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Found 43111 results

  1. stimpen

    Best item/vehicle you've fount?

    Havent found any vehicles as they always seems to be stashed away somewhere. Havent found any super gear but for me they where great. I really like the m16 ACOG which I lost during updates and then was lucky to find again and then lost it again due to backpack bug. Not so much into the real snipers but found a svd camo that was pretty sweat. Used up the ammo and then dumped it in a deer stand, wonder if a lucky guy found it? :). Even if I played alot I never found NVG or GPS and I stumbled upon the heli wreck a couple of times but no FAL or as50 sniper just dmr and bizon and other stuff. Next is not any uber gear but sweet for a short time of play, I died the other day and restarted. Soon I hit 2 deer stands just north of coast and in the first a M9 silenced with 4 mags! that pistol I never have found before I like, yeah a weapon(only had flashlight). Then in the next stand there was a mp5 silenced and a aksu cobra. Like two weapons to choose from with mags. I like, woot is this, havent seen any deer stand before with 2 pretty nice weapons and never a mp5 silenced. Anyway I took the mp5 silenced so for the first time I only have silenced weapons. But right now a can of beans would be great because I havent found any food yet ;)
  2. My buddy and I were playing. We had 2 vehicles in seattle 97. After it goes night time everyone leaves. 4 people are left in the server, my buddy, me, Marshkillz, and his friend rAndom. We drive the vehicles south west to park them and on the way we run into Marshkillz(admin) and his friend in their own vehicle. We kill them and their vehicle is destroyed in the process. 30 seconds after this happens the server is reset and there is a bit of a roll back. Their car isnt destroyed and "rAndom" is still alive by the car. We kill "rAndom." 10 seconds later the server is reset AGAIN. This time its taken down for about an hour or so. I can only assume they were resetting the server in an attempt to get a rollback and save their gear. When the server comes back up, it goes from a 40 person server to a 3 person server with "Marshkillz" "rAndom" and some other dude. I guess they'd rather play with zero risk where they can roll back any time they need to lol.... Just wanted to post this to let people know not to waste their time in this clown ass server. screenshots below. [attachment=1306] - Car being destroyed. Server was 40 person at this time. [attachment=1305] - After server was brought back up, 3 person. .
  3. My buddy and I were playing. We had 2 vehicles in seattle 97. After it goes night time everyone leaves. 4 people are left in the server, my buddy, me, Marshkillz, and his friend rAndom. We drive the vehicles south west to park them and on the way we run into Marshkillz(admin) and his friend in their own vehicle. We kill them and their vehicle is destroyed in the process. 30 seconds after this happens the server is reset and there is a bit of a roll back. Their car isnt destroyed and "rAndom" is still alive by the car. We kill "rAndom." 10 seconds later the server is reset AGAIN. This time its taken down for about an hour or so. I can only assume they were resetting the server in an attempt to get a rollback and save their gear. When the server comes back up, it goes from a 40 person server to a 3 person server with "Marshkillz" "rAndom" and some other dude. I guess they'd rather play with zero risk where they can roll back any time they need to lol.... Just wanted to post this to let people know not to waste their time in this clown ass server. [attachment=1304] <--- Vehicle destroyed. Marshkillz killed. 40 player max at this time. [attachment=1303] <--- approx 1 hour later 3 person max. .
  4. inergy

    Do Tents Work?

