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  1. I like the ideas. Especially like the idea that you only may have a min or two before the guy you just killed becomes a Zed. Sort of makes PK'ing a bit more hazardous. Not sure on the more detailed medical system. Yeah, what we have is gamey right now, but to add in a realistic level of detail...e.g., how many folks know how to remove a bullet? Secondary infections? And so on. Neat concept, I'm just not sure it would actually work in game very well. My suggestions. Military camps should have heavy weapons--M2 .50s, 60mm and 81mm mortars. They are very, very heavy, usually requiring a team to move them. Multiple parts to assemble,etc. Just think of the teamwork and logistics it would take to get Ma Deuce on the hill outside of Electro. But think about the fun. Or to rain down 81 mike-mike on a building full of Zeds. Would be cool. I'd like to see at least a few military ground vehicles. HWMMVs, BRDMs. Make finding the parts, very, very hard. But that would be fun. Nearly impossible to really abuse (I mean, you'd run out of MG ammo quickly...then what? You have a cool looking truck.).
  2. Mojo (DayZ)

    UK3 Admins hate to die? or even HACKS?

    Server admins will frequently lock a server to do a controlled launch. As for what set off your alarm bells, well, I hope you don't ever see the group I roll with, because we have four DMRs between use, all six (or so?) of us with NVGs, GPSs, silenced weapons for zombie killing, and that's not the mention the M14s, M16 ACOGs, and vehicles. Find things, stay alive, win.
  3. ejohnston95@gmail.com

    How can we make DayZ more unforgiving/brutal/fun?

    Interesting ideas... however. Zombies: I agree with your points to some extent. Personally I'd like to see zombie population server dependent eventually, as there is a lot of division between slow vs. fast zombies. The servers could decide the percentage of population ( ex. 5% sprinters, 5% hoppers, 90% walkers). Granted there would have to be a change to the walker "class" zombie as they would be a snap to outrin in the open, but there are some good ideas in other threads ie. -Can only be killed with a head shot -Implement a fatigue system more unforgiving than the current one -Increase numbers To which I would add another two others one -Walkers have better detection Since they are so easy to avoid have them detect you easier. How long do you want to spend staring at that loot pile now? -Any hit = infection I don't mean a head cold infection, I mean an actual crap I'm going to turn into a zombie infection. After all that's the real threat and scare of those shambling hordes. Yeah you can outrun them, in the open they aren't much threat, but it only takes one swipe, one moment where your mind wandered elsewhere and its over. That infection could start a timer, maybe based on your humanity, maybe not. when it reaches 0 you die, back to the lobby, but your survivor (or bandit) stays in game as a zombie. Now not only do you have to worry about getting shot in the face while trying to team up, but turning around to find what was once your partner is now something else chewing on your leg. Tents: Until we get characters localized to specific servers I don't really see the point of tents. I see this as a work in progress, but fail to see why you would use this to make the world more "unforgiving" Vehicles: I kind of agree, but would rather see the parts already in the vehicles. Rather than a tire in someones warehouse what if you've got six repairable cars spawned, but each one only has one part needed. Remove the battery from one car to move it to the one your working on. I also saw a thread where you should have to "equip" the item and actually carry it. You've got to carry the tire so no gun. Based on the information that this is the anti-game and is suppose to be a pain in the ass I agree with that concept. Ammo: More weapons, more ammo types. I read somewhere about needing to refill magazines. I like it. I don't think ArmA 2 can do it though, but maybe with ArmA 3. Have 120 7.62x39 rounds, great! Unfortunately you've only found one magazine for it so you can only shoot 30 rounds at a time before you have to open up your inventory and reload the empty magazine click by click so you can fire off another 30. If you really wanted to get sadistic add in weapons jamming and require people to dissasemble and clean their weapons to avoid this, also firing using a magazine with 30 rounds has a greater chance of jamming than one with say 25. (the preasure on the magazine spring from 30 rounds weakens it over time not allowing it to feed correctly -even though the magazine holds 30 rounds most only put in 25-28 rounds to avoid this). Make this an unannounced effect. Starting Gear: ArmA 2 is horrible with melee weapons, although there have been some mods that have added bayonets to mixed effect. If ArmA 3 allows a more robust melee I'm all for it. Either way starting gear should be less, should be random, and starting over should be a major pain in the butt. Tube Magazine: That's an ArmA 2 issue and I'm not sure if it is workable. Not to be a nitpicker, but just to point out it is possible to fire in the middle of reloading a detachable magazine (but not in game) if you reload before you've fired the magazine dry you still have one in the chamber. That's why its common to load a magazine starting with 2 ball and 3 tracer. When you fire off three tracers in a row its time to reload even though your magazine isn't completely empty with the bolt locked to the rear. Additional Points on Bandaging: I like the current would system, but would suggest the following improvements: -Player bandages himself bleeding slows, but doesn't stop. -Other player bandages you bleeding stops. (increases the need to rely on each other while simulates the difficulty of say bandaging the left arm using only the left one and your teeth). -When shot the bullet has the possibility to pass through or get lodged in a bone or what-not. Effects -not sure, but something rather inconvinient. -If shot you need to find someone with the item "surgical tools" these could be collective and take up say several slots, or need to be found individuially and each take up one slot (surgical thread, scalpel, forceps, rubber tubing) with those in the inventory they can "remove bullet" from another player. The operation itself shoudl drain you somewhere between 3000-6000 blood, so you may need to get a transfusion prior to the operation to ensure you don't die under the knife. Interested in hearing some feedback. -Cheers
  4. sherlock (DayZ)

