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  1. Hello, today me and my friends were playing for several hours at US90 (Dallas 20). Estimated time 07:15 AM some of our friends were killed, we investigated and found a tent city. After a while of scouting around it we get attacked and i kill two players, one of them a moderator maybe admin? After 7 minutes, when we go to loot the tents we get “session lost” and the server goes down. We try to rejoin with some trouble after a while I get in. But get kicked for having high ping. And it was the same value as the hours before we played. Even a user on the forums asked why the values was changed. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9599 This means the server was restarted just before we were going to loot the mod/admins tents and steal their vehicles. After the server was restarted the required ping value was lowered, pretty much barring us from any online activity. I eventually get killed after relogging quite a few times. This is the feed the recording. Please disregard our bad language.(lol) part1 part2 I get killed (Very funny :D)I’m not sure at all what happened on the server, if anyone deliberately barred us from looting their stuff. But it is very suspect and I would like some help figuring out what happened or maybe having it investigated if that is possible.
  2. blackbeard06

    Dallas 42 Apache

    Well regardless have the server owner check the server logs. I'm sure they can find the IPs and conduct the proper punishment. I am also lead to believe that DayZ frequently scans for non server specific Items, such as guns, vehicles.. etc. In short if a hacker spawns a "non-normal" mod item it gets flagged.
  3. 14.06.2012 - Serverupdate - Updated to ArmA2 Beta Patch 93701 - Still only 93616 needed to join 13.06.2012 - Lagspikes - Thanks to some configuration experiments and LagMonitor i was able to reduce the Lag again to the ULTRA LESS Level you are usually know from DE10, have fun playing! 12.06.2012 - Lagspikes - LAGS are caused by driving, in special "crashing" with vehicles. This is already made public and hopefully fixed soon - link 11.06.2012 - Serverupdate - Updated to ArmA2 Beta Patch 93616 - You NEED now Beta Pateched Client (min. 93616) to connect to DE10! - New Netconfig v1.14, try to fix those vehicle generated lags. 10.06.2012 - Restored DE10 Thread 09.06.2012 - DE10 now autorestart on Crashs - DE10 is now protected by ServerMonitor from Dizzymagoo 08.06.2012 - Serverupdate - Updated to ArmA2 Beta Patch 93586 - Still only 93398 needed to join 06.06.2012 - DE10... got... VEHICLES!!! - More then 30 are available now for you on DE10, come in and check out where those Dev's hide them. 05.06.2012 - Serverupdate - Updated to ArmA2 Beta Patch 93415 - Still only 93398 needed to join 02.06.2012 - Serverupdate - Updated to latest HiveEXT v0.4.1 - Raised Slots to 50 - Updated to ArmA2 Beta Patch 93398 - You NEED now Beta Pateched Client (min. 93398) to connect to DE10! 31.05.2012 - New Vote available - DE10 - Vote: How much Slots should a Server have? - Thx to the Board rollback the Thread got lost... (10.06.2012) 31.05.2012 - Board Thread Created. - For now, i will use this Board to inform you about the latest news of the European located Server "DE10". Feel free to ask me questions, give suggestions for improvement or report errors/problems. 27.05.2012 - Serverupdate. - Network Configuration tuned to v1.13 - Hive Updated to v0.9.2 - Server Updated to v1.6.0.1
  4. For the 3rd day in a a row when we logged in we have found that our car is gone. We are hiding them in very remote locations and even the atvs are well hidden inside pine trees yet every day without fail they are gone. We are making sure to click save several times before we log. Is someone finding our stuff? If so how? Or is something else going on with the server and saving vehicles or server restarting doing anything
  5. Braxton

    Vehicle Respawning?

