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Found 43107 results

  1. A Man Named GOB

    Semi Perma Death.

    It would be interesting to see some statistics on players who are actually able to loot their own bodies and also how many people are actually driving around in vehicles. If they wanted to implement a mechanic where you are unable to loot your own body, that would be fine by me. But I can state without a shadow of a doubt that me and the group of guys I play with would loot a friends corpse, and all log off to find another server with them. I enjoy this game solo but it is infinitely more enjoyable when playing with a few friends and this mechanic seems aimed squarely at team play. Keep in mind that while this game is supposed to be realistic and brutal, the game already gives into gameplay mechanics over realism when it needs to. The morphine being an easy example.
  2. This is just a very raw idea. I don't like things to be complex. Lets start with squads. You can join a squad by walking up to a person, scrolling, and clicking 'join squad'. The recipient of this must accept the squad offer. The person that first offers the squad is squad leader. If a squad mate dies, then they are no longer part of that squad. They have to hook up again. Benefits of squads: close contact viewing of names (within 50 meters), being able to capture and hold areas, and entering locked areas. Possibly, with the addition of radios, squads could talk amongst each other in game. Now onto capture points / bases. A capture point would have to be a completely new place on the map (possibly random by server, like in Armex), or maybe some strategic position in a city or town. There shouldn't be too many of these, in order to keep up contention. Basically, it would be a semi-fortified position that has a few military loot spawns, and a lockable hangar/building with permanent storage on the inside. Any vehicle in the area is locked except to those who are in the squad that controls the area. Squads, as mentioned, are the only things capable of capturing these areas. The only way you may capture an area is to stay on campus for ten minutes, with none of the previous owners there. After that, you gain access to the storage and any vehicles that may be there. The loot spawns should be semi-lucrative, so as to discourage farming of the loot. How would you find bases? This is a very simple, and very revealing way of finding bases. They're marked on your map. Each capture point is revealed by the red AO circle. The circle can cover a wide radius, so as to have it slightly hidden. So, basically the benefits of having a base are as followed: Locked gear / vehicles. Semi-lucrative military spawns. A somewhat defensible position. No to little zombies. Plus, it gives people with a lot of loot an end game goal. The cons of a base are: It displays your location. If all members die, you lose all of your stuff, provided that another squad captures the place. Essentially, it becomes a crowded northwest airfield. In short, I feel that everyone that wants to create their own government, this might be their cup of tea. It also displaces a lot of PVPers out into the middle of nowhere, out away from the coast. Not to mention that it adds in basic Arma 2 mechanics of tactics and strict teamwork, in relation to assaulting and defending positions. Thoughts?
  3. Give people who survive a certain length of time, a bonus? 5 days: Need less food and water, as you adapt. 14 days: Can repair/Maintain vehicles at a reduced cost , as you learn. 30 days: Better night vision, as you acclimatise to rural life? Yeah, the bonuses are terrible because they just came off the top of my head. The goal is to make the life of your character more precious. This would cause pause in in all play-styles to engage in PVP, and for people to more closely weigh the pros and cons of engaging in combat and of even raiding an area for loot. Dying is not simply a run to pickup your loot from your mates. It does this without penalizing anyone.
  4. Strategos (DayZ)

    Semi Perma Death.

    "I think people forget that when you die, you spawn with a terrible pistol and there are tons of obstacles between you and whoever you are playing" Well your about to spawn with no pistol LOL plus i can get from the coast back to the North airfield in less than half an hour and loot my own body or get my mates to get my stuff. Or if they drive down then I can be back to exactly where I was in 10 minutes. As if I never died at all. Kophka I like the cool down period to stop people spawn camping on the shore line. As for playing with your mates. I like playing with my mates too , but I wonder is this right for Dayz? As it stand its KOS pretty much , but if you didnt have a group of mates on TS, and you HAD to make new friends every time you died. Maybe the game would be more social. "Also, what is to stop your friend from leaving the current server and following you to the next?" Tents and vehicles ? " Do you even think you and your friend would be playing together a week after this type of idea was implement" No
  5. Huey (DayZ)

    Capture points and squads.