    Just found MLRS

    All available vehicles are listed on this wiki-site: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vehicles_and_Aircraft It's unlikely that a MLRS would make it's way into DayZ. I hope this helps.
  5. So, about this mission, it's just too hard. Could someone explain to me step-by-step how do i edit this mission so i can add some ammo crates or vehicles? I can't seem to find this mission in the editor. Mission here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3619
  6. So, about this mission, it's just too hard. Could someone explain to me step-by-step how do i edit this mission so i can add some ammo crates or vehicles? I can't seem to find this mission in the editor. Mission here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3619
  7. redshootleo

    [HELP] How to edit this mission...

    So, about those missions, they are just too damn hard. Jesus, could someone explain to me step-by-step how do i edit this mission so i can add some vehicles or ammo?
  8. I dont like the idea of magically spawning vehicles. If you dont want to lose one, dont work on one.
  9. -1para- oblivion

    [] No Loot

    Happened to me as well. Been on a few servers where there was no loot at all except anything to do with repairing vehicles (tires etc). Logged onto another server (=BOB= UK server), and loot seemed to work. Was in a gorcery store in Electro and I was happily looting, then decided to bandage myself cos I had the bleeding animation bug. When I finished bandaging, all the loot had dissappeared, apart from a tent and a backpack.
  10. To clarify, Military camps are areas, surrounded by zombies mostly, in the hopes of finding supplies, guns, ammo, and survival items. Army Camps will be a PvP based item. In order for this to work, a grouping system needs to be added. The way to do that is to give the option to players to join another player. I am a leader of a small group and another wants to join me. All that player has to do is highlight me with his gun and scroll down to "Join Group." To see if it worked, the leader will just look at his notes to see who joined the group Now thats outta the way, let me explain the idea. Throughout the game, both ARMA 2 and the mod DayZ there is A LOT of white space. Open ground of nothing going on. I recommend that predetermined camps be put in on these spaces of emptiness. It doesn't need to be big, but 4 walls and 4 gates put in at each wall. Maybe a crows nest in the middle so that the defenders of the camp have a chance to counter snipers and such. The goal of these camps, are to capture them. They will have lockboxes and crates to store ammo, food, supplies and even vehicle or helicopter parts. I think this would help encourage people to work together. From what I've seen, its been a lot of cut throat antics. The same thought goes through EVERYONES head. Why work with this guy? He is looking at his map right now, I could totally put one through his skull, take ALL his stuff and be set for the next several days. Well no more. You get a small group of guys together and start gearing yourselves up because you WANT that camp! Why? Because you want to be able to do everything this game has to offer like building vehicles, building helicopters and stock piling food. I think the real interesting thing about this idea however is the possible PvP options. Imagine this scenario.... You are the leader of a small band of 7 survivors, well-equiped with 3 Winchesters, 2 Enfields, a CZZ 550, and a M4. Your eyes are set on a camp, south of Guglovo. Scouting out the compound, there seems to be several walls with two towers at opposite corners and a bunker at the front gate. Your sniper reports theres about 50 zombies in and outside the camp. You order your team to spread out and pick their shots and focus on the enemies outside first while the enemies inside slowly stumble out the gate. The sniper takes the first shot, hitting one in the head. As it tumbles over, the horde runs towards your squad. A hail of bullets begin to fly as zombies start toppling over. The sniper reports the Zeds have hit the gate and are coming out. Your team focuses on those zombies and they widdle them down. Soon, the only thing standing is your victorious team. The team moves into the camp and quickly secures the perimeter and captures the area. A list of priorities instantly start flooding your head. Ammo and better guns, food, vehicles, etc. But you can't send everyone. You don't want one lone survivor to come in and steal what you've already stored. So you split the team. You send 4 guys into Guglovo, while you and the two others guard the camp... I can go on and on and on for endless hours of the unlimited amount of possibilities that could happen but use your own imagination. Is there anything that could happen while YOUR team is split up? I hope you all enjoyed the story, but I'm sorry its way too long. But I really like this idea, and I wanna see its implemented!
  11. AzureDrake


