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Found 43111 results

  1. Bandit Hunter

    One mega server for all persistant items ?

    I got totally lost in your post, but you're topic title brings up a good idea. We're currently going to one mega database for all our persistence character data. Whats to say we can't pull half that data, being tents/vehicles/future persistant objects, from another? I'm not a technical guy, but it sounds like this would either speed things up, or slow them down.
  2. SomeoneMustGetHurt

    Seeking: Group with Military level tactics

    Hey MajorGunHo, If you are interested, I run a DayZ clan called Overwatch [OVW]. The name is in fact referring to the military tactic you mentioned and we use it in all of our operations. A few things about us: OVW was formerly an anti-bandit clan but since the last update, we've become a highly efficient, combat effective survival group. We have a loose military structure that is appropriate to DayZ employing the use of fireteams. We switch between operating casually and tactically depending on whether the enemy is not expected, expected, or known to be at a location. Originally, we were fully mechanized with 7 vehicles (2 UAZ's, 1 offroad, 2 pickups, a bus, and a car) but we recently moved servers due to lag and are currently in search of new vehicles. We have Teamspeak 3 servers and a forum. We are also working on running DayZ servers. If you or anyone is interested in joining OVW please go to: ovw-dayz.com And apply, you will be contacted if approved. Maximum 3 users approved a day, so join quick! Requirements: * Be over 16 * Be mature- Willingness to learn, listen, and behave around members and officers * Microphone Group statistics: Kills: 74 (mostly bandits) Deaths: 27 In need of- * More fireteam leaders * Skilled marksmen * People with balls in general. Always, SMGH
  3. naizarak

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    manual spawns or not, vehicles as a whole have just vanished. i must have traveled around the entire map at least twice now without seeing a single repairable car or heli, on different servers, too. i could understand you reducing heli spawns, but there's no need to reduce car numbers. all they allow people is to travel from point A to point B faster.
  4. beginner

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    What the point explore the map if players can save vehicles outside the map? Only for rare chance to spot spawned heli?
  5. griffinz

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    Thank you for the calm reply. Yes, but when Im in the presence of the devs as they are working away, there are some things I feel I should not tell everyone. Where I draw the line is usually back-end things or things in-the-works. I, instead, use my little nuggets of info to help the community with some aspects of the game. Its let me help server admins fix problems with hosting, identify what is cheating and what isnt, and usually help others get a fast-track to a dev regarding certain problems, etc... In this particular case, I did not care to go in to further detail about the process the devs use. So for further information you will need to contact them...but just remember my warning about contacting them in regards to vehicles.
  6. NecessaryEvil

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    Sounds like that would apply to all the vehicles, not just the hueys.
  7. I suggest to put some police cars (wrecks or disabled) with some police loot (shotgun, first aid). This could add some variety to the vehicles wrecks and a lil more realism. Obviously those cars will be spawned in big towns. http://img23.binimage.org/b1/da/65/police.jpg http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/policee_4.jpg http://s2.migalki.net/upload/1000/2010/02/07/553e9ef1064383f4341d015ce63c38ed.jpg For those saying that the crown vic is used only in North America.
  8. WildGunsTomcat

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    Wow I didn't mean for this to become an argument lol I just wanted to know about the distinct lack of vehicles I'm seeing now.
  9. Talskar

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    This would essentially just be adding quests. A lot of people would be against this for it's similarity to an MMO but we already have fetch quests in the form of vehicles. Loot Drops with "Epic" and "Common" Gear. And Random Events in the form of Heli crash sites. Some deeper structure beyond survival isn't the worse thing in the world. The Huey is pretty cool to fly around afterall.
  10. Solid.nl

    Berezino: The New Devil's Playground

    Now i started playing dayz about a 2 weeks ago... I basically just went playing for about a hour without having any idea what was where or how the interface worked for that matter. But decided i might wanna read up on some things and also watched some people play the game and all that learned me how to use the inventory system and other aspect including the maps and offcourse what cherno and electro were. So when i came back and figured i was in electro, uhm lets go the other way and just see where it takes me. Few days later my buddies start coming into the game so no i can actually go and get blood packs and use them. Oke so i need a hospital, oke cherno and electro not such a good idea what about this place on the map called berezino.... Lets go there then, bloody hell its empty noone here..... And it has been since i went there 1 and a half week ago with sometimes having some poor sob coming into town only to be gunned down. (Yeah i am one of those players sue me). So far where i play its been pretty empty but i figure it wont last, people will get fed up about cherno and electro allthough i sometimes do venture there quickly if i spawn on the docks to get some quick supplies and get the hell out of dodge. But seeing as there are only 3 cities with hospitals i am surprised it even took this long. The downside will still be the walk towards berezino, i already had to walk there from my spawn several times with only basic equipment and it does take quite some time to get there. Its the main reason why cherno and electro are so hot, the spawn points are there. It takes along time to move to the good parts of the map but maybe its just me and i cant speak for everyone. But i think having to walk all the way back where your buddies are is far worse then losing your stuff. Now it would be fine if me and my friends could actually find a car fix it and setup a pickup service for each other but as far as i can tell the server i am on does not have vehicles yet because of the problems with it. Greetz Solid
  11. DemonGroover

