reuben5150 83 Posted October 14, 2012 I am running the Fallujah map exclusively and do not see any setpos.log which was meant to detect teleporting i believe.How are people dealing with this ?Come to think of it, nothing seems to show up in logs anymore, seems like a waste of time and when the shit goes down i simply stop the server, nothing else i can do.Help ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rstratton 0 Posted October 14, 2012 (edited) unpbo the mission pboadd this to line 29 of the init.sqf in the mission_anticheat = [] spawn {execFSM "cdetect.fsm";};add the following to a text file named cdetect.fsm and put it into the mission folder , and repack pbosince ive added this to my mission we've yet to see any teleporters/*%FSM<COMPILE "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\FSM Editor Personal Edition\scriptedFSM.cfg, stdin">*//*%FSM<HEAD>*//*item0[] = {"init",0,250,-52.011097,-242.579758,37.988903,-192.579758,0.000000,"init"};item1[] = {"true",8,218,-42.857147,-180.166443,47.142853,-130.166443,0.000000,"true"};item2[] = {"Broadcast",2,250,-37.031898,-113.592247,52.968117,-63.592247,0.000000,"Broadcast"};item3[] = {"isRetard",4,218,-85.298180,-33.703201,4.701797,16.296804,0.000000,"isRetard"};item4[] = {"I_has_small_dick",2,4346,-27.045757,58.668503,62.954262,108.668503,0.000000,"I has small dick"};link0[] = {0,1};link1[] = {1,2};link2[] = {2,3};link3[] = {3,4};link4[] = {4,1};globals[] = {0.000000,0,0,0,16777215,640,480,1,8,6316128,1,-901.886841,604.575745,342.752167,-935.393799,706,599,1};window[] = {2,-1,-1,-1,-1,576,50,812,50,3,724};*//*%FSM</HEAD>*/class FSM{ fsmName = "stdin"; class States { /*%FSM<STATE "init">*/ class init { name = "init"; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"private [""_timer""];" \n ""/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { /*%FSM<LINK "true">*/ class true { priority = 0.000000; to="Broadcast"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/""/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; /*%FSM</LINK>*/ }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ /*%FSM<STATE "Broadcast">*/ class Broadcast { name = "Broadcast"; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"_timer = time + 0.1;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { /*%FSM<LINK "isRetard">*/ class isRetard { priority = 0.000000; to="I_has_small_dick"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"time > _timer"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/""/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; /*%FSM</LINK>*/ }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ /*%FSM<STATE "I_has_small_dick">*/ class I_has_small_dick { name = "I_has_small_dick"; init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"//Version 0.0.1 for lingor" \n "//Special thanks to VAVA and SMOKE and all other fucking cheaters trying to hack my server" \n "//This code is done by West-tom, with the inspiration of Guru Abdul's code." \n "" \n "//Spoofing some arrays" \n "playableUnits = [player,""test2""];" \n "allUnits = [player,""test2""];" \n "vehicles = [""test1"",""test2""];" \n "allMissionObjects = [""test1"",""test2""];" \n "" \n "//Check for teleporting hackers without vehicle" \n "" \n " _curposes = (getPosASL player); " \n " " \n " _lastPoses = player getVariable[""lastPosition"",_curposes];" \n " _curTime = time;" \n " _lastTime = player getVariable [""lastTimes"", _curtime];" \n " _distance = _lastPoses distance _curPoses;" \n " _difftime = _curtime - _lasttime;" \n " if (_difftime == 0) then {_difftime = 0.001; };" \n " _speed = _distance / _difftime;" \n " _maxspeed = 30;" \n " _mount = vehicle player;" \n "" \n " if(_mount == player AND _speed > _maxspeed AND (_curPoses select 1) < 9100 AND (_lastPoses select 1) < 9100) then {" \n " " \n " player setPosASL _lastPoses;" \n " " \n " }" \n "else {" \n "player setVariable[""lastPosition"",_curposes];" \n "player setVariable [""lastTimes"", _curtime];" \n "};" \n "" \n "if((_curPoses select 1) > 9100 AND (_lastPoses select 1) < 9100) then {" \n " diag_log (""CLEANUP: TELEPORTING BACK "" + (name player) + "" "" + str(player) + "" FROM "" + str(_curposes) + "" TO "" + str(_lastposes));" \n " player setPos _lastPoses;" \n " // player setVariable[""lastPos"",_lastposes]; " \n " };" \n "" \n "//Initial attempt to disable GODMODE" \n "player allowdamage true;" \n ""/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/; precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/; class Links { /*%FSM<LINK "true">*/ class true { priority = 0.000000; to="Broadcast"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/""/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; }; /*%FSM</LINK>*/ }; }; /*%FSM</STATE>*/ }; initState="init"; finalStates[] = { };};/*%FSM</COMPILE>*/ Edited October 14, 2012 by rstratton Share this post Link to post Share on other sites