    Can confirm this with vehicles.
  12. zealous

    The Battle Bus

    An interesting idea, would obviously have to be very difficult to construct. I hate the clan tag bit though, sorry. Would break immersion and also look silly seeing: --==420xXxkill4hN0sc0peSniPahMLGcL4NxXx420==-- type shit around the place. Not bagging your general idea though, would be great to be able to customize all vehicles. Actually having vehicles to customize might be a good starting point though...
  13. Nonn

    Day Z...WAS.....fun

    I just don't have this issue. Course I am also part of a large group that does lots together. Mostly supply runs and the occasional killeveryoneincherno run. Not having vehicles in our new server is the only thing making this stale for me atm. As for the pvp aspect well, I just don't have that much of a problem avoiding death. I expect to be shot at almost all the time, even more so in major cities. Maybe if you just stopped assuming this was some friendly singleplayer+coop game with zombies and came to terms with what it really is, DieZ, you'd have a better time. Or just give up all together as this doesn't look like the game for you. I hear minecraft has zombies too. Why not give that a go?
  14. merc3n4ri0

    'Save Old Camping Tent' action not being removed

    'Save Old Camping Tent' action not being removed Date/Time: 23 to 24/05/12 What happened: 'Save Old Camping Tent' action does not disappear from action menu once used and very much out of proximity of tent, Indeed, this new patch crash the dayz ... ie when you scroll the mouse on any object, eg tent (on the screen is safe old trend) helicopter (Safe hell), Car Safe pickp, or whether it crash the hud and tb is not working anymore the option of repairing same ... Where you were: Various locations on 3 different servers What you were doing: Saving currently deployed tents and repair vehicles *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: BR Dayz *Your system specs: Pentiun i7, 4gb ram, nvidia gforce gtx 480 , 1000w *Timeline of events before/after error: Normal play. Happens after short/long play duration on a server.
  15. I can also confirm this Goes for refueling vehicles, fixing vehicles, giving blood bags, etc. The only way around it is to disconnect and then reconnect each time you want to perform an action Also with tents, when you save them the "Save old camping tent" selection stays the entire time until you disconnect I'm suprised no one is noticing this
  16. Since 1.5.8 has been released there have been umpteen threads that illustrate how the changeover isn't working at all: 1) Saving vehicles no longer works if you've saved a camping tent previously, because it never switches over to save (UAZ, bus, etc) http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6201 ; http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6362 ; http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6286 2) Repairing/refueling vehicles is no longer possible because the option doesn't actually do anything http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6324 http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6312 http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1577 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6365 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6247 3) Making campfires without wood is still possible http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6330 4) Bandaging people doesn't work all the time (same with blood packs) http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5917 5) Barbed wire emplacements are impossible to remove half the time http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6224 I'm sure these are only half of the possible errors that can result from the [G]ear changeover and are the result of an exceedingly unintensive forum search. Might it not be a good idea to switch back to the old system that actually worked (even with the increased server strain) until gear selection is fully tested? A lot of people who found and fixed cars are going to be pissed when their location doesn't actually save. Same with not being able to bandage friends or give them blood.
  17. Latros

    Stop saying "Leeroy Enfield"

    First this is a ZOMBIE Survivor SIM... Not history Channels greatest wars... To care about name accurasy in a game that has Zombies is just fucking silly. People make nicknames for guns... Obviously you have never been in the military? If you are affectionate about a weapon it will garner a nickname... Ever heard of the Barret 50cal machine gun? or M2? Its commonly called the "Ma-Duece" in affection by those who use and love it. This is no different grow the fuck up and quit worrying about fucking historical accuracy in a ZOMBIE GAME. Ever heard of the Bushmaster 25mm AutoCannon? well anyone who has used it most likely will say 25MikeMike..... Think people call their M4 anything else? No because its 2 fucking letters... Some actual historical nicknames of military weapons: Potatoe smasher (german grenade) Burp Gun (PPsh-41) Grease gun (M3) The Pig (M60) Carl Gustav (Charlie G) And thats just a couple firearms... dont even get into military Aircraft or vehicles christ.. Heaven forbid "Gamers" make nicknames for weapons in a "GAME" FML some retarded fucking people out here. *Edit: You can try and play it off now that you look like a idiot that you were joking but you were not... go ahead play it off and try and make everyone look like a idiot but its too late you already let everyone know.
  18. manowar