    Fixed bases, NO Capture points, NO (are you kidding?) Squads, NO Display any type of location(s), NO (even to friends) Locked gear, vehicles, NO (everybody should be able to steal anything from anyone, wherever, whenever!) Heey, just my 2 cents :) (NOFI) Lets keep it a zombie survival - end of the fekking world - game.
  6. I was bored on my lunch break today and started sketching out my answer to the question - how could DayZ implement a class system? I don't want to "gameify" DayZ, but I think classes could be done in a realistic way. I also think that it could add a lot to the character investment, and also give a reason to encourage interactions between players besides just shooting each other. How it functions: When starting a character, DayZ asks what your character was doing before the outbreak (prior profession) - that will determine your "class". As you spend more time in the game, surviving, you begin to adapt to your environment, and you begin to adapt your old skills into this new world, unlocking new abilities. You are not getting XP for killing zomibes, but instead the longer you survive - the more your skills begin to adapt slowly and naturally. Possibly there are choices between two adaptations at each stage so that the player picks one, they are locked out from the other (allowing for differing character types, more replayability). If you manage to stay alive for long enough (several hours) you begin to unlock party-oriented adaptation perks which can make you a very valuable asset to a group. So here are some class ideas I had sketched out and some possible adaptations/perks...sorry had to use the stupid adaptation names for added entertainment MEDIC Life before the outbreak: Doctor, Nurse, RN, Paramedic Adaptations: SCHOOL NURSE - More efficient with medical supplies, quicker use SHARIN' NEEDLES- Able to use medical items twice SECURITY BLANKET - Heat packs keep you warm for an extended amount of time Party Adaptations PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE - Party has less chance of bleeding or going unconscious NURSE, SHOCK PADDLES...CLEAR! - Medic has a 1-time use EKG item that will bring a recently-killed player back to this mortal coil if revived within 60 seconds of death TRACKER Life before the outbreak: Vet, Park Ranger, Hunter, Ted Nuget Adaptations: DUCK SEASON - Ability to track animals QUIVER - able to stack arrows in inventory POSITIONAL AWARENESS - tracker will point to his location when viewing the map TAKE IT ALL BUT THE BONE - Get more meat off carcasses POISON DART - Ability to make arrows with nonlethal poison tranq (after combining arrow with coke-cola haha) Party Adaptations NIGHT OPS - Tracker and his party can see better in the dark COOK Life before the outbreak: Chef, Food Service, Butcher Adaptations: CHEF BOYARDEE - Ability to cook beans, which grants additional blood recovery GORDON RAMSEY - Superior cooking techniques allow you to cook meat that grants more blood recovery and satisfies hunger for an extended period GOT A LIGHT? - Can start fires with flares Party Adaptations SECRET SAUCE - Cooked meat has the ability to grant blood above the max blood level, to 15000, when consumed by party members AGENT Life before the outbreak: Military, Private Security, Police, Body Guard Adaptations: GOOD WITH GUNS - slightly increased accuracy, reload and reduced recoil MACGYVER - use of duct tape allows for a flashlight to be attached to most all weapons KARATE CHOP - ability to use a single melee attack, which is ineffective against groups of zombies but has the ability to stagger and cause light damage to a single zombie Party Adaptations: BODYGUARD - Ability to craft crude body armor with found scrap metal. Armor protects the wearer from a few bullets before its shredded, and does not protect against zombie attacks or headshots PARATROOPER - Party outfitted with parachutes which allow heli jumps and base jumps off taller structures MECHANIC Life before the outbreak: Mechanic, Pilot, Trucker, Cabbie, Getaway driver, chauffeur, Driver's ed teacher Adaptation GREASE MONKEY - Can fix up vehicles with fewer items JOY RIDER - Repaired vehicles use less gas and have increased durability GONE IN 60 - Driver has superior handling in vehicles and can reach increased top speeds Party Adaptation PARTY BUS - repaired bus combined with several found guns and scrap metal allows for a rolling death machine equipped with armor and mounted guns SURVIVOR Life prior to the outbreak: Athlete, Convict, Personal Trainer, Construction Worker SLOW METABOLISM - Food and water levels take longer to decrease JUST A FLESH WOUND - After using a bandage, blood level will recover some blood lost WALK IT OFF - Once a day, player is able to instantly get up after being knocked unconscious STRONG BACK - Additional inventory slots Party Adaptation CONDITIONING - Party members are able to run/crawl/swim faster, and are less likely to get knocked unconscious COMMS MANAGER Life before the outbreak: Tech Support, Engineer, Telemarketer Adaptations: TRANSMISSION HACKER - With a radio, player is able to hear occasional hidden broadcasts which discuss where high value loot, vehicles, etc. can be found. Party Adaptations TRIANGULATION - If party members are equipped with a radio, comms manager is able to triangulate their position which makes party members appear on the map EYE IN THE SKY - Once every hour, with use of a map and gps device, player is able to tap into a decommissioned military satellite and scan an area of the map - revealing other players, vehicles, etc. Yeah well those were some of my ideas, sketched out today while devouring a lunchable...feel free to post some class ideas of your own if you're feelin froggy.
  7. Daddy'o

