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  1. What happens to vehicles saved outside the map? And how is it as far as rules go? A friend and I have recently acquired a nice piece of hardware and dont know where to put it. Will it despawn off the map?
  2. vpope

    [FS] now own 3 helicopters and 1 jeep :|

    Yes this is true, helicopters have radars that show other vehicles locations within a limited range, however it only shows up if you have line of sight , so if you park inside a barn or hanger or under dense tree cover, then they will not show up.
  3. I agree with Patrickollo. We found, my mates and myself one chopper and fixed it up, then we flew all over the map to find every other vehicles on our server. The radar is really powerful, we found 2 choppers, two buses, two pickups, one british offroad, one UAZ, one lada and one motorbike. Just while flying around with this chopper. I was pretty happy about that, but after reflexions, it was really unfair, apologize to other players of my servers. So please guys, remove it on the next patch. Cradle.
  4. As stated by this post at the bottom: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1935&pid=19049#pid19049 If you don't want to click the link, the posters says that all vehicles - manned and unmanned - show up on the helicopter's radar. I understand a helicopter is supposed to be more "prestigious" in that they're rarer and harder (debatable) to fix than normal ground vehicles; however, this just kinda ruins the motivation to go find vehicles, fix them up, and do my best to keep them safe from other players. Pretty much, a team of players in a helicopter can just sit back and reap the benefits of the hard work other players put in to repair a broken vehicle. I'm not sure what other "features" a helicopter comes equipped with. I wouldn't even care if it had FLIR and could spot another player hiding in a bush 10km away. I just think being able to see any vehicles on the radar is a little too much. P.S. - I don't know the limitations on this vehicle identification, such as you need to be right on top of a vehicle or something. I assume you just have to be within a certain proximity of a vehicle.

    Sandbags and Wire fences

    The big problem that is being faced is that a lot of the weaponry, vehicles and equipment you need to make the game "sing" is simply too hard to find or too dangerous to acquire. After driving in every vehicle once, I find there really is very little incentive to actually bother putting another one together. It simply takes forever. Similarly, the NATO weapons are really only effective at killing other players, which means that only the most die hard PVPers bother to attain it (and lets face it, the CZ does a pretty good job anyway). The inclusion of wire and co is all good and well, but it's simply too hard and pointless to gather up that much of the stuff to build anything worthwhile, also factoring in the difficulty in placing the damn stuff. All in all, I think there really needs to be a more centralised place where the certainty for specific supplies is very high (a factory for cars and car parts etc) but the risks to get it are just as high (NWAF exists for weaponry, but that is still only one place). If people could raid a general military barracks with the certainty of getting military vehicles, weapons and obstructions, the whole barbed wire thing would be a little more tempting. Also, I'm not really sure what the hell the wire does.
  6. I know nothing about the ARMA II Mission Editor, but figured it might be fun to set up a Zombie map. I put this together in around 30mins, just experimenting around. I haven't worked out yet how to get the Z's to 'be agresssive' towards the Player, but this at least shows you can create your own DayZ scenarios in the ME - wiser and more experienced minds will hopefully take this idea forward (I have a lot still to learn) - seems like you can effectively set up a structured DayZ mission (vehicles and all) with the right know-how. Possibilities are hopefully endless... This video uses the BAF DLC for ARMA II. It's possible to have your Player wearing any 'skin' you want, as long as you have the required DLC installed. Captured in FRAPs, edited in Premier Pro.
  7. Felix (DayZ)

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    Sa-Matra, vehicles/tents themselves aren't despawned when somebody logs in next to them are they?
  8. Felix (DayZ)

    Vehicle boot sizes

    I was wrong with this, I'd counted slots of items like you normally would in your inventory and packs. Apparently in tents and vehicles it counts the base items, rather than their slots. Tents have a 50 item count rather than the 75 slot count I posted above. The consistent 75 slots was simply a coincidence.
  9. Rec0n412

    Proposed Benefit for not killing other players

    -Better gear -Guarantee that if the other guy is dead, you will not be shot -Thrill of the hunt -Supplies(if the better gear part does not apply) -Bait, to lure in other survivors who want to check the body for loot As of now there is no reason to not kill other players. In fact the general rule of thumb is to shoot first and worry about it later. I have to admit that I would like to see tools for players to organize themselves to some degree. I would also like to see things for people to work towards besides building exceedingly fragile vehicles, and the occasional helicopter. I imagine these things will be added later, but as of now there is nothing to do in this game besides finding food, finding water, and killing other players. Therefore, we wait.
  10. Katana67

