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Found 43107 results

  1. Scarlet_Blade

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Has this happened yet?... I have a few weapons loaded onto vehicles that i'd prefer not to lose
  2. Shroom

    A new 'incentive' to encourage cooperation

    The thing is, with the classes as I described them in my earlier post, the downside to being a military officer is that you would have no skill, no ability fix vehicles, etc. And AKs are relatively easy weapons to find, and the M9 is rather weak (but better than a Mak). The only real benefit is adding storyline (and I'd imagine there would be unique skins for each class, as well). EDIT: Also, spawning as a military officer would, as I described, spawn them in a military location, which are pretty high risk. Spawning in as a soldier with a Kalashnikov on an airstrip when there's the possibility of a sniper being there already waiting to snipe you is pretty risky. So it definitely would have its downsides. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I am actually of the opinion that the character should start with nothing BUT their main trait/skill. Secondly' date=' the purpose of adding these independent skills is to encourage teamwork, as people would NEED each other. I'm not sure of any other possible solution. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I actually think the classes as I described them are rather balanced, and like I said, if nothing else I'd prefer the classes to all be exactly the same in starting gear with THE EXCEPTION of their main trait. This main trait is entirely removed from combat, giving no one an advantage over another, but making it harder to survive on your own as you lack the skills to do everything (which is somehow - and unrealistically - possible). The aiming thing was a completely different idea, and in no way needs to be a part of any of this. Like I said, it's just a compilation of ideas and concepts. I do agree that it's stupid, it's just a way to add realism between classes. Does it make sense that a fisherman is going to be able to shoot a gun as proficiently as a military or police officer? No. And don't worry, Rocket will never implement any sort of grinding or leveling in this game. But you do know, at range, your pistol will not fire dead center to where your iron sights are pointing. There is a dispersion radius based on how you're moving, how you're standing, how you're aiming, etc. The 'accuracy effect' would only widen that radius for lower skilled classes. And it's just a concept, all I really want to discuss here is HOW DOES EVERYONE KNOW HOW TO GUT AN ANIMAL. Or fix a vehicle. Ain't realistic. (Plus, there needs to be more teamwork, as I've said over and over).
  3. I'm not arguing against your opinion Exigo. I just think all your "hahaha fuck you offmappers" etc. comments sound immature. I'm not placing Stuff outside the map and I lost lot's of vehicles which I stored inside the borders of chernarus so no need for insults Thygrrr. ;) Again: I agree with all the points you make just don't act like a kid by flaming around in all the topics.
  4. Disgraced

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    And that campaign was reasonable, and those protestations have resulted in some of these changes. Some of us would like to have a shot at vehicles, and you guys who just grab them all when your admin buddy times a restart for you, then pull them all off of the map for you and your friends get annoying. For now, going off map is allowable, but when there are only finite vehicles per server and they are being hoarded off map... that's just a cheap move. Not against any rule, but cheap and what I would expect of cheap players. I would prefer a lesser timer like three days, I hope it's significantly less than 7 (I know, it's sooper sekrit!).
  5. Glad to see more people joining the group, I've sent invites to all, currently we are at 5 members with a possible 3 more on the way, once we hit 8 or 10, we'll attempt to group up and begin our hunt, of course our first mission will be to get every one geared up. Then the real fun will began. Can't wait until we got vehicles. Oh! I suppose I should mention, we are probably going to be joining 1.7 to 1.7 beta servers so make sure your Dayz mod is up to date or at least 1.7
  6. a para drop would be nice maybe with steerable parachute or static so new lives spawn all over and there is no concentration of fresh beans, also the tent cities with vehicles would be more vulnerable. being ejected from a plane is just as disorientating as being washed up on shore
  7. spartan1608

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

  8. Fallout10mm

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    MessHall, They HAD to be removed, causing enough lag to really jack up the servers when used. I doubt they will give them back the way they were or in the same positions. Glad vehicles are going to respawn now and are randomized, should stop people from farming the old spawns for that particular vehicle.
  9. Ok so I'm a newb to dayz, had the game for 3 days, absolutely love it. The biggest issue I see is the inability to progress into the center of the island as a group. I play with a group of RL friends and typically if one of us gets picked off, we end up taking out the bandit(s) then running all the way back to the shoreline to rendezvous with our fallen comrade. While death would be a real part of something like this, it seems to me that without readily available vehicles it simply becomes a time consuming nuisance to continually run back. Out of the 5 attempts we've made to get to the NW airfield, I've successfully survived 2 trips, the rest we end up running back when we get near stary and a random bandit with a rifle ruins our trip. My suggestion (go easy on me) is that revive paddles are introduced. Not the BF3 revive paddles where you run around holding the fire button and revive an army of invincible super soldiers, but a more time consuming and balanced one. So heres my ideas on how it could be implemented without breaking the flow of the game. -Paddles are a common spawn at hospitals where you would find blood etc. They should not be rare, as they would be balanced enough to be common. -Paddles take up 4 inventory slots, and have one(1,uno) use. This is the beginning of the balance, they take up a LOT of room, and are only good for a single use, not easy to carry masses of them and be sufficient. -In order to be revived, the player has to have been incapacitated for a full 3 minutes. After this 3 minute period has passed, there is a 120 second window of opportunity to revive the player using revive paddles. This gives a TWO MINUTE WINDOW after the 3 minutes have passed, for the player to be revived. This would prevent players from simply taking cover and reviving their buddy in the middle of a sticky situation to get out. It would require the friendlies of the downed player to drag his body to a safe position and keep it covered, because there is a revive WINDOW that must be met. -After being revived, the player remains down with a hourglass screen for another 60 seconds. -When the 60 seconds have passed, and the player gets up, he is at 2000 blood, and in need of morphine/pain killers/water/food. Meaning all of his survivals etc should be red. I firmly believe with this level of hampering placed on not only the act of reviving a player in a tough situation, but also the revived player himself, that it would keep the paddles from being too game breaking. A player going down would mean that you would be put in the following situation: You have to protect the player for a total of at least 5 minutes, possibly dragging his body to safety. You have to waste a revive paddles, a blood pack, food, water, morphine, and pain killers on the revived player before he is even capable of defending himself again. Let me know what you guys think!
  10. DrTyWords