    Safe lockers needed! (bank vaults)

    In what way is that a problem? In that way it is a problem, as I explained under the statement, people get annoyed when they realize long term storage doesn't work reliably. People find camps, loot them, vandalize them, steal what they can. Your camp WILL be found. You WILL lose your items and vehicles. It's just a matter of time in all cases. Then these people resort to either demanding more security and making this a carebear land or if they have a seat of power, lock or reboot the server or some such n restore their shit back. Without long term storage, you would have no reason to keep still at one location, nor would you be able mass store hundreads of weapons n items that conveniently persist after your death. Surviving goes right outta the window, when you can just farm the shit out of a location for goods n gear and then just come back to it after you happen to die. Do YOU imagine this is what rocket had in mind for a mod called Test of DayZ that's supposed to be a test of survival?
  8. Vehicles, for great justice!
  9. scoffield77@gmail.com

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    bump, this should replace the Huey in the rarity scale. Huey can destroy in blitzkrieg tactics, and that alone makes it "overpowerful" so it should be rarer. An2 should be the more common of the air vehicles
  10. YES Dying needs more consequences. Also delete tents, vehicles etc when their owners die. It'll suck, but that's death for you.
  11. Disgraced

    Probably A Really Nooby Question

    The chats point to the base game. You might use them to communicate to other guys on your team in vehicles, or people local to you on the map, or both sides in a two sided conflict. This wasn't a priority when the mod was originally made, but it became one with people connecting to servers and talking on one of several channels that could be heard server wide and caused lag when used.
  12. Herr Robert

    Character wipe for new patch?

    I don't support this. It would anger alot of players in vain, and it's not like it would be hard to start farming weapons again; it would just be a tedious. It would also remove the incentive to stray from the coast and collect military grade gear, if there's a fear of resets. Obviously there has to be a reset for everything — including vehicles and tents — at some point, but I think it's too early now. It needs to wait until a major update when the mod is more finished and most of the major exploits have been fixed.
  13. Stern

    [GUIDE] Vehicles & Repair

    A friend and I recently came across several vehicles (that were already usable), but the status indicators showed they were in bad shape. We tried to get scrap metal, wheels, fuel tank parts, and windscreens to repair it, we used up quite a lot of materials, but the status indicators never changed, and visually there was nothing different on the vehicle. Fueling up did work fine though.
  14. top 3 bugs: 1 crossbow problems: crosshair, triple visibility during reloading while prone, disappearing bolts. 2 unable to strafe through doors (collision problem) 3 getting up automatically when you crawl out of a building (gets you detected unintentionally) top 3 features 1 seeing remaining slots in tents and vehicles 2 prevent people from suicide after respawning in order to get a better spawn position 3 vehicles automatically switch on lights at night, this can compromise your position. i would prefer to switch them on manually.
  15. Macenzie

