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Found 2842 results

  1. Frissy

    How do you protect against...

    There is no protection against ghosting. Sorry man, we can only hope that somehow it will be patched.
  2. Mad Z

    banned from us 913

    First of all, let me say that this thread has been an extremely amusing yet oh so painful read. Both sides have obviously asked many people to make an account and post, while all saying the same things. I really don't understand how after 2 days of this, there still has not been a resolution to this conflict. Hopefully some staff will soon provide some closure. Anyway, the admin is the one in the wrong here. It has already been established from previous cases that the burden of proof lies with the admin, not the banned player. The admin has been intentionally unhelpful and untimely in providing evidence, as well as providing a poor case against the banned players when he has decided to do so. Originally, the charge was disconnecting in combat, something that IS bannable, but doesn't seem to be present here. Stories have been told, and none of them involve combat logging or ghosting. The charge changed to possession of hacked weapons after no evidence could prove the original charge. Unlike the first charge, this charge us not bannable, since hacked weapons can be acquired off of dead hackers. The admin has offered no proof of them actually spawning these weapons, so he cannot ban them for that. Since the admin has failed to provide proof that these players committed a bannable offense, he should unban them or provide proof soon. If he does not do either then the server should actually be taken away, an example needs to be made of admins who ban for no reason, it happens to often and they always get away with it as far as I have seen.
  3. To the ghosters on 338, we salute you. It took 3-4 of you ghosting around us to get all 3 of us while we had the town on lockdown. Kudos to you sirs!
  4. Yup same thing happened to me and my friends. It so funny because we found thier forum post about how thier camp is so well hidden and about how no one can get near them without being killed. Well I logged in one morning in my camp, which happened to be only like 800m from theirs ,and found thier camp. Stole a bus n took tons of thier stuff. I had posted about it in the bandit section of the forums and lo n behold the next time I logged in I was banned for ghosting( and I never even saw anyone at thier camp when I finally made it down there) It really is ashame we all have to deal with this nonsense. I hope they fix this issue. Maybe dedicated dayz servers? I don't know. Anyway I hope your issue is resolved. Our turned into an all out flame war which isnt what we wanted. All we wanted was our names cleared.
  5. Hackers are making an appearance quite frequently on this stream: http://www.twitch.tv/lirikk Please have a mod log in and watch, the streamer is not hacking, it is other people ghosting him.
  6. osirish

    "Player Killed by Player" msg

    I'm in favor of the XXX was killed by XXX msgs. Our server used to have them and I miss them. There is no downside to it as far as I can see. It helps combat cheaters and we know who they are. It prevents players from making admin abuse threads when they see it wasn't the admin who killed them. It helps admins to have players being able to identify cheaters and report them. It would prevent accusations of server hopping and ghosting when you realise that there was more than one player(s) in the firefight. It would prevent players from submitting bug reports because they died crawling under a tree, when in reality, they were sniped and never heard the bullet. At the moment, other than screenshots and/or process of elimination, cheaters are being given free rein to do or kill anything they want.
  7. There are a lot of things that could be done. At the very minimum re-add the bandit skins (or some other form of reputational system). Make it easier to visually distinguish one player from another as a general matter. Create a usable trade interface (though they should probably start by a making a usable inventory interface). Create a way for a group of players to control a spot of ground such that players cannot respawn there (see the Fort Friendly thread and the issues with bandits ghosting in). Make it possible for people to in some manner advertise the presence of a safe zone/trading hub/recruiting station in game. And once some features are added to facilitate cooperation, crank up the difficulty of the environment, reduce the availability of supplies and firearms, add some new types of zeds that are more dangerous, less predictable, and harder to kill, or maybe some wandering herds (ala the Walking Dead), then buff the resources at helicopter crashes and advertise them with columns of smoke visible from a long distance. There would still be lots of PKing, but hopefully more of it would be purposeful (resource wars, territorial disputes) rather than just random deathmatching. Push people to group up, then pit them against one another. People are trying to do a lot of these things already, but the game constantly works against them in favor of the PvP deathmatch (again, see Fort Friendly). Just give folks a few tools and they'll run with it.
  8. zenatsu (DayZ)