    Wish List

    Some of these have been suggested before, just writing them as they come to mind. - Wandering zombies -- A pretty common request. As I understand it, before the latest patch, the zombies that spawned in the towns were given some flexibility in how far they could wander. Now, they appear to just remain static at their original spawn. I hope this is fixed ASAP. However, 2-10 zombies per kilometer would be a great thing and would make traveling through the woods a bit more sporty and less mundane. Zombies should also spawn in the center of large fields and be allowed to roam within the confines of the field. It's really awesome to be sitting in a hedgerow and scout out the field ahead before crossing. If zombies were in it, it'd make it much more purposeful and risky (as it should be) to cross fields. - More consistent zombie behavior/animations -- Unsure if this is a limit of the engine, or simply that the animations don't exist... but zombies seem to jump diagonally when they run at you it's almost as if they're teleporting. Zombies should more or less, run at you straight. Driven by the insatiable need to feed or what have you, it's unlikely to think that zombies would be thinking of personal preservation or would be aware that the player is carrying a firearm. I do, however, think that some deviation in zombie approaches is warranted to keep the player on his/her toes. But right now, it's a bit much. -- Zombies should also push doors open, rather than clipping through. They should also not be able to deal damage through walls or clip through windows without a proper animation. -- Add shambling/slow-moving zombies to the mix to keep the player guessing and to make every encounter a little more varied. - More diverse ammunition spawns -- I'm not saying make ammunition more plentiful, just expand the areas where certain ammunition is capable of spawning. In the real world, assault rifle rounds like 5.56x45 (.223), 7.62x51 (.308), and the Warsaw Pact counterparts (5.45x39, 7.62x39, and 7.62x54R) are available in most town gun stores or outdoor/hunting shops. They should be added to the possible loot lists in certain towns that are up north, but also not military bases. I don't expect to be able to find five AK74M mags in every barn, but it should be possible for me to find one or two every now and then if I'm lucky. Should be considered on a town by town basis, places like Staroye and Petrovka shouldn't have this... but northern cities like Pushtoska [sic?] and Vybor should have this capability. -- I almost want to discourage finding AKM's and whatnot in the coastal cities like Chernogorsk and Elektrozavodsk, simply because there aren't too many people with assault rifles (I hope) in tightly packed cities. Plus, it makes sense and gives further incentive for new people to get away from the coast. - More diverse wildlife -- Deer, elk, pheasant, all that good stuff. Preferably in abundance up north, I mean way north... where there are few settlements. Deer Stands are in game, and I have yet to see any deer. I've seen rabbit, boar, cow, goat, and sheep. Am I missing anything? Oh, chickens. Deer stands should have a slightly increased rate of wildlife spawning around them, just for flavor and to make deer stands worth the loot they give (Being a more visible target if you're using them for hunting. - Make shelter significant -- Camping overnight in an abandoned barn should have merit and benefit. Perhaps making your blood regen a bit? Could also come into play if any weather effects were included. I think it'd be great to come across a barn with a faint glow of chemlights to find a survivor or two huddled over a fire or somesuch, before deciding what to do (pass them by, join them, or slay them and loot). I did this in a barn and a supermarket a few nights ago, and was really thinking about how awesome it'd be to come across this more from the outside. If shelter were made desirable/significant, it would better the overall experience. Plus, it would then force the sheltered players to police how much light they're giving off as to not attract undue attention. I've ran clear across Chernarus to the NW airfield with a flare in hand a chemlight on and not been shot at/seen, light should have a more significant affect on how largely your position is broadcast. - More types of tents/shelters -- Larger ones that can be entered would be great, places to hang your hat. Also, would make for some interesting group dynamics, whereby a group of survivors/bandits creates a remote camp and surrounds