    Well, the "unsaved" part seems true, but what about destroyed vehicles? Is there a vehicle "cap" for unsaved vehicles on a map, and what happens when someone /saves a vehicle? Does it get emptied from the total-vehicles per map, or is it only replaced when it is destroyed? I can foresee a problem with bandit clans, or trolls, gathering up all the vehicles on a map into their own "camp" thereby removing any possible vehicles for people on a map.
  6. So i got a message from my friend today at work saying he couldnt find our ATV/Home Base, i spawned in right in front of where ATV should of been but ti wasnt there, i checked the hill twice, even went down the hill to see if it slid. Apparently they were running doing something else and the server reset, when they came back in and went to check the ATV it wasnt there, but there was a bicycle on the hill very close, so they thought it got stolen. They then proceeded to check another vehicle we had in a different area, the Tractor was also missing. What happened, did the server get hacked, will i ever have a chance to see those vehicles again? does anyone know if this server got hacked or what could of caused this problem?
  7. The Internet does not have enough face palms. Vehicle loss is, unfortunately, a very common occurrence. I doubt it had anything to do with the security issues. The reason that there were no vehicles for quite some time, then a lot of them is elucidated, I believe, elsewhere in these forums (essentially they were broken, then a server side patch brought them back in with some enhancements like bicycles). Keep calm and carry on.
  8. So I heard on IRC that vehicles do NOT respawn on a server. Meaning your server currently has X number of vehicles that the hive populated and then left alone. So if that shiny flatbed goes BOOM it won't ever come back, or be replaced by something else random? Not sure if this is true or not, but wouldn't it be better to simply wipe destroyed vehicles on server restart. Then, have the server do a check for the # of "functional" vehicles on the server, and then add/respawn new vehicles based on what that search returns? ie: If ServerA is spawned with 15 vehicles, and 3 are completely destroyed. The next day when ServerA restarts 3 more vehicles are randomly placed on the map? Or, someone was talking out of their bum & that's how it already works "roughly" :)? ps: Any thoughts on adding those military "training" jets (Viper) from Arma2OA into DayZ without weapons, or the bi-plane with machineguns :3?
  9. dehlome (DayZ)

    US 33 Hacked

    A hacker apparently killed everyone and blew up all vehicles at 8:49 PM EST on US 33 (SEATTLE 2). Help? Oops, can this be moved to cheat reporting? Thanks, I was upset when I wrote it.
  10. Hello, on my servers the people write that the vehicles explode when he join it :o ? why this ?^^
  11. So, i've been adding loads of vehicle spawns to this Wiki that i've used; http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vehicles_and_Aircraft And yes, they ARE right. No one else has been updating this, so I took the liberty to add them to help out everyone. I didn't think many players had actually read this wiki and used it to find any vehicles until this; He mentions that "The Wiki was right!" and I had actually added the Bicycle spawn location recently after a friend found it after we were searching for fuel for a bus from Cherno. Keep watching this Wiki page for updates, because i'll be adding loads of them. ;)
  12. dph314

    We've got it too easy

    First there's "we need more zombies" comments, and now we need less vehicles? I have yet to run into a vehicle, probably because clans keep hoarding them. Like my post a few posts up, more zombies will either equal 1.) crawling way too much which makes the game too slow and boring, or 2.) you're dead everytime you go into a town since there's no melee attack and you aren't going to be carrying 100 bullets on you every time you need to go into a town for food. And vehicles, though I've never had one, are a fun aspect of the game I'm assuming. Why have less of them? They're already practically non-existant as it is.
  13. fml


    At 50 hours logged I've found 1 ghillie suit, and 1 tent. Also I've never found a NVG's or vehicles.
  14. faecrol

    [NATO] Currently Seeking 2-4 More

    What exactly do you do? How is your vehicles and weapons and servers?
  15. forbesy

    We've got it too easy

    agreed. too easy, and too many vehicles
  16. TRCBlackhawk

    Chicago 35

    Everyone just got killed on chicago 35, looks likes everything was destroyed vehicles etc. the name tkc community popped up and everyone just died.
  17. .:14A41:.Pvt.p4lztZ

    Is something wrong with the hive?