    Survivor Society

    Does anyone know of a place that can be heavily fortified with the right equipment? Surely sandbags, fences etc are there for a reason? What i am game for is a large group of Survivors fortifying a place and once done sending smaller groups out for recon missions (finding food and weapons, protecting the area from bandits, repairing and keeping vehicles). Who knows one day there could be a massive conflict between Survivors and Bandits (as well as aggro-ed Zeds). Surely after the Apocalyspe there must be some survivors who want to recreate society again?
  12. Praetorian (DayZ)

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    I'm going to have to agree with TOCMasterK. Griff is just patronizing the posters in this thread instead of just giving answers. We would like to know who spawns heli's/ other vehicles. If it's not the server admins then is it the DayZ staff? When vehicles that players have rebuilt but despawn after a server reset it is natural to want to get another one so I see that why question is being asked.
  13. wasrad

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    LOL are you serious. Admins not having the ability to spawn in helis doesnt completely negate the ability to choose the locations they have a percentage of spawning at. Sure, they may not be able to directly create one, but if they can choose where they might spawn in, they can just have their clan members check out those areas. It is a simple question about a spawn that a LOT of people, including myself, have spent time looking for( 6 horus total including collecting all the parts, dying checking known spawns, collecting all the parts again, dying again, wash,rinse, repeat). It is not a question about whats going on in groom lake or the 4th level of the Pentagon. There is also a thread with a list that has been made of where vehicles spawn that includes hueys. I guess I am just going to deduce that they are in fact placed via HIVE since you wan to be mr Im-more-important-than-you greennamed bad ass over here as opposed to, you know, actually being helpful to the community as a whole regarding this pretty important issue.
  14. Would a server owner/admin locking/passwording a server so they can gather rare items and vehicles count as abuse?
  15. Ok, i was reading through a few threads and made some thoughts what would be some good improvements to make DayZ more realistic. Actually it is more a mess and far from being anything near of realism. It's not about PvP, although i dislike the actual situation, it is part of the experience, fair enough. IMHO the players do not have enough reasons to care for teamplay or at least not in the same amount as it would in real. Loot: That is actually the biggest problem. You go into a barn, take some loot and play along. Later you disconnect, the next day you reconnect (same server or different one, doesn't matter) and go to the very same barn and magically new loot appeared. Well, i would like to have such a magical barn near my place. In reality, goods don't appear magically, they have to be produced. This leads to the next ideas. Skills/abilities: I might be dumb but in reality i couldn't repair a UH-1 even if my life would depend on it. In DayZ, everyone is a highly qualified engineer. Let alone flying a helicopter. I play ToH but i wouldn't take seat in a real Helicopter on the pilots place. Same goes for other aspects, let me name a few that came to my mind: - Engineer: can repair vehicles (non-Engineer could try also but with much higher chance that vehicle breaks down again in a very short time) - Scientist: bring him your empty shells and the chemical ingredients and he will turn the empty shells into usable ammo (therefor the no-loot idea above). You can try yourself but be aware not to blow off yourself while mixing gunpowder. - butcher: you can hunt but you will only get 2 pieces of meat out of the killed animal. Bring it to a butcher and he will make 6 out of it, 1 for him and 5 for you, since he did the job for you. - Pilot: if you don't know how, you shouldn't try to fly a helicopter. Period. - Medic: There are surely more possibilities, will add them as they come up to my mind. Point is, to have a reason to keep people alive, maybe even protect them, they should have more value than just the stuff they're carrying. Wouldn't be smart, having a repaired chopper but a few mins ago killed the only player on the server who could fly it. ;) So, to make it short, give players the ability to gain one of those skills (not multiple) to make them more valuable alive. Although i wouldn't deny some general abilities for everyone, re-read the butcher. Unexperienced players can also do this things but by far less effective. Once they've gained a skill, they should become better. Often i saw the statement "it's me or him" when justifying playerkills. They are completely right, no doubt. I wouldn't remove that aspect so i'm also against punishments against bandits. Point is, not punishing anyone but to give more and better reasons to think twice before pulling the trigger. Oh, and one last thing, although a little OT now: every blood donor can tell you that blood regenerates itself. ;) P.S. Since now we can have female characters.....remember what Lt. Ellen Ripley said in Aliens: Ressurection? "Who do i have to f*** to get off this ship?" Think about it. ;)
  16. mofokk