it with barbed wire protection, then proceeds to do whatever (hunt, forage, stockpile, slay bodies, etc). I'm a big fan of player-created settlements, and I think there's more than enough room in Chernarus for some relatively persistent player settlements. -- In this same vein, I think players should be allowed to place some forms of permanent structures (like sheds), just to give potential survivors some defense against bandits/zombies. - More general survival activities -- Farming crops at your camp (hoe and seed required), fishing (rod and tackle required), canning/jarring (empty can and preservatives/campfire required), stealing crops from existing farms, distillation of salt-water (distillation mechanism required), trapping (scrap metal and bait required). Would help to give the player purpose when he/she has acquired all the necessary utilities and enough ammunition (a purpose other than just PvP). Red Dead Redemption is a good inspiration for just general fun stuff to do whilst out in the wilderness. - Customizable characters -- Just aesthetic really, I'm not sure how load-bearing vests work in vanilla ARMA... but it'd be nice to be able to choose which LBV you've got on among other things. I know the mod resources are out there for this, visa vie Armaholic. Different types of LBVs, hats/hemets, gloves???, pants, shirts, eye-wear etc should be acquirable. I'm not sure if they should add to the inventory (in the case of different LBVs) but it would certainly be a great thing to be able to customize the look of your character. -- Would have to keep a pretty recognizable color scheme to differentiate between survivor and bandit. So I think perhaps the pants/shirts customization should be kept to a healthy minimum. Bandits should always have the flecktarn and shemagh/kiffiyeh visible, or just shouldn't share any traits with survivors aesthetically. Or, perhaps bandits are getting a unique skin of their own in the future, rather than just the Bundeswehr/KSK skin. - Female characters -- I've seen some threads on this, and I wholeheartedly agree. Female characters should totally be an option. I'm not even sure you'd necessarily HAVE to come up with new animations, as the animations in game are already pretty gender neutral... I would think it's just a matter of applying them to a different looking skin/skeleton. But I'm not a dev, or even wholesale educated on the subject... so I could be way off on that. But, to appease the female gamers and prospective female gamers who are interested in this mod... definitely couldn't hurt. - Increased focus on zombies over PvP -- Just a general thought. As I've began to sum my experiences up, I've sort of categorized them into percentages. I spend 30% of my time doing survival activities, 60% of my time being wary of other players or being engaged in direct PvP, and 10% of my time killing/bypassing zombies. For a zombie mod, zombies aren't really a primary threat to me. There needs to be either more zombies, more mobile zombies, or more zombies in the wilderness. Because when I cross a field, I'm thinking about whether I'll get shot or not... not about whether a zombie or three will come bolting across the field after me because they smelled warm flesh. - Flashlights as an attachment, not only standalone -- Pretty self-explanatory, either make flashlights a universal attachment that can be "taped on" to any weapon... or allow us to use it in conjunction with a sidearm. I think the "attachment" thing wouldn't be -that- hard to implement. There's already weapons with flashlights for attachments, and one could use the same dynamic as the "pickup flare/chemlight" thing that simply attaches it to the player body and apply it to the weapon. -- Speaking of which, can the placement of the flare/chemlight on the player change to somewhere on the body rather than the hand? It makes aiming during the night nearly impossible because there's a bright light next to your reticle every time. Plus, it just plain looks silly. - More types of vehicles?? -- I've seen bicycles in ARMA before, are they in Day Z yet? If so, I think they'd be a great addition. Likewise with motorcycles. (I've heard ATV's are in Day Z, but have not yet seen one). - For the love of all that is good, don't include implausible super-zombies -- Maybe a "fat guy" who can take a few more bullets to the body than usual, or a "super athletic" zombie who can run at you a little faster. But that should be the extent, any power that a zombie has should be derived from real-world circumstances.
  11. GedenWhitey