    Apparently, Said by Braxton in another thread : So, all of you ignored the announcement that there are new "Security Features" in the hive to detect & nuke hackers who summon items/vehicles that is causing all of this lag? I can't find the post/thread lol. Must be burried somewhere. /shrug
  18. So, all of you ignored the announcement that there are new "Security Features" in the hive to detect & nuke hackers who summon items/vehicles that is causing all of this lag? They're working on it. Did this REALLY need a thread to simply complain in?
  19. Do vehicles stay at the last spot they were driven, or do you have to save it?
  20. Bugs: 1. Zombies going through walls. 2. Zombies acting spastic, like jump crazy forward into you, and teleporting. 3. The monkey zombies not alerting even though you are 10-20 meter behind them, and crouch walking. Features: 1. More building/fortification 2. More vehicles/weapons/melee weapons/skins 2. More lootable buildings
  21. Date/Time: June 10th, roughly 1pm Eastern Time. What happened: Server was invaded by somebody scripting vehicles to spawn on players and kill them. I decided to cancel my loading into the server when I was told the trucks were spawning on top of people. When I logged back in after the server came back up, I was spawned in at the land of nowhere, where people spawn while loading. Tried to run as far as I can to get back to the real map, cannot go too far due to lack of food and water. Even the position I run toward isn't getting saved, I just log back in where I started... Where you were: Loading into the server, and now in infinite land. What you were doing: See "What Happened". *Current installed version: 1.7 *Server(s) you were on: Chicago 10 (US 10) *Your system specs: Not needed I'd believe. *Timeline of events before/after error: See "What Happened".
  22. Chainedlord

    a way to flip ATVs back over

    Over the weekend my group and I scouted the north area looking for a base camp and came across quite a few vehicles. Amazingly we found six ATV's and two tractors near hills, in forests, buildings, and even stole one from another player. During our travels four ATV's flipped. We attempted to flip the first ATV using a tractor with a red engine. The tractor exploded and we nearly lost the ATV and Troy (a member of our group and a terrible driver). We marked the point where the ATV had flipped on the map and came back for it after the server restarted. The second ATV flipped while driving through a town, apparently there was a small bump which caused the ATV to flip into the air multiple times damaging it badly. Yet again we marked the point on the map and came back for it several hours later. With our luck the third ATV also flipped in this very spot. The fourth however was flipped on grassland and this time we had a healthy tractor to attempt to flip it over. This was the aftermath... http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/596972801551163676/3BCF9ED93F05E386C9EE356A70271D84D3432AC7/ WARNING: DO NOT RAM ATV'S WITH TRACTORS. EDIT: Should make it so that you need two people to flip over the ATV, one person for the bike, nine people for the military jeep....etc
  23. howichrgelazer