    Farming high loot areas by server hopping

    That is called server hopping. Generally people frown upon it. Its almost the same as ghosting, but you are not killing someone for it. There are even people that attempt to barricade high value loot sources by blocking people out, Usually with barbwire. So they they can preserve the loot spawn if/when they hop back into that server. I'm sure you can see the annoyance.
  9. GhostHawx1


    Im not the admin and it was the normal restart. wasnt me hoss, and stop making it out like youre good with the gun. it was me on the tower, you did kill me, you ghosted three times to do it but i never left the server. surprised you didnt run out of ammo shooting like you did. so, stop ghosting, im not the admin, and man up.
  10. striker75

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Can we have a good, clean, and honest battle? No cheating/ghosting please. I'll be sure to be frapsing all weekend to make sure and catch it. Win or lose. :)
  11. Which is why its one of the only ones I do. And at this point I rarely do. I've got more ammo than I need at this point, and I probably would still have plenty even if i hadn't done this. I have no problem admitting it because all the ammo in the world hardly makes a difference when encountering players. Most of the fights I've been in have never lasted longer than a minute, and if someone gets the jump on me, then there's nothing I can do but try to fight back. Exploits that dampen another player's experience like combat logging, ghosting, etc, don't even cross my mind.
  12. m1lkm8n

    banned from us 913

    he has to state his side of the story because he is an admin. and as an admin you should be able to run your server with respect to all those that play on it. usually you see a three strike rule in effect in most servers( unless caught hacking of course) where if your using bad language or such you get a warning. second a kick, and third a ban. now as an admin you need to provide proof of the ban so that it is proven justified. when you(and i dont mean you personally mack17) host a server you take on that responcability. and it should be(but sometimes isnt) run with respect to all gamers. now if it was a case that i said he said then i would have to provide proof of what he said. but in this case we were all banned without a reason ,except that we were ghosting, to which i wasnt even in the server. so we are not trolling or wanting fire from ice and u put it we just want to have the ban lifted and well go about our way. or at least show us some concrete evidence of the accused violations and we will move on.
  13. Locking server exploiting is mainly for loot farming, using vehicles to get around unopposed and to a small degree ghosting. None of this can be done when you stop your server. Vilayer seems to be very fair, so I would just explain the situation if anything comes of it. However I doubt they will have problems with you turning your server off for a time while you get your bearings
  14. ryanjrobb@yahoo.com