    Scroll Menu will not work

    This is part of the latest update, read the change log. Also thsi has messed with vehicle reparation. you cant fix vehicles anymore
  19. Lady Kyrah

    More emergent gameplay

    It is my belief that what makes DayZ so fascinating is that the game rules are very simple and comparable to the rules of physics in the real world. Some of the very simple rules we already have that can be exploited in many different ways: -Placing Barb wire and sandbags allow to fortify a building, secure encampments, funnel zombies and players. -The wound system allow a variety of play, will you kill this guy or spare bullets by wounding him enough so the zombies can catch him? -Tents: some use them as a lure to atract players in a killzone, some use them as a storage, some use them as the foundation of a player camp. -Vehicles: some use them as mobile tents. I think we should focus in thinking about features that are very simples and very close to "laws of physics" kind of features. The temperature system i'm sure will bring all kind of new situations. Which means, no "game like" rules because those always close up the gameplay rather than broadening it. My suggestion that follow these guidelines: Change the campfires so they make much more light and have a distinct "dark" smoke that can be seen over the trees, this would allow to find groups of players "hey look, there are peoples alive there!" and to allow players to use them as various signalisation methods. Airhorns: They would be handheld items that basically emit a sound that can be heard from very far, could be used for signaling or to lure zombies away from a building, car horns could have the same effect? Zipties and non letal weapons, this was suggested in another thread. Addiction: Painkillers and other drugs could have some side effects, for example every painkiller taken increase the chance that the next painkiller will not calm your shake (your body is getting used to it), this would create some players that now are looking for painkillers to calm their addiction.
  20. milancz

    Don't add to much features

    I disagree with OP. First off avg. lifetime is very misleading as its being lowered by cherno/elektro deathmatching derps who don't need to care about anything except point and click in the first place and just spawn over and over again. On the other hand, when you got some hours under your belt, you can survive for days and then you start pondering what more you can do. Build a base, reinforce a house, raid, hunt, repair stuff, etc. The more you will be able to do the better. Hell even implement the need to take a crap or a piss according to how much you eat/drink and make the possibility of digging a hole for it first or to do it in a bag that you'll bury so the smell wont give you away to bandits or zombies :D But I'm all for not adding too much stuff until the existing features will get fixed, like tents and vehicles.
  21. mrtavish

    Car gear gone

    All our vehicles are now completely empty too. Lost more stuff than I care to mention.
  22. fecesreturns

    Tents not saving after hotfix?

    Same thing on FR4 Date/Time: 24 may 22:34 Germany Time Server: FR4 What happened: Cannot access Save tent option in quick menu. Where you were: Undisclosed location in the North What you were doing: trying to save tent. No menu comes up. Current version Everything worked fine before hotfix. Also on another note we lost all of our gear in our vehicles and also cannot save vehicles. Not to mention can not repair and refuel said vehicles.
  23. sindrla92@gmail.com

    Add Takistan

    More vehicles would make them less special :P and allthough less cover doesn't bother you since you have a car, think of what it does to the infected? it'd be shit easy to pick them off when they're on a big field running after your car. Would indeed fit poorly with DayZ
  24. slimlacy

    Possible end-game objective

    End game objectives would be a bad idéa. Also don't like the idéa of objectives forcing people to use teamwork. Make teamwork required by the amount of z's, not some kind of reward for being able to stack 4 people togther and walking to a location. Better to incase the objective area with z's, then doing it alone would be almost impossible. In regards of objectives, the random notes/radio calls and stuff, pointing to a loot rich area, and possible even to working, or semi working vehicles, would be awesome. Something like notes, that only the person reading it gets the objective, also less rewarding maybe. And radio objectives that people in a set radius hear, to make some competing objectives, but with better rewards, teamwork would have the obvious benefit of more people. Being alone makes you travel faster, but you also pack very low firepower if you end up having to fight for the loot. Ignoring the objective could also be a good way not to get wacked
  25. Why do you need words? The mod has elements of cooperation. Bandaging others, sharing tents and fires, working to gather parts for vehicles and multiple seats... so on and so forth... I didn't say that the people who want to enjoy that unmolested are doing anything better or correct... I was stating that some people have that desire, while others have the desire to... well... molest... and that's fine, too... Like I said, my only complaint is the exploitation of the respawn mechanic and how easy it is to wield against people who are working hard at cooperation. Making that 20% harder wouldn't ruin the game.