    Tents & Vehicles General

    @Tiri I don't know about the vehicles, but I lost my tents a few times over the last few days and every time they return after a server restart or two - Whitey
  12. Kind of frustrating to try to get vehicles in this mod. For how unstable it is and the buggy nature of inventory management, the benefits of spending hours fixing a vehicle just for the server to crash is not very enticing. Need to either get rid of needing to fix tires, engine, and glass or really simplify it a bit more. Proposal: Only requirement to get a car running Toolbox and Fuel. The amount of damage the car has sustained will determine how much time it will take for someone to fix it up. Remove the need to carry around tires, scrap metal, engine parts, windshield, etc. (exception being Jerry cans). I'd say use this as a temporary thing until the mod is much more stable to allow for elaborate parts hunting and vehicle repairing with out a worry of sever crashing before you get a chance to put it to use.
  13. Gunni (DayZ)

    Characters aren't saving

    NORWAY 1 After server restart about 02:00 GMT, characters are NOT SAVING... but vehicles spawned back??? Wtf is going on... when vehicles work, characters dont save and vice versa...
  14. Ignoring things has never been in my nature, I must always poke my head into things. I just don't approve of people trying to bash my name without proper facts. I have nothing to hide, do I give myself vehicles on my mission wasteland that I built on my server? Yes. Do I do it on DayZ or any other server? No. I simply have nothing to hide but my age (You caught me I am of course only 20).
  15. tiri

    DayZ Update 1.5.6

    I'd like to point out that, if the server scrashes, vehicles and tents are NOT saved, as we've painfully experienced on the EU7 server. Lost a BAF Offroad full of stuff and several tents. BTW, is there any way to do a rollback if this kind of crash happens ?
  16. samatra

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Alright, got exact info about tents. You can put in 50 of any objects (doesn't matter what their size it, 50 wheels will go in) + 10 any weapons (binoculars count as weapons too for instance) + 5 any backpacks. Vehicles work in the same way, we just need to find what are their exact capacity numbers are.
  17. Some vehicle ideas a) Random damaged vehicles with driver/passenger slots locked, but with ammo/weapons/items in their cargo slots b) A Found and fixed vehicle has a unique key (SetVariable Players name) so its then worth the player spending the time repairing the vehicle Nobody can then steal the vehicle if its parked up, but they can still carjack it if the player is driving it. This however would only be worth it once the Dedicated servers run their own local database.
  18. Gunni (DayZ)

    Characters aren't saving

    Yes its working now, got vehicles back, thanks! edit: after server reboot at 18:45 GMT, vehicles disappeared again... is the automatic server restart programmed to do full reboot to spawn vehicles too?
  19. orbital

    Making vehicles less rare

    I seen no problem with the current vehicle spawns to be honest (as long it doesn't inflate). More fuel consumption? No thanks, have you tried visiting the gas station with a noisy vehicle? Not something I want to do for every 2km I've driven. And then get a feel how many litres a helicopter consume... Vehicles require team effort and is a reward of just that! Working perfectly fine as it is.
  20. Leechman

    Making vehicles less rare

    1. You only need a gas station if you have a vehicle. Having to travel to them cannot be a reason for wanting more vehicles. 2. A large number of deer stands are off road and in not-easily-accessible-by-helicopter areas. Roads also aren't always the most efficient methods of travelling from one stand to another. 3. You want more vehicles, so you can use those vehicles to go find other vehicles. I'm sorry, I'm trying to see method in your arguments but it's not coming to me. Your desired uses for vehicles seem to require you having a vehicle in the first place. :/
  21. Darkki (DayZ)

    Making vehicles less rare

    With that attitude I can't see you having a reason to explore them WITH a vehicle. In which case' date=' I'm not sure what your point is. [/quote'] With increased vehicle spawn rates it would be worth checking if they have repairable vehicles/better vehicle you currently have. Also gas stations and deer stands are currently nicely spread acros map so people atleast have to go across villages that are far away from current hot zones and are more likely to loot them.
  22. Felix (DayZ)

    Making vehicles less rare

    True, once the helicopters are up, cleaning out the rest of the vehicles becomes incredibly easier.
  23. Darkki (DayZ)

    Making vehicles less rare

    After realizing that most of the towns are just couple buildings with bad loot and no risk involved there's no point exploring world when it takes so much time. At least server that I play on clan with 2 helicopters scout map 24/7 for new vehicles and will destroy/steal all vehicles that aren’t owned by them (This happened to both of my cars that I repaired), making them not worth time or just movable tents that aren’t used often. EDIT: Repairing vehicle for the first time is fun and challenging but after spending that time you realize that you can't use your vehicle properly becouse its too valuable to take risk of losing it.
  24. Leechman

    Making vehicles less rare

    Disagree. There's nothing stopping you from investigating these other locations as the game currently is. You don't need to increase the prevalence of an extremely useful gameplay tool to explore them. Vehicles are not "clan toys'. I have repaired both cars and helicopters on my own.
  25. GK_Buba

    Making vehicles less rare

    Not that I mind running around, but i guess a bike would be okay. But only if you need to repair it like all the other vehicles, just with less scrap metal.