    Here's the issues I'm having with tents as of (along with my opinions & suggestions): Tents are critical for solo players or large groups playing together alike. For our large group, keeping things organized and stocked is important, and required for our survival. We go on several scavenging raids/missions per day, with 6+ people and 2+ vehicles with large load capacity. Coming back to camp and dealing with all issues (described below) is destroying our ability to maintain a successful camp. We had really hoped that the tent wipe would give us a fresh start with our camps, but it's made it worse. 1) Ten duping. Still the same as ... right click/left click spam to place it, it places XX tents all stacked up on top of each other, sometimes overlapping but mostly just being stacked in the exact same spot. Use scroll wheel to "Pack Tent" XX times and now you have XX tents layin' on the ground. 2) Vanishing Items. Server restarts cause our 20'ish tents to vanish all items inside (full or not). Once in a while we have a tent or two that will retain the items, but rare. 3) Tent Placement. A) Still a game of "nudge left/right, place tent, nudge, place, nudge, place, etc". I do not like this game :) Can we make these tents easier to place (especially around trees - see B) B) Placing too close/near to trees (if the tree is mostly covered by low overhang for instance) will cause the tent to be inaccessible. Is the tree overhang blocking my action abilities? C) As mentioned in #1, the tents overlap if you accidentally clicked "Place Tent" one too many times. Obvious issues here :) 4) Tent Overflow. A) Upon being filled, items would spill out onto the ground. Now our tents eats the item and spits out air. Once in a while it will properly drop the item on the ground, or sometimes it spits the item out about 20 or 30 meters away from the tent, but mostly it just eats the item(s). B) We can see how many spots are available when opening our packs, why not tents? I understand there are multiple factors for tent storage (weapon slots/utils, backpacks, general items, etc), but a simple counter line of some kind at the top of your gear UI (similar spot as backpack counter) would be fine, not to mention I would know not to add more stuff to it in case overflow/spilling wasn't working properly (like now). Ex: Tent (Weps 10/10 | Packs 5/5 | Other 50/50) <-- this can be shortened, i'm sure... ex: Tent (W 10/10 | P 5/5 | O 50/50) 5) Tent Packing or Flattening. These both work great... until the server is restarted :\ Then the tents which have been packed or flattened (who doesn't love to play monster truck with tents?) now magically reappear, minus items inside, of course. Some of us hardcore campers like to keep our camps tidy... its hard to do that when you can't take tents down permanently. Not to mention how the map becomes quite cluttered with tent cities after just a week or two. I can't shake the feeling I had 6 or 7 items to cover, but 5 will do for now :)
  5. Esoteric

    Killing on sight: Possible solution

    Theres no reason to have a murders board, people will KOS just to try get on it. Killing players in defence, for food, weapons and vehicles should be the only reasons that people actually kill each other. Not because theres some leaderboard that shows how long you've sat there, killing fresh, unarmed players.
  6. mederlock

