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Road Dogg

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About Road Dogg

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  1. Because in the zombie apocalypse you cant be picky about what your flyer has on it before you print on it.
  2. Road Dogg

    store characters location data on server

    Honestly I think gear as well should be locked to servers this way you cant be taking shots and go geez that one got to close and dc and roll to another server armed to the teeth.
  3. Honestly one thing I think would help keep rampant banditry down a little bit is locking gear to servers much the way you do tents because this way friendly players could band together and create a "police" force one that reacts to reports of bandit camps and moves to clear them out. Because are you going to log into a server where you are the noob or the server where you are the predator if you have the choice? Also perhaps log out position as well so "ghosting" into a defended area to surpise the defenders isn't a viable tactic.
  4. I honestly have no problem when dieing in game it actually makes it more fun cause then i have the whole what will i find this time wondering goin on.
  5. Again you just read the part of my post youre going to argue against and ignore the rest of it. I was joking I know video games dont make violent people I even said i wasnt arguing with you just spewing nonsense thats spread in the media.
  6. Ya never know cause them video games make people violent and almost everybody who commits a shooting was a "video gamer" and trained themselves sitting around playing games all day. This post wasnt to argue that by the way just spewing the same nonsense that gets thrown around when video games come up in the media.
  7. Road Dogg

    Im that bandit....

    Because literally you cant go five feet in electro (his preferred killing ground) without kicking a bandage or a painkiller box ive been shot by cocks like him ran into a building bandaged up and killed them because hey on the floor right there were bandages and painkillers.
  8. I might though you never know because an RL apocalypse hasnt happend whos to say it happens we run across each other and im not walking around with a necklace of ears from both zombies and humans that ive killed?
  9. You ignored the rest of my post and just read the end. Honestly if I dont know you I'll give you your chance but at the first sign of betraying me id blow you away in an instant. And again RL the best survivors are the ones who have "snapped" to the point to where they are cold unfeeling killing machines and not all will differentiate between human and zombie. Also the gun thing was in response to your limited loot policy in this game if you get killed by me and I like your gun more its mine.
  10. Like the bullet proof cup from super troopers!
  11. Actually some people would snap and rather kill you then give you a chance perhaps they wont take your stuff but if youve gota better gun and I gun you down I better have access to that gun so no not only the pack.
  12. Road Dogg

    Im that bandit....

    Even if he gets enjoyment from it its moot you arent a bandit if you dont gain any equipment from it perhaps the term mass murderer or assasin would be a better wording for himself. On a side note I have quite enjoyed stalking players who I know do this and taking them out just ask the dude with the akm who shot at me and had me sneak up on him with my remmington in hand.
  13. Road Dogg

    Im that bandit....

    According to that logic Justin Beiber is one of the greatest musicians of all time. @. Shazman no its douchebaggery being a bandit means you gain somthing from killing someone pain killers and a bandage that you can readily find all over the map is not a gain.