    Vehicles and Server Resets

    The devs don't want to reveal how the system works because they don't want it abused. There are no database resets' date=' spawn timers, or set spawn locations. Vehicles are spawned in at their discretion. It's that simple. [/quote'] ...At the moment. The vehicles are placed on the server at creation by a script that is run by the devs. Last I heard they ARE working on a vehicle respawn script, however as far as I know. It hasn't been implemented yet. I assume they want to solve the vehicle lag issue first.
  16. salty (DayZ)

    Vehicles and Server Resets

    The devs don't want to reveal how the system works because they don't want it abused. There are no database resets, spawn timers, or set spawn locations. Vehicles are spawned in at their discretion. It's that simple.
  17. ezkaton

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Interesting update, another few steps forward after the backward steps from removing the bandit system. I hope some time soon more incentive for players to work together is implemented to stop the game from being a 225sqkm TDM. I know there's vehicles already, but it's not enough.
  18. gusmanak

    Vehicles and Server Resets

    Yeah I think the devs needs to officially let us know how this system works. They've mentioned that "Vehicles are Working" but what does that really mean? For how long? What will happen to them in the long run? And the questions I asked above...
  19. Pomegranate


    ok since we already have vehicles i think we should go a step forward and add mountables think of it like its like this way your in a forest and you find a leoperd so you take a tranqrilizer gun and shoot the leoperd and you tame it and then you ride into cherno and your on your leoperd mount and you go to the church and theirs some other noob with a lion mountable so you go up to him with your high dps machine gun and mow that noob down and then you ride out of town and your leoperd levels up so you can assign different skills to your mountables like more strength so it can do more damage and carry more or more stamina so it can run longer or more agility so it can jump higher or more endurence so u can make it have more health or more you can add perks and skills so that you can level it up and it has a new perk point and u youse that perk points to buy a new upgrade like the ability to roar with your mountable and scar all the zombies away and i think its really cool thanks you for reaidng please comment below rate and subscribe <333
  20. zak757

    C-130J plane

    I'd rather we just make the An-2 one of the spawning vehicles for the airfields, since they have no weapons and fly really slow.
  21. tg marksman x

    Dallas 40 - Admin Abuse

    There is no need to lock a server after a restart for "testing" or ensuring that the server is behaving properly. I read these sort of responses all day, I run/admin/pay for a server too. The only, and I mean only time we have locked a server was after I booted a hacker sot hat he couldn't get back in whilst I banned him through Rcon. Sometimes servers need to be restarted twice in quick succession (because on the first restart tents and vehicles didn't spawn in), other than that I fail to see why a standard 25 or 50 slot server need to "test" itself after a restart when the other 205 servers running the same software don't. My thoughts: Your admin clearly cracked the shits. He used his power (knowing that the truck would return to it's last saved position) to restart the server, then lock it so no-one else could get in, and then (after moving himself into a better position) let the OP and his mate spawn in to get shot.
  22. clovestad

