock it down" as Matt said.

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Always assumed Matt Lightfoot was Australian, hmm, I learnt something today.

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People say reading is hard, but some people can't even listen well either.

The standalone won't be as trusting as ArmA II. They're going to prevent any and all external scripts and programs from mucking up the game and "completely lock it down" as Matt said.

the problem is you can get "local" vehicles without having to script at all!

you can fly in a heli that is invisible to anyone else (weapon system operational ofc), and that is an insane failure by the engine design, not by the scripting part.

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They're going to prevent any and all external scripts and programs from mucking up the game and "completely lock it down" as Matt said.

They are going to lock out any members of the community that could help also.

All the added security that the privates have for example, won't be possible with this proposition.

Also 'instanced' bases? Fuck off.

And Dogs, its been what, 2 months? and they are saying they have only 1 working animation? Jesus christ. Bin the shit idea and stop wasting time and resources.

Edited by Never

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Agreed get rid of the dogs - really? What use are they going to be, what are they going to add to the game that requires all the work they have to put in.

Agree that they should just work on the SA, looking forward to when it comes out.

WarZ update: Beta is released but no one can play it because the game keeps crashing but zombies are super tough.

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Just have to ask, after reading my comment in here does my post in the other read become clearer?

Agreed get rid of the dogs - really? What use are they going to be, what are they going to add to the game that requires all the work they have to put in.

Agree that they should just work on the SA, looking forward to when it comes out.

This is why i'm not sure about the standalone.

How much dev time has gone on Dogs? To have it still not working?

Wouldn't that time be better spent working on Zed pathing, AI, spawns, Loot system, making doors not kill you, Alt+F4/ghosting/server hopping and other core issues of the hive format?

Just seems the focus is all wrong.

Edited by Never

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I just realized RhinoCrunch has a financial interest in DayZ, things just became more clear.

EDIT: Also IMO there should be a warning before one of his videos, I seriously cannot stand listen to that voice.

Edited by sostronk

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I just realized RhinoCrunch has a financial interest in DayZ, things just became more clear.

EDIT: Also IMO there should be a warning before one of his videos, I seriously cannot stand listen to that voice.

Really? Got a link of evidence?

If thats true it makes the DayZ team not much better than Sergy TBH. Mudding the rivals name to protect your investments is very underhand.

Also agreed, his voice fucking annoys me. Wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't trying to be so 'K-Ray-Zee!'

Edited by Never

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Just have to ask, after reading my comment in here does my post in the other read become clearer?

This is why i'm not sure about the standalone.

How much dev time has gone on Dogs? To have it still not working?

Wouldn't that time be better spent working on Zed pathing, AI, spawns, Loot system, making doors not kill you, Alt+F4/ghosting/server hopping and other core issues of the hive format?

Just seems the focus is all wrong.

I don't know how much time they spent on dogs - and no we won't see it until the SA which is what they are working on. AFAIK dayz mod is over for Rocket and good, I don't want him working on that shit as it takes his time off the SA. As for

"Wouldn't that time be better spent working on Zed pathing, AI, spawns, Loot system, making doors not kill you, Alt+F4/ghosting/server hopping and other core issues of the hive format?"

That is exactly what they're doing right now with the SA. New animations, better AI for the zeds, whole new spawn system - where have u been dude? lol ;)

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Really? Got a link of evidence?

If thats true it makes the DayZ team not much better than Sergy TBH. Mudding the rivals name to protect your investments is very underhand.

Also agreed, his voice fucking annoys me. Wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't trying to be so 'K-Ray-Zee!'

What has RC got to do with the dayz team that by him making money from his video's makes them not much better than the DayZ team?

Are the Dayz staff stifling the freedom to talk on their forums - no?

Has Rocket, the lead developer been active on the forums - Yes (And I can tell you that is not a common thing)

Is it a bad thing RC makes money off his videos? He's not making money off Dayz because he makes money by his video's. If dayz wasn't here, would he not be making video's about other games and making money off those? Why single RC out when EVERYONE on YT is doing the same thing - unless sostronk has some other data, his comments are just dumb as a warz fanboy (ok that was just a joke).

BIS aren't muddying anyone's names and Rocket has said it's great there's more competition - he doesn't care about rivals games - he's making a game and hopefully it will kick ass. If warz make a kick ass game great, I still won't buy it if I have to pay for shit after (like items or servers, yeah u can't host ur own server u have to pay them? Dayz won't be doing that - they're not looking at every conceivable angle to fuck u up the ass and if they do, they can go fuck themselves as well)

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I'd love to have dogs as an addition as long as they don't WASTE time creating them. Imagine being a lone wolf with a dog by your side, gives survival another turn. Dogs do have pros and cons tho, major con being position giveaway, barking / sound giveaway, so forth.

I'm excited to see what will be developed and created in the Standalone, going to be an instant sell to me.

Take into consideration that I did say they will be working on the game-breaking issues, so new animations, AI, items, yeah all that crap, that will be added in updates AFTER the Standalone.

Also, could people please stop whining about WarZ and how it "scams" people? This is DAYZ forum, not a sissy place for kids to whine about other games.

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We will be locking down DayZ standalone with regards to hacking which will hopefully stop a huge amount of hackers. We are not throwing mud we relish competition, competition will push us to be the best it we can be. We just want to make a cool game, something creative and amazing, we don't want to be involved with squabbling.

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Ive said it once and I'll keep saying it. Stick to your guns. What the mod has achieved is amazing, The SA will be industry history.

P.S. Matt, you sound like a Banker / Politician in the video :P,

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What Matt said is right, the majority of 'hackers' out there used pre-made script hacks that more than likely require a monthly fee. Without the ability to make script hacks, most current 'hackers' won't bother but the small amount that actually code scripts themselves and make these hacks will find a way to hack it, but I'm highly doubtful that they will be willing to share. My guess is that there will be hackers, but they won't be able to do the crazy shit that they can do now. The only thing that I actually like about script hacks is the ability to forcibly (annoyingly) dance. I just hope they add that as a legitimate thing to the standalone. Just for the lolz.

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I'd love the ability to import scripts to make hosting a server more "interesting", but if restricting scripts as much as possible is the most effective way to keep hackers out then I'll gladly give that away.

Something that amazes me and makes me happy about the DayZ community / devs is the fact that they take time to actually read posts and even answer.

Much love to everybody currently waiting for the Standalone, love to everybody caught up with the DayZ infection running, and much love to every single developer and designer, and whatnot working on the Standalone.

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I just hope they add that as a legitimate thing to the standalone. Just for the lolz.

That is annother thing i would be glad to see in Standalone.Even though this is a zombie apocalypse,you should be able to find things which are not needed for survival in any way.Like a football.Or a Radio.(Virtual) people should just be able to enjoy such things and there is no cause for them to just disappear.

I hope you guys understand what i say,im not as good in english.

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Ive said it once and I'll keep saying it. Stick to your guns. What the mod has achieved is amazing, The SA will be industry history.

P.S. Matt, you sound like a Banker / Politician in the video :P,

Matt 2016........

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Thanks hadnt seen the video yet for some reason.

My pleasure to spread informative videos / posts to my fellow DayZ players.

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