    US188 Boycott

    I believe this is where Alt + F4 (and or ghosting) is acceptable. Or at least, it is for me.
  15. Ok well let's start with my background. I bought this game in the steam sale just over a few days ago, been looking to try it for ages. Anyway after playing it everyday for several hours since I got it, I can only say although I enjoy the game, I'am majorly disappointed in how serveral elements in Dayz practically ruin a lot of the game for me (and I presume other people). I know this is slight rant post, but please try and keep all discussion constructive. (I've seen how members of this forum community like to savagely jump down people throats and flame their posts to hell until it gets too much and admins lock threads). Bandits & the community: First of all is the bandits and PKing in general. As it stands no one in game apart from the people who are literally starting the game bother to even join up, except for outside friends. Come on it's a survival co-op shooter, it's supposed to have elements that require teamwork or comradery. These elements that reward players for teaming up basically don't exist. Like at all. Surely to incestivise the player base needs some new game elements focusing on this need to be applied? Right now everyone shoots on sight. Why? Because you have all the rewards of killing and gaining stuff. But absolutley nothing for not killing someone on sight - in fact if u dont shoot first they will probably even kill you, you have nothing to lose. Honestly with what's in game right now I can't even blame them. This is just fault with the core game itself (as it currently stands). I think the game needs new ideas and features. Next on my list is the community. I know there are friendly and helpful people on here, but a lot of what I have read is plain rage. People on the forum who keep coming out with the "adapt or suvive" or "your a n00b it's your fault" mentally really need to shut up and sit down. It's horrible to read posts near constantly flaming people because they don't share the same viewpoint. It's like watching the bad elements of a community ruin a game because they only see it as able to played their way (and im talking the call of duty, shoot on sight, "F u all" shit it's becoming). I' am not asking for horrendous nerf waves to come flooding the bandits way; the PvP could be a great gameplay feature. The game needs an alternative to give people something to do in game, as surviving against the retarted AI zombies just doesn't contribute to the gameplay value or enjoyment. Which brings us onto the next point. Zombies and bugs: The Zombies. Dear god. Where the hell should I start with this. It's no secret that that zombies are so buggy and f**ked up right now, that if they weren't so vital to the game I would be arguing for their removal. If it's not the buggy animations, it's the godamned shitty path finding, the collision detection thats just plain wrong, not to mention the various ghosting these zombies do through almost everyting. I can only hope that this shit storm of a feature is just rewritten in the code or something. A zombie game should have competant, non-glitched zombies. Competant does not include zombies that can break your leg in one hit then wail on you for 90% of your health because your paralyzed due to another crappy zombie gameplay element. Bugs in this game come ten to the dozen, if shit is not glitching out it's not Dayz. In the days I have been playing this everyday since i bought it, like most my time. In that time I've had everything from disappearing items to breaking legs on inanimate objects. Like seriously? Conclusion: Finally, if your still reading, I know that sounds like a reivew now, but I do honestly like the game. There's a lot of things a player can enjoy, yet unfortuneatly a lot of things that almost ruin it. I understand the game is alpha, but disappearing items, random leg breaks? on a game thats been out like 3 years - the developers have got to sort their shit out on this. Overall I have been entertained with my experience. I can't help but think it could have been better thoe. If I had to rate everything I would give this about a 6 1/2. I will keep playing and hopefully in the future this game will become stronger. And thanks for reading this far.
  16. * SERVERS: DayZ - Norway 11 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 95248) SOA - Sons of Anarchy [3DP: ON - CH: OFF] dayzmod.com - hosted by [sOA] AND DayZ - Norway 13 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 95248) lulz dayzmod.com Time and timezone: 02:30 (night time) GMT +2 What happend during the incident: Me and my friend managed to kill a guy with a ghillie suit on top of a building in Chernogorsk. When we went over to loot the body, this is what we found: Look at that hacked AS50 with thermal! Anyways, this guy has been ghosting us since we killed him. He tried to loot his body, but we hid it with his weapon and destroyed it. For about 2 and a half hour he has been trying to log onto other servers and log onto the same we were on back again. The strange thing is that we killed him on Norway 13 and switched server when a chopper started going for us (Are choppers even in the game at the moment?) We switched to Norway 11, and somehow he followed us on there and tried to ghost us. He logged on right behind my back some minutes ago. We've had some shady shit going on with the admins for a long time on Norway 11. They've been taking the server down right before we killed them etc, but that is unrelevant in this post. Thanks :)
  17. Todwarter

    Elysium Corps

    Elysium Corps is active! We've been up for 3 week since the old Elysium DOD dissolved when the past leader stepped down. Who are we? We are a group of organized bandits, our play style is squad based. We are mature group of players, yes there can be time to time joking around. Servers: Dayz 575 Us 30 Midwest Teamspeak info post shortly Active Squads Alpha (UK & EU) Bravo (Assault) Charlie (Supply) Delta (Assault) Echo (Snipers) Foxtrot (Assault) Golf (Assault) Hotel (Latin America) Rules: 1. No racism 2. No Hacking, Ghosting or Combat Logging 3. Teamspeak is required Website: http://www.elysiumcorps.com Down for maintenance, as we create a new website.
  18. Survivor-Kyle

    Survivor Safe Zone

    I'd recommend looking at the fort friendly threads and trying to see if you can improve on their successes. Bandit infiltration and ghosting seem to be the biggest problems.
  19. sivart

    Pending Update: Build

    im down with that. or remain a zombie until you manage to kill a human player. or get killed by a human player. you want to promote team play? yould almost have to team up horde up with other zombie players to kill anyone. then the horde could go back to human player.or we could just spawn somewhere on the beach or any random location each spawn. no more spawning where you log out. sure fire way to prevent loot farming and getting shot in the back from a cleared room. no more ghosting. i believe considerably less alt f4 as well. cant get back on your "home" server for a day, you might think twice.
  20. Can anyone PM my a server host that will let me set up my own data base (hive) Due to rampant DC's, Ghosting, server hoppers, major De-syncing and hackers, I am going to make my server private, and white-list just like how I run my minecraft server. I need a provider that I can not only host a server, but run the files to set up my private data base.
  21. ElRolle