    DayZ Stories

    not quite a long story more of a discovery. well after the menacing provess of gearig up and dying over and over again , i made my one goal to find or fix a vehicle.(as i have never seen or riddin in any) so i start out just hightailing it to all the firestations looking for toolboxed and parts dying along the way respawing somewhere on the coast over and over. the last time i respawned i look to the water and what do i see? A frickenBOAT!! super excited i swim out losing my pack with the begining goodies to get into the boat. the boat still had a little bit of gas so im wondring why someone would leave it. i then realize that the small boat is almost as slow as walking.. let down by the raw unexcitement of the small boat i coase up the coast looking for another town due north,till i run out of gas. stuck in the middle of i have no idea i letgo my fantasy of finding a sweet vehicle and roaming the map so i head inland. after about 20 mins of hiking thru the woods i stumble towards something i this is a treestand . once i got close enough i realize that is wasnt a treestand it was two sweetass atvs. the excitement was so shortlived as when i got on they were all gassed up and ready to o except for one tire was popped bare rim style. yet again in the middle of nowhere with some broken toys and a whole lot of frustration. i think now i am willing to settle on the fact that working vehicles are a myth.. maybe one day ill stumble upon those lucky finds again and actually have the means to fix them..
  23. While I love the idea of this, the current exploitable state of the game would make it impossible to pull off. Also, if you broadcast your location for mobile trade you're still gonna get ambushed, and if you don't players who would otherwise trade with you might avoid you or even ambush you. (unless you figure out some system of looking like a caravan, maybe vehicles going slow speed with walking guards around it?) The only thing that needs to be fixed is server hopping, and I think it's a pretty deep problem with the system. I really like the trade network idea though, schedule a meeting with representatives through some third party system like Steam, IRC, or Mumble, and they can ride out fast carrying just what you want to trade for (and enough personal provisions and a PDW or something) on ATVs or some sort of off-road vehicle. The main stash itself would have to keep moving though...
  24. I just came upon this thread, but To me it seems that it would be considerably easier to set up more of a Caravan or mobile trading network considering the following ideas. 1) Manpower - with most servers hosting 50 players it could take half the server to maintain a trading post between the guards, traders, and supply teams. This would increase considerably with a 24 hour trading operation 2) Eliminates the possibilities of spawn raiding and similar attacks. If there is no set location, it will be impossible to raid something that you are not sure of the location. 3) Mobile trading would be much more active and prevent any sort of low morale from lack of action, although I'm sure there would definitely be raids on a set location. 4) Unless there was a much larger server I can't imagine the demand being high enough to warrant an entire compound set up for trading, I would think it's much more likely that a handful of people would trade with the Trader. I would imagine something like having one or two Traders or Sales Rep's with a guard or two and have them in multiple locations, maybe at one of the designated Landmarks or in a city and then you would have to meet with him to be escorted (possibly a hidden vehicle to take you there quickly) to the trading location, which would have several guards in vehicles stocked with items, possibly a tent with loot in it. You'd have to build up a war chest and keep transferring it between other players in the Trading Network (tents and vehicles). With this sort of model you could have a functional network with 10 or less team members. You would have certain members who were responsible for "opening and closing the shop". Players could trade off vehicles and then communicate where they were stashed, simlar to what some clans are doing but strictly with goods for trade. Not sure how much stuff a vehicle could hold, I guess you could be really cool and have a helicopter full of 8 Traders storm out of the sky. Oh how the bandits would come running to see the chopper, just in time to watch it fly away to a safe haven. I like the idea of Barter Town but with the large manpower, it would leave less than half the server available for trading, maybe half of those are bandits who would try to pick off the new customers. Sounds cool though, good luck and keep the thread updated for all of us who die often, scramble to find stuff we can't use and need to pawn it off for more Mak ammo.
  25. Daddy'o

    Safe lockers needed! (bank vaults)

    I can, and at the same time can't understand why people want to establish social structure and systems. This is survival, tents were never really intended to be used in a mass storage barracks area to hold hundreads of different items. A tent is and was supposed to be something you can lay down on your travels, store some of your stuff in while you go loot the town near by. Something you would pick up as you leave the area. It was never intended really for long term storage as I imagine. The problem now is people are pack rats. They store n store n store and want everything to be stashed away and massed in piles of tools, food, blood, weapons, ammo, vehicles. When they misuse these as long term storages, they get annoyed when they find their vehicles stolen and tents pillaged. Then people start thinking the problem is that they cant SAFELY store items anywhere, and demand safer ways to store items to even more abuse the intention of the game, which is to survive! Now the second problem there in is survival. It's not really that hard is it... The game needs to be made harder. Less food. Less drinks. Less ammo. Guns even rarer, farming removed, tougher temperature needs. More needs and survival complexity. I say delete long term storage altogether. Have tents stay 48 hours after they've been pitched. Then have the server automatically repack them or remove them altogether. Make people live from their bags. Make them take only what they need and prioritize, trade, seriously conserve food, water and ammo. This is way too much a kiddy land and people are having to make their own fun instead of having fun surviving. My 2 cents.