    Cheating on Seattle 71

    I was driving in a convoy, with myself in a V3S, the OP who was in a bus, and someone else in a Hilux. We were navigating through the wreckage through a town, and had to go slowly to not wreck the vehicles. There was nobody around, and then the first time 4 of them spawned right beside a car fully kitted out with m107's and l85s and went all out on us, and they got the hilux the first time, and then when we were going through another town it happened again to the driver of the bus. I managed to stick to highways where I could go fast enough to make it so if they spawned again I could have enough velocity to maybe escape. Thankfully I made it a good way off, and grabbed what loot I could from the V3S and logged off. They were still on the server, presumably fucking with other players or clearing out my vehicle.
  7. Hi Caspar. I completely understand and agree with that. I wouldn't want you to reveal who and if they were stolen (I don't think you could if you would. Server logs doesn't show any information about specific vehicles do they?), but the motorcycle was in a remote area, and it was practically invisible to anyone who would wander around in the area, which is why I find it being stolen highly unlikely. I'll check back later today, and if its still gone then I'll just have to find another one :-)
  8. Right' date=' and 100 years is a temporary ban as well, just wait 100 years. The rules state, as I have seen them, bans can only be dealt out for 2 reasons, neither of which have been stated here. I guess certain groups are allowed to just ignore the rules and ban for whatever reason they like. That's how this dev group runs things. Doesn't matter what the rules say, as long as the devs agree with subjective bans, it's legit. Right? Fuck the whole two rules of racism and malicious talk, whatever they agree with on the fly is cool. How dare anyone break the random rules these pathetic losers make up on the fly. Cool game brah. So hardcore. [/quote'] If i remember correctly spamming voip is bannable per rocket. Don't appreciate being called a loser either, I am a grown ass 30 year old man with my own home (paid off TYVM) who has never had anything given to him. And don't forget it's us "losers" who provide your game servers, it costs us money and we don't do it for the fun of being shat on by punks like you. Why do people have to be so nasty about things that do not concern them? Would you prefer admins did nothing and allowed spammers, griefers, and cheaters to rule? I think not sir. EDIT: To answer some things brought up in Ath's post. There is no "bad blood" between myself (I banned him for VOIP spam it was my decision no one else's and I take full responsibility) and shadow. You should know I was the only one to vote to keep him in the group and even delayed the vote for 2 days because I felt bad for the kid. The history: I own our mumble server and shadow has been using it for quite some time now. We met him in battlefield 3 and had a good time with him there, even though he is annoying as all hell, It was easy to sit back and laugh at it. This cannot be done with dayz and a vote was taken and he was deemed to disruptive to the group to allow him to continue playing with us. As an example of how bad it had gotten I had to make everyone but him a priority speaker so he could not talk over important tactical comms with BS about facebook or how his buddy is such a sweet hacker or asking what changed in the new patch he has been using for 2 days, Hell even the "friend" he brought in to the group voted him out. The Ban: It was decided in a group vote 14:1 to ban shadow from the mumble server and give him a mafia style exit, few shots to the back of the head, even did it myself as a real man will kill those he condemns to die with his own hand. The aftermath: A few hours after I put him down shadow is in side chat on voice after multiple warnings from admins he is kicked twice for voip spam after the first kick his words were something to the effect of, if not exactly, F#$#$ING KICK ME AGAIN AND ILL TELL ROCKET AND GET THIS SERVER BLACKLISTED. He was then set upon by the angry horde that is the internet and put in his place without further admin involvement. He did not return after the second kick, and there was much rejoicing. Today: Shadow joins the game and almost immediately begins to use side/global voip gets a kick (he used side voice to tell a guy not to use side voice so he freaking KNEW BETTER!!!!) Comes back and starts talking again and another kick, back again for more talking and a kick then back for more and a kick, there was silence for a time, then more talking in side and a ban. Then its to the forums with claims ranging from its the same as my vent key to it was an accident I was in side channel to badmin claims to I didn't notice I was in side to the other guy didn't get banned (he stopped using voip no ban needed) to oh I only said one thing to oh well your restarting the server to save your vehicles (they did not spawn in neither did tents we had no choice) to I didn't mean to all in two posts on the front page of this thread. Page two devolves into such crap as don't post here unless you post alot and finally a bit of intelligence (word used loosely) in his last post. Also the gps coords are no longer relevant so here is the video the jump spots are where I started and stopped the recording. Count them with me now 1,2,3,4,5 different times he keys his mic in side chat in less then a min, that is not glitched channels that is a child attempting to get banned, after at least 4 kicks in a day, so he can try to cause trouble for a server people who "don't like him anymore" enjoy and call home.Disrupting the game for the majority of the server's population will not be tolerated. When 35 people ask in side why isn't he just banned after 2 kicks and again after the 3rd it's not the admins who are in the wrong it's the griefer/spammer. My final $0.02 Awaiting staff ruling.
  9. The following players were at the least teleporting and using some sort of way to track all other players on the server. Unicorn Princess November Sierra ARSENAL PopChild(logged off, changed his name to Child, and reconnected) I was driving a bus, and they teleported right in front of me and unloaded through the windshield. They were doing the same to several other players and vehicles on the server. Also, in a major conflict on the server between the hackers and a group of players, November Sierra was killed in the NorthWest portion of the map. He was back to the fight location with new weapons within 5 minutes.
  10. drekinn

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Since the first 1.7.1 updates, and still existing with, the following major player movement bugs now occur: 1) Pressing Shift to enable sneak mode sometimes causes the sneaking to become permanent, preventing walking/running away from zombies. This is a serious fault and needs urgent attention! 2) Upon spawning or regaining consciousness the player will move automatically in one direction, as if the direction key is being held down; pressing the respective direction key will stop this (e.g. pressing forward will stop auto-forward movement). 3) It is no longer possible when crawling to hold down Shift for slower crawling. 4) The player is no longer able to lean left or right. 5) Large white dots appear on the edges of the screen to represent moving entities (zombies, insects, players, vehicles etc.) that are just out of view. This is a feature (possibly for debugging?) that I've noticed in the single player ArmA2 campaign. Could these dot markers please be removed. 6) The player crouch-sneak speed is now painfully slow. I realise this was an intentional decrease, but could it please be increased a tad? In my opinion these are all serious problems which mar the enjoyability of the zombie survival experience. I certainly hope these issues are resolved in the coming updates. Thanks Rocket and team (Team Rocket?). :) Much respect. Drekinn
  11. So, venturing around in the server Dallas 54 at 2:35 AM (Central), Me and my buddy McCoy stumble upon this: Yeah, literally about ~30 tents. That was only a fraction of the giant armada, equipped with M4A1's, 40+ tents INSIDE those tents, E-pens, etc. Note to the owners of these tents (and the bus parked awhile away), we didn't take anything, we promise. It was too awesome, and we'd feel guilty. Not to mention we had maybe 3 slots total that were free. Then, THIS happened: Messages popped up that said "Enjoy your free Landa!" "Enjoy your free Moto-Bike!" So, did the ADMINS do this? Was it a hacker? Is it a bug/exploit? Either way, it was too weird, and happened within 20 minutes after finding those tents. Either way, this was a 12/10 night.
  12. RB30E

