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Found 43101 results

  1. Thesreyn

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    ITT: Players butthurt over getting shot insult other players who disagree with them. When suggested to not run around like a fucking moron in town, claim they are the only ones who know how best this mod should work. I've done my share of PvP. I've had to to survive, or because I've needed supplies. I've also avoided PvP, or tried initiating conversation only to end up getting killed. Such is life. Respawn and move on, find new gear, find new people, get revenge if you want to and can. There's so much complaining about this not being realistic, or that PvP is too prevalent, or whatever. This is a survival mod and the object is to survive, against zombies, against the environment and against other players. If you can't handle the fact that other players WILL kill you, I don't know why you're even playing this mod. Go play Left 4 Dead, it seems to be far more up your alley. Your initial complaints are literally all built out of butthurt. Maybe the player who killed you needed supplies but was afraid you were a bandit. Maybe he wanted to get the drop on you first. Maybe he just wanted to kill you. There are plenty of players on the servers who are happy to work together, just yesterday there was a guy running around playing doctor for anyone who was injured, and there is a lot of chat on the servers about working together. The fact that you got killed should not be something you come on here to complain about so... poorly and viciously. Get over it and respawn, play the game again, see if you can try something different, beat a previous goal, whatever. Because frankly, all it sounds like right now is someone crying because they lost their hard-won beans to a better player. You say there's no focus or goals in the mod. Make your own. It's fairly apparent you've never played minecraft, or sim city or the like (at least, not enough to warrant your opinion being valid). This is a survival mod, but after that you need to make your own goals. Some people choose to PvP, other people choose to do other things, like acquire vehicles, or help other players. The limits you perceive are placed there by you, so go and break them and have fun.
  2. Grey2ham

    DayZ Update 1.5.2

    Just to let the devs know that vehicles aren't being saved on server restarts. Maybe vehicle database isn't booting up properly for server restarts?
  3. Jamtots

    DayZ Update 1.5.2

    At least we have vehicles and apparently working tents then. Have yet to try any of it right now though.
  4. rocket

    Make Vehicles Persistent

    They are persistent. However, when the server is under heavy load it may take a long time to report updates to the database. I have made changes with 1.5.3 that will report much more frequently, in line with the changes made to player updates. Some will notice that even if unsaved reaches a huge value - it will still save everything on disconnect. This forced saving method is now applied to vehicles, and will be available in 1.5.3 HOWEVER - remember vehicles do NOT save while they are moving, due to the issues this would create. And also remember vehicles are local to the server they are on.
  5. This book would be a great reference for the Devs and a good read for anyone playing, it could provide ideas as to new hiding places weapons and vehicles etc... And IMO most importantly the way the zombies move and act (eg speed obstacles etc). Have a good read, you like the mod you'll like the book.
  6. Flax


    Its a shame, but my guy never touched the water through my actions. Maybe a little script to cache your gear when in vehicles or water (the fill water can detect when you are in water) and then give it back to you once you exit/ disembark.
  7. Felix (DayZ)


    Why shouldn't new players be able to have some fun? You seem to be suggesting not putting any vehicles near the coastline at all.
  8. bigvalco


    I have a few questions and concerns with how the vehicles spawn/work in the new update. 1. Is it a script that spawns them in random locations? 2. I noticed after a few of us searched the north immediately after the patch and searched all the "hot" spots and there are no vehicles in the north are of the map. Also I noticed several "new" players finding boats and cars and even a helicopter down near cherno/elektro which they immediately tried to fly and crashed due to no tail rotor. Why place all the vehicle spawns down south where they are less likely to be used correctly due to newer players getting their hands on them and destroying them?
  9. tajin

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Aye. Shooting people out of moving vehicles is also fun. Thats an art I've been practicing since OFP. :cool: Nice story though. ;)
  10. Felix (DayZ)

    DayZ Update 1.5.2

    Vehicles appear to not be persistent after a server is restarted.
  11. sharkdog

    DayZ Update 1.5.2

    Cool vehicles back in :) Also the tents are working now? they do not dissapear on server restart? so we can actually sort of setup camps now?
  12. orbital

    Coop Server

    I love coop servers, can be so relaxing and fun to grab phat gear and vehicles and clear towns or whatever the objective might be. I don’t have anything against the request BUT, a coop DayZ server would unfortunately ruin the whole concept of the MOD! My prayers goes towards a workable solution to keep us all interested in the full package.
  13. Kophka

    What is JayArma2?