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    it's been said already by someone that if vehicles are "lost" under certain conditions. They are removed from the servers database and never return. even after a server restart. Look after them if you find them. I Have played 4-5 hours minumum a day for the last 2 weeks and seen ONE car, despite visiting many servers.
  17. xenofei

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    I've been to most of the areas (the ones away from the coast) in search of a vehicle and server hopped to an endless extent; I've yet to find a vehicle. Are there only a certain amount of vehicles per server? How many spawn? Do they rotate spawn points once taken? This is frustrating and on the verge of losing hope of ever finding wheels to drive. All the parts needed, and yet nothing to use them on.
  18. dharion@drahl.com

    [Suggestion]Not enough realism (yet again)

    - Well, do you know how to treat a dead boar to get the max meat out of it? Ehhh, shoot it, slide open the stomach, remove the intestines, jab a stick through it and hang it above a fire. - Do you know how to repair a Helicopter or fly it? Repair.. no, but give me a week or so and I can get quite far. Flying.. well, aside from all the buttons, that shouldn't be to hard. practice makes perfect. Must add that I usually suck in games with vehicles aswell, so need to learn it either way. - Can you remove a bullet out off your leg? Sure, don't ask how much damage I will make while doing so, but that bullet will get out. - Can you repair a nearly destroyed car? See repairing a helicopter.
  19. andrey.grigoriev@gmail.com

    [MAP]Grid/Coordinates outlined Chernarus map

    Nice work. Can they add firestations icons and mark vehicles spawn points (click on icon and u will see which vehicles can be spawn in this area)? All loot spawning buildings are now on map. Items from latest patch are in loot lists. I'm investingating things regarding vehicles, stay tuned.
  20. Just got this game, followed all install instructions on that one thread for "steam install" I unpacked all the folder's and everything into the @DayZ Addons folder, and when i start up Arma II OA I get the message: "DayZ_code CA Building Parts required, and when the game goes into the main menu another error pops up which says something like "File not found /bin/config/cfg/vehicles/Citizen Scope 1" or something like that. Also, I tried to join a server just in case these error messages meant nothing and it said I do not have the downloadable content required. ANY help appreciated, thank you. Edit: Just looked at the error again and it says DayZ_code requires addon CA building parts instead of what i said previously, hope it helps.
  21. blackaciddevil

    Add ultimate objective/end game?

    When I first began to play DayZ I didn't like/hated the idea of having a objective or an end, other then death. I loved to run around the cities/towns/landscapes and explore. I started to play when 1.5.6 was released. After a while it gets kind of dull. And I haven't found all the "good" stuff, machine-guns, vehicles, tent etc. I'm kind of an "rpg-geek" and like to PLAY the game, not to run around collecting the best shit. A possible objective that I would like to see is a rescue. A reason to stay alive. I don't find that reason now. I don't know if Rocket and The Devs is planning any kind of backstory or something. But lets say, 1-2-3 times a week any day any time. A rescue helicopter or a boat down the coast arrives at random spots. If you spot the vehicle (or hear it's call on the com-radio, if it's going to be implemented) run to it, it will just stay for 5 min or so. If you make it, end, or if you'd like to stay to evacuate with your friend, then stay and wait for him. You hit a high score table or something, THE list of survivors. Maybe I don't like my own idea tomorrow or till the next patch, just a thought.
  22. Bunch of people with OP weapons gunning down noobs. Zombies are a joke and hardly ever pose a serious threat. The advanced players have already gotten bored of airfield camping and vehicle repairing, and are just on the hunt with their NVG's and assault rifles. Basically, here's how the average player goes through this game: 1. First time playing - explore, collect pointless items, die a lot. 2. Work with other players, explore further in-land, collect better guns. 3. Realize you're essentially running around in circles for no apparent reason. 4. Form a group to repair vehicles. 5. Have some fun driving around in a jeep. 6. Realize you're going in circles, again. 7. What do I do now? 8. Start hunting other players. TLDR: the game is getting repetitive flamesuit: ON
  23. naizarak

    DayZ In a Nutshell

    ok so 3 weeks after the OP, and the game hasn't changed at all. if anything it's even more of a deathmatch now. doesn't help that vehicles seem to be glitched and are nearly impossible to find now.
  24. ikshadow

    Vheicles suggestion

    Please consider removing miltary type of vheicles and as well all air one's as helicopter. ( repairable ones ) We could use bikes and motorbikes but in general it would be great if we just stick with the ones available bellow: http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-vehicles/chernarussian-civilian-vehicles_en.html + Few of the boats. http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-vehicles/ships-and-boats_en.html Due huge distances it would be nice if motorbikes are added ( and not rare), they should be very loud but highely available.
  25. Reaper (DayZ)

    Ammo bags/crates

    Ammo bag sounds like a cool idea, kind of like how all your tools/gadgets are kept in a seperate panel to the loot you find. Ammo crates in vehicles only would be a pretty cool bonus for people who manage to build a vehicle.