    Army convoys

    simple civis can't drive the tanks they can only kill whats in it and take what they can from the bodies/vehicles to boost their equipment. but who is going to take ona military covoy with 3 or 4 people? little to no people would very high risk with the higher fire power, you would need a small army of 15 or so to take one down lol. if someone does manage to take it down the vehicles could stay there and be destroyed by the next military convoy with incdaries. might add an interesting dynamic to the game. but wouldnt the tanks have thermals? so the chances of sneaking up on such a convoy would be very small aswell. fun idea though
  13. It would be very very easy to place a boarder around the whole map that Gives you a message saying something like "YOU ARE ENTERING A RADIO ACTIVE ZONE YOU HAVE 30 SECONDS TO RETURN" after 30 seconds you char dies and all vehicles and gear get removed/destroyed. Its already used in the very popular Warfare BE mission
  14. Hasn't it been stated many times that bans aren't handed out from picking up weapons or getting in abandoned vehicles???
  15. "Easy" Pete


    Last I heard about 60 servers have vehicles enabled out of all the ones you see. Group Link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ
  16. Server just reset 5 minutes ago, ive just been spending last 8 hours fixing up 2 busses and collecting weapons and vehicle repair kits.. I get no warning of a reset and when I get back in, none of em are there .. .. was hoping this server wasent like that :/ could you plz add a 60second announcement when server restart so we are not driving around and thus losing our vehicles and the second bus i lost had stood still saved for 2 hours.. grrrr as a result of the no warning server restarts I warped back a few km's and have no idea where the bus i was driving even is at now, to add injury to insult its pitch black from sunny sky before reset so I have no chance of finding anything especially since my flare/chemlight/g17 is on the bus. My grp and I moved here in the hoped it was a working server that at least announced server restart, kept same time between restarts and didnt glitch vehicles away after we spend hours fixing em just to never get to drive em out for what ever we want, after searching for them, fixing em up for some hours moving em to hiding place they dissapear within a few hours of us storing them in hiding place, because of server restart.
  17. It's lame if you're hoarding all the vehicles up there. That basically deprives any other players of transport.
  18. Slaughterbal

    Are we futuristic robot soldiers?

    Sometimes those moments are forced upon you' date=' not being able to run or escape from an encounter is stupid. players would be forced to use their ammo or gun IF they have one and those without would automatically be dead. Imagine when your playing stealthy and someone starts shooting at you, how are you going to feel when you run for 10 seconds then start walking in the middle of being shot at for no reason? Everything a player has worked and tried for will be lost. Those are only a few examples, travel without vehicles would be completely forgotten, everyone would be crowding the cities and coastline because of deaths or not wanting to spend half an hour just to travel a few hundred meters. [/quote'] Never did I say I wanted someone to run for 10 seconds and then walk. I even said the current "out of breath" state comes too quickly. Way to take my desire for a stamina system and twist it to you fucked up views. You can hide from zombies now, let's make it a requirement, give people something like 5 minutes of run time, once they tire themselves out they'll have to walk, and the stamina regenerates for a short period(60s?). Shorter if you stop or sit down. If you aggro zombies and run for more than 5minutes, you should die IMO. The game isn't that hard, the map isn't that huge. If the run time is five minutes I'm completely onboard, I was confused, we both had completely different view points on a "stamina" system. I agree, if a char can run for 5 mins and not lose the zed... they should probably just hit "respawn" :P Also the above said fear and adrenaline system would be awesome! Possibly add adrenaline syringes to give yourself a quick stamina boost?
  19. anthony_henson2003@yahoo.com

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    @aesaunic 40 slots its the minimum you are allowed to run. This is a new dayz rule not ours. @chucklemonkey we no longer offer servers in either of those locations. only atlanta and seattle. Vehicles are enabled on all servers up to 2000 which all of our servers are under that number. try restarting your mission from in game. We are thinking of some ways of server offsets but its not an easy task with the control panel we use. Thank you :) @peperonikiller If you can not seem to find any restart your mission from in-game. it will usually force them to spawn. Also i got a nice 12 hours of sleep thats why i did not reply sooner. but dont worry im setting up servers as fast as i can now.
  20. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Are we futuristic robot soldiers?