    Post suspect BattlEye script logs here

    I'll start with what I found today r_player_ 10.06.2012 12:30:36: gaybutt ( dec49607ac619c6bd574504e0d5f1231 - #13 pos %4; newvehicle setdir %5; newvehicle setVehicleInit " this setVehicleVarName ""vehicle_%1_%2"" 10.06.2012 12:30:36: gaybutt ( dec49607ac619c6bd574504e0d5f1231 - #37 _ALICE_Pack_EP1","DZ_Backpack_EP1"]; r_player_ 10.06.2012 12:28:42: gaybutt ( dec49607ac619c6bd574504e0d5f1231 - #13 pos %4; newvehicle setdir %5; newvehicle setVehicleInit " this setVehicleVarName ""vehicle_%1_%2"" 10.06.2012 12:28:43: gaybutt ( dec49607ac619c6bd574504e0d5f1231 - #37 _ALICE_Pack_EP1","DZ_Backpack_EP1"]; {_abox addWeaponCargo [_x,100];} forEach _dayz_wep; {_abox add 10.06.2012 12:28:46: dvsdiablo ( 96b8a9bdd9b4010de80919a868ac4b09 - #37 layer addMagazine _x} forEach _mags; {player addWeapon _x} forEach _wpns; }; r_player_ 10.06.2012 12:23:28: gaybutt ( dec49607ac619c6bd574504e0d5f1231 - #13 pos %4; newvehicle setdir %5; newvehicle setVehicleInit " this setVehicleVarName ""vehicle_%1_%2"" 10.06.2012 12:23:29: gaybutt ( dec49607ac619c6bd574504e0d5f1231 - #37 _ALICE_Pack_EP1","DZ_Backpack_EP1"]; ---------------------- hint "Weapon spawned.. 10.06.2012 12:15:48: Gerasic Eravle ( 4eca1302efe45aa1c9fbe0b5577c1725 - #31 marker = "playerMarker" + (str i); marker = createMarkerLocal [marker,pos]; marker setMarkerTypeLoca 10.06.2012 12:15:48: Gerasic Eravle ( 4eca1302efe45aa1c9fbe0b5577c1725 - #32 marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; marker setMarkerPosLocal (pos); marker setMarkerColorLocal("Col 10.06.2012 12:15:48: Gerasic Eravle ( 4eca1302efe45aa1c9fbe0b5577c1725 - #37 #line 1 "mapgps.sqf" player addWeapon "ItemGPS"; player addWeapon "ItemMAP"; --------------------- r_player_ 10.06.2012 12:10:43: RG ( 5ce90e28c21e71b76ca17a1a8946e6ed - #31 marker = "playerMarker" + (str i); marker = createMarkerLocal [marker,pos]; marker setMarkerTypeLoca 10.06.2012 12:10:43: RG ( 5ce90e28c21e71b76ca17a1a8946e6ed - #32 marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; marker setMarkerPosLocal (pos); marker setMarkerColorLocal("Col 10.06.2012 12:10:44: RG ( 5ce90e28c21e71b76ca17a1a8946e6ed - #31 marker = Format["%1Markers%2",_count,_obj]; createMarkerLocal [_marker,position _x]; _marker setMark 10.06.2012 12:10:44: RG ( 5ce90e28c21e71b76ca17a1a8946e6ed - #31 marker2 = "VehMarker" + (str i); marker2 = createMarkerLocal [marker2,getPos veh]; marker2 setMarke 10.06.2012 12:10:44: RG ( 5ce90e28c21e71b76ca17a1a8946e6ed - #32 rker2 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; marker2 setMarkerPosLocal (getPos veh); marker2 setMarkerColorLo Looks like the first spawned vehicles, the second spawned a gps and a map, and the third tried marking vehicles. Are these legit for permabans?
  24. As in the topic title... Me and a few friends were running as a group on SE4 server a few days ago... We found in the space of 45mins: - a tractor [2 guys camo/ghillie repairing it, camo died, my guys found it mins later - ghillie boy had fled] - a v3s truck [found as i was running back to the skirmish] - 3-4 'small boats' [found after v3s desync killed us all] - rubber dingy [this thing is totally badass.] I -believe- we were the cause of the next 3-4 server crashes tbh, although obviously i cant attest to this because i dont know -exactly- what every other player on the server was doing... But basically as soon as we got in and started driving/boating around, it would go fine for a good 5 minutes before it would start to desync.. For myself, as a passenger, it was the usual arma-passenger-related-desync... but slightly worse. My position would stop being updated and although i can hear the engine running the truck is static with the wheels spinning accompanied by at least a yellow-lag-chain... Although i believe in some cases there was no indicator of lag and also we were getting no desync in the 'p' menu, but it was obviously still broken as our comms through voip quickly went to discussing our different locations. This was then accompanied by the server crashing... We managed to check out the island using the dingy successfully, it was a larf for the most part... So i mean, the vehicles are working, but (and dont get me wrong, i KNOW its an alpha) but in its current state they were more deadly than the deadliest of players... But the time spent refueling the vehicles and actually having a 'goal' - other than 'GEAR UP' - was quite interesting, also better having to question whether to take tht jerry can and scrap metal or extra ammo :) So... lots of fun - but, because of the fact it only worked for, at most 15 minutes.. until it crashed.. It was shortlived fun before rage insued. Stability would be great! :D Easier said than done though, rite?
  25. 1. 'Retrying to Authenticate' bug 2. Zombies hitting through walls, walking through doors 3. People standing there, not moving, that are dead 1. Random world events 2. More weather 3. More common vehicles