    Each of my mods has it's very own @ folder, the six updater did a great job of that. My addons folder doesn't have any extraneous folders inside it, only what seems to be a bunch of different vehicles and whatnot. The problem still remains. It seems that "jayarma2lib" is a REQUIRED mod for the Day Z servers, because Six Updater says so. However, it is also NOT ALLOWED by the Day Z servers, so I get kicked out, or the game fails to launch. So is it a problem with "jayarma2lib"? Is it a problem with the Day Z server telling Six Updater it's required mods? Is it a problem with Six Updater misinterpreting information from the Day Z servers? I don't know, I just know I'm a Sad Kophka. :( I'm going to try doing it without Six Updater. I've thrown the JayArma mod folder out, going to see if I can just launch the Day Z by itself from my steam folder. Wish me luck!
  14. Murphy (DayZ)

    A (Possible ) solution to spawns

    That is a horrible way to handle vehicles, they should stay persistent allowing others the ability to stumble onto them and steal them. If it is linked to my player no one will ever get a hold of my vehicles therefore I could simply log out next to my car and when I login I can continue on my marry way. It's entirely against the stance you took for the safe house idea. The safe areas would just be camped by the guy(s) who killed you until you rage from the game, and as such it is a fairly bad idea.
  15. Derranged

    A (Possible ) solution to spawns

    Hello, Are you trying to say it would be a good way to store vehicles? Well, in my opinion vehicles should be saved in the players save data. So when you spawn, the vehicle spawns wherever you have left it. So, you have it save under your name you will have to claim the vehicle or something like that. ~Derranged
  16. nexerius

    A (Possible ) solution to spawns

    The checkpoint thing would be ok to have until vehicles comes tho.
  17. {Op4}Mcface

    The perfect units?

    those guys look like they have been living in a post apocalyptic world for years. Day Z seems to take place during an apocalypse (builds still mostly intact, normal vehicles, gas still abundant) so it wouldn't really make sense
  18. sgtsnug

    MERGED: Different Islands

    The maps need to stay large, whilst I'd love more towns, loot, and less running. My concern is when vehicles are added they won't be as useful as a means of travel, and much harder to hide when not in use or just approaching town without attracting every zombie and player in surrounding villages and cities. Perhaps for a smaller capacity server if one comes up in the future? but right now with everything Russian themed in Alpha, save it for Beta.
  19. sgtsnug

    Craftable body armor

    Crafting, the bane of many games in suggestion and demand. The only crafting that would make ANY sense in this game would be; Vehicles - which would requires MANY parts and a whole group carrying the bits to a facility/garage where it could be assembled. Ammo clips - this would require a change to the games loot finding bullets instead of clips, so if you found some 9mm bullets you could 'assemble' a M9 clip or a MP5 clip from those bullets and fill an existing clip back to full by manual reload and even remove bullets from a clip. I've seen this before but it requires ACE i think. As for body armour NOT crafted just rare loot like nvg's etc... possibly just bits that improve certain percentages like a 'helmet' preventing knock-out chance from 5% to 3%, or boots that lower chance of breaking legs, kevlar that reduces bleeding chance. Not overpowered loot just helpful.
  20. olav


    Perhaps we could have a similar system to the vehicles, where the street light system for a town requires parts from other towns, (perhaps a few large parts that require some cooperation, so you can activate the lighting on one town at the expense of others.
  21. Bob (DayZ)

    DayZ Update 1.5

    Are the vehicles (and choppers :P ) back in the game yet?
  22. personaljesus69


    As far as I'm concerned there still is vehicles. They are just extraordinarily difficult to find. Noob tip: Only cars you can get into are the ones that you can repair. So, don't waste your time running around to the burned out ones hoping to fix it. That's how I got a headshot on a survivor.
  23. I'd like to have vehicles even if they weren't persistent. But if they were causing problems with the servers, then I understand removing them.
  24. Guys, Please remember that; 1. This game is alpha staged. 2. Server stability is more important than tents and vehicles at this point. The team will get round to it when they can but having tents that stay but a mod that doesn't work is kinda silly am I right?
  25. You can't really keep tents and vehicles from THAT many people on all servers.