    No Vehicles

    I think your question was answered by Dizzymagoo. If they were there and then weren't after a crash you need to make sure they are spawning. Sometimes it takes up to three restarts for my server to load tents and vehicles.
  11. The server your vehicles are on.
  12. bemurad

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    great, now we have to run around to get the vehicles fixed again. just great guys
  13. beowolfschaefer

    Server wipes allowed?

    I'm curious if it acceptable to the Day Z devs to have your server wiped. I'm talking about erasing tents, vehicles, anything serverside and resetting it. The reason I ask is primarily vehicles. They may be horded or lost and never found. Is it against Dev policy to have servers refreshed so newer players can have a reasonable chance at finding vehicles?
  14. NIve been running around, looting, shooting zombies and players, stealing vehicles, whatnot...and it dawned on me that I havent come across any military medical facilities that look like the outbreak started there...or really, any idea beyond zombie = bad in regards to why there are zombies. Yeah, I know its a zombie apocalypse game set in a former soviet bloc country, but why here? Just because it was the most convenient large arma2 map, I suspect, but as an in-game story idea...? Anyway, you guys got any theories on whats going on, "ingame"?
  15. Farsight (DayZ)

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Now we can finally fix and ride in vehicles... Crazy thing is, I saw my first vehicle yesterday, unfortunately, someone was already driving it away. Maybe when I get back on later today I'll find some nice vehicles to move around in!
  16. Hehe, well a generator attached to a power box of a building would be cool. Temporary lighting, light refuelling vehicles. Or maybe a Generator powers an area... Would be cool, useful and damn well atmospheric.

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    We've set up bases that lasted weeks without being found, and we knew choppers were working in that server. I think being able to magically find every single vehicle on the server while flying higher than the server's maximum view distance cretes serious gameplay problems. I still think that being a coward and hiding in a pile of loot and helicopters out in the middle of nowhere with no chance of other ppl finding it is a serious gameplay problem for everybody else on the server. Your denying other ppl content. Your denying other ppl a chance to get that Landrover or Ural truck. Cry your salty tears. This was bound to happen, soon tents will also follow. Love the changes guys, keep at it Trust me, if we could stash our vehicles in a dense forest where choppers wouldn't be able to see them, we would. But choppers don't even need to see them; they can see teh dots on the map. As I already said, I'm glad we can't set up camps outside the map, because I do think it's cheating and it's unfair. However, I think it's equally unfair that choppers have such great power that it's effectively impossible to hide vehicles anywhere on the map. The chopper radar should have been removed along with the ability to save outside of the map.
  18. Luiskitriski

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Great news! Though I'm a little sad I'll lose my ATV it will be good to have vehicles respawned again,so everyone can have his oportunity to find one now. Also any ETA of 1.7.1? Thanks!
  19. Ander (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I have wanted to implement the function that nothing outside map boundaries gets its location saved. So basicly, vehicles moved outside of boundaries will have it's last location saved inside the map boundaries. We'll see what happens with that though.
  20. Lukio (DayZ)


    Die Fahrzeuge, welche in Beschlag genommen wurden, spawnen meines Wissens nicht neu bis sie entweder zerstört wurden oder der Server irgendwie diese Daten verliert (Servercrash zb.). Eine komplette Liste von Fahrzeugen und wo sie auftauchen findest du hier: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vehicles und auf Deutsch - Google hat mir das verraten (Sucbegriff "Dayz fahrzeuge") : http://dayzwiki.de/index.php?title=Fahrzeuge_%26_Hubschrauber Auch wenn es bei manchen verpönt ist empfehle ich zudem diese Interaktive Karte: http://dayzmap.info/
  21. vegaforce

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    When you use the term All land vehicles, does that really mean what I think it does? if so this is a glorious day.

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Finally! Something I'm concerned about though: Can we still save vehicles outside the map? The fact that helicopters have radar makes it virtually impossible to set up a well-hidden camp inside the map, since even if you put everything in dense forests, someone with a chopper can come in and see it while flying above the game's maximum visibility, thus being virtually invisible. If helicopters have been removed from servers that already had them (the older servers), I'd have no problem with setting up camps within the map. But if some servers still have choppers, and there's no way to tell which ones those are, this creates a serious gameplay problem.
  23. Survivor? We're not looking to find survivors but bandits, and turn them into a private militia of sorts. We have no remorse for killing other players, and will gladly lead assault on camps as already seen (thanks Blackhawk and the entire TRC group for the vehicles and weps). As such as put it in the bandit section to recruit bandits only.
  24. Eric0965

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    So... this update has gone live already? And servers just need to restart to reset and respawn the vehicles?
  25. Ander (DayZ)

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    If your server is still up, then yes you can still get items out of your vehicles. If your server has restarted and the vehicle locations reset - then you are out of luck. Vehicles, tents etc havent been a safe place to store items like in ever. This update should improve that a little bit but you'll now have to make sure your tent/vehicle is actually used regularily and not left to rot :). *Roleplay* I'm the big bad bandit who just stole all your items and then blew up the vehicles with a satchel charge. I think that makes me the worst of them all. Sorry! Stickifying this post.