    Anyone whos played Project Reality knows what a stamina can do to shape player behavior. It's not always about making the game realistic, but rather stop an unrealistic action. In this case it's unrealistic that people would run kilometers around the forests and stop for 5seconds and be ready to thread a needle. Things like fear and adrenaline are most likely possible with the engine, and would add to the experience in my opinion. Maybe being chased by X number of zeds triggers adrenaline which give you increased stamina but less accuracy? Fear, if they're too close you start to lose accuracy? Similar to needing pain meds but less intense. He already screams when they're too close. Why automatically assume something like this will ruin the game? Rocket would do it in a good way I'm sure. Sometimes those moments are forced upon you' date=' not being able to run or escape from an encounter is stupid. players would be forced to use their ammo or gun IF they have one and those without would automatically be dead. Imagine when your playing stealthy and someone starts shooting at you, how are you going to feel when you run for 10 seconds then start walking in the middle of being shot at for no reason? Everything a player has worked and tried for will be lost. Those are only a few examples, travel without vehicles would be completely forgotten, everyone would be crowding the cities and coastline because of deaths or not wanting to spend half an hour just to travel a few hundred meters. [/quote'] Never did I say I wanted someone to run for 10 seconds and then walk. I even said the current "out of breath" state comes too quickly. Way to take my desire for a stamina system and twist it to you fucked up views. You can hide from zombies now, let's make it a requirement, give people something like 5 minutes of run time, once they tire themselves out they'll have to walk, and the stamina regenerates for a short period(60s?). Shorter if you stop or sit down. If you aggro zombies and run for more than 5minutes, you should die IMO. The game isn't that hard, the map isn't that huge.
  21. Slaughterbal

    Are we futuristic robot soldiers?

    Sometimes those moments are forced upon you, not being able to run or escape from an encounter is stupid. players would be forced to use their ammo or gun IF they have one and those without would automatically be dead. Imagine when your playing stealthy and someone starts shooting at you, how are you going to feel when you run for 10 seconds then start walking in the middle of being shot at for no reason? Everything a player has worked and tried for will be lost. Those are only a few examples, travel without vehicles would be completely forgotten, everyone would be crowding the cities and coastline because of deaths or not wanting to spend half an hour just to travel a few hundred meters.
  22. The server has been mislabeled as 1.7 , or 1.7.1 for some time now even though it has been keeping with patches and been intentionally using past patches but current patch data to leave less players on this up to date server. This is the only grit I can prove it on. The Server Admin is on frequently and the camp we had hidden away was just raided today, obviously there is the possibility that it was scouted but of course unlikely given the server population rarely going above 6-9 players ever. Of the players on the server the server admin was the only one we knew who had the logictics to completely loot the camp we had in the short timespan of about 30minutes, as the vehicles in the camp would be incapable of carrying the 3-4 tents worth of equipment as the vehicles were also full. In anycase although the admin *appears* to be running a legit server, he's obviously trying to keep it lower profile by mislabeling it. It may be note worthy that only a 2 days ago it was Chicago 49. I'm not mad about the loss rather suspicious about admin abuse hearing that it is indeed possible for Server admins to have full access and knowledge of all these locations and are allowed to even play on their own server.
  23. critical

    Persisting Vehicles

    By an off chance there can be a vehicle rollback at some point. Happened to me and my mates. We had the VS3 and a military offroad stashed somewhere and somebody raided our camp and stole both the vehicles. We were pretty bummed but moved on and then later the same day after a server restart/crash one of our members logged in the vicinity of our old camp and the VS3 was standing in our old camp (the offroad was missing still). I bet the guys who got it from us were pretty unhappy about that since they didn't take anything out of it (or the items were duped). We then hauled it's contents onto a better server we found. So yes. Vehicles can disappear on you randomly. Your best bet would be to revisit where it was standing the moment you found it.
  24. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    few game play suggestions

    1. There are places to find loot around these builings. There are a couple small sheds, outhouses and even dog houses sometimes have loot. Tho the dog house seems to be bugged, most of the time it's in the air above it and can't be accessed. 2. There are helicopter crash sites, castles and hunting platforms. And you get wood from the forest and water from the lake, broken down vehicles scattered all over the place. But, I would love to see some more random stuff like the crash sites. Military road blocks, Outposts, crashed jets with pistols and smoke, overrun convoys, random airdropped crate in middle of forest, mass graves, 3. Disagree.
  25. Sykotron

    Persisting Vehicles

    Forgot to mention, but I saved the vehicle before we logged off. Does anything remove vehicles (server reset, what do you mean by server dies?) or did someone just steal our truck?