    Pending Update: Build

    That's nonsense. You guys can't monitor ~2000 DayZ servers, many of them are constantly passworded or otherwise break against your rules and none of them are blacklisted. How do you want to monitor over half a million players? Will it be automated? If so there will always be false-positives, no matter how good your algorithm. People will also try to appeal from the ban by making up stories about how "they got disconnected" etc. You won't be able to tell the difference between genuine network issues and server hoppers. Even if the system somehow works, it still doesn't solve the Alt+F4 issue, only server hopping/ghosting. I don't know limitations of the ArmA2 engine, but here is my suggestion. Make leaving the game require a 30s timeout without moving. Make characters stay ingame after a player disconnect, for at least 30s. If the engine doesn't allow you to do that - punish people that disconnect unexpectedly, for example decrease blood by half or shock on next connect for 5 minutes.
  22. IIxSubmarinex

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    Ghosting is basically where someone stalks you :P
  23. chrithu

    Pending Update: Build

    About the whole server-hop/alt-f4 login/lougout-logging deal: The question here realy is what behaviour do you want to prevent and which not. I can think of numerous situations where numerous logins and logouts on different servers would be needed that do not immediatly affect/harm other players. Like for instance having a vehicle packed full of loot on one server but your tent camp is on another. On the other hand as far as I can see consesus amongst players is that death dodging and ghosting (which realy just is an expansion of death dodging) should be prevented. From that perspective trying to solve the issues by some logging mechanism that relies on metrics and heuristics to seperate desired from undesired login/logout behaviour will be a never-ending task as it is almost impossible to eliminate false positives and false-negatives down to a number that could be seen as acceptzable. I might be wrong, but I fear after that patch goes live we'll witness a big outrage in these forum by people that got warnings and "timeouts" for packing up loot from their vehicle into their tent, or trying to find a server that has daylight ingame and much more aswell as people that still got killed by a ghoster. I suggest what many other suggested before me: To prevent people from dodging death and go ghosting, simply put on a server-side and client-side timeout. If someone hit's ESC->Abort he sees a timeout counting down from 30 seconds. If he moves or get's shot during that period that timeout is cancelled. If the timeout hits zero the player get's to the Highscore screen and can hit disconnect. If a player hit's alt+f4 his character stays on the server and can be killed still, since on server side the timout will still count down. This is how many MMOs do it for quite some time and I guess they do it that way and not by some logging mechanism for a reason.
  24. Graz (DayZ)

    Why Ban Me

    Alpha, Beta and newly released games often have connection issues. Last week I was shot at, pulled back, sprinted down the tree line and killed my attacker. It was commented in direct that I was 'ghosting'. Having one person with me was the only way I was to figure out what happened. I de-synched while he was watching me, appearing to dc. He (reasonably) assumed that I logged, ghosted and then killed him. He was wrong, but we all assume that someone combat logs when this happens, because a lot of the time they do. I did nothing wrong, I was unaware that I was even having synch issues until I was half way down the tree line. Had my friend not seen me pop in and out on his screen, we never would've figured out what he was talking about. So as a server admin, you see a player vanish, reappear in a more advantageous spot and he/she kills you. You would ban, correct? Narrow minded assumptions are far different to 'blatantly obvious' @ John: I agree on the development responses. While you might support the admin, combat logging WILL be fixed, why bother with being a cowboy and banning someone when you have no proof, risk blacklisting and lets face it, gain nothing. You have little to no shot at running into the same combat logger twice in a row, let alone get another crack at them. All banning gung-ho does is stir the pot and, at worst, encourage people resort to hacks and nuke your server to get back at you.
  25. Lunasnino (DayZ)

    FR62 Admin abuse.

    we were camping the Heli crash near where he was, he was snipered while runing across a field he died in one shot, how is that ghosting? we were about too loot his body when he flew there in his heli so we killed him again.... you admit we got kicked, and it was for no reason other than we killed him for his gear and also a chopper. Admin abuse will not be tolerated and by coming in here defending him just proves that you know what you did was wrong. I hope the admin suffers with a ban for abusing his powers on genuine players who never combat log cheat or have never once ghosted, why would we do that it defeats the point of the game, and claiming we did it to try and justify obvious abuse is sad and pathetic. You should also be banned for lying to defend a terrible admin. Why is your master not here defending himself and sending a peon to clean up his mess? One more thing before i go, how can you ghost when you havnt logged off the server for 3 hours? Id love to see the server logs so i could throw that in your face.