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Banned from my Own Private Hive

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I was banned from my private hive after I had crashed my helicopter after the game lagged and put me into a tree. After that happened, I wanted to see if the new Lingor Update from my server host website was working. So I switched the map to Lingor Map to test if it worked.

I had a message pop up as I tried to reconnect to my server, Admin Ban: Remote Execution. I'm highly confused at the moment.


Edited by deckerd

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It may have been the anti-hax software, parsing the log's wrong.

Edited by Fraggle

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It may have been the anti-hax software, passing the log's wrong.

Yes its a very real possibility your hosting company are using some kind of anti cheat software, and sometimes it parses the logs wrong. A machine cant do a humans job tbh, so some people end up being banned on servers they never cheated on.

Edited by Byrgesen

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It may have been the anti-hax software, parsing the log's wrong.

hmm could you explain that a bit more detailled ? ;)

Rofl, i was just typing what fraggle was saying ;)

Please explain further fraggle hehe

Edited by Byrgesen

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Try again and see if the software parses your logs correctly this time.

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You need acces to the ban logs and you need to remove your own GUID from the ban list. Then figure out why it believes you to be a hacker.

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You need acces to the ban logs and you need to remove your own GUID from the ban list. Then figure out why it believes you to be a hacker.

Exactly ;)

As this ban was made by a 3rd party program, not BE, you are gonna have to figure out what made you trigger the "hackalert".

Ive seen several cases where freinds got banned by anticheat program, only to find out theres nothing in the logs to back it up.

So do what Fraggle said :)

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You need acces to the ban logs and you need to remove your own GUID from the ban list. Then figure out why it believes you to be a hacker.

Its abit more work than that to remove it.

First of dayz anti hax will ban anything that goes in the Remote Execution log.

Cashing a heli. although legit will log in there and ban you. at the moment.

But it has to be in there to also catch the hackers.

To remove it. you need to remove the ban from the ban list as Fraggle has said. Hope you know your GUID

also remove the entry from the Remote Execution log. Normally 4 lines that need removing.

If you don't remove this anti hax will just reban you.

Last remove the ban entry from the dayz anti hax log.

you should then be able to rejoin.

Edited by UXFaz

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