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  1. Hey Guys! Okay so this is just a basic idea right now, buti thought about two additions to the game. 1.) Animal Companions I think there should be animal companions, like Dogs, Chickens, Snakes, Cats.. those you'd find in the area basically. The reason for this is that i think since side channel was removed the players need some company on their journey to not "die of loneliness" - think Will Smith in "I Am Legend". These companions should, of course, not be given to the player initially, he has to find them so that he values them more when he gets them. I think zombies should have a drop chance for various animal companions (or items like Dog Whistle, Snake Cage...). Some should be more rare than others. Basically like this: Animal: Dropchance Chicken: 6% Cat:5% Dog:4% Snake ( needs to be a big one so you can see it): 0.5% so players have something to search for, think of it as kind of an "endgame addition". Having a snake as a companion might demonstrate that you have lived very long or are very experienced - or just had luck of course. 2.) Vehicle "Inventory" I think we should apply a similar concept to vehicles. As of now, if you find a vehicle, its easy to lose it because of engine failures, other players stealing it or crashes. I think that it should be possible to kind of "carry them around". Like this: you find a vehicle in the open and repair it, after you've done so you can put the keys in your inventory. From that point on you can "summon" your vehicle at any point of the map. Of course this should take some time to simulate the player getting the vehicle. This would greatly reduce stress and help players get around more easily on this huge map. There are some other things i've thought about, but i still need some time.. here's just a small brainstorm of my other ideas: "Bank of Chernarus" - Basically an institution where you can drop off a certain number of items (4-5) to pick them up on your next respawn. Should require some kind of payment. "Heli-Points" - Helicopters standing around in some major cities like Cherno and Elektro, Berezino and maybe the NW Airfield. You could "hire" them to fly you around between these cities. Would simulate ex-military pilots trying to survive? Cooking - As of now there's only canned food and cooked meat. I thought that maybe we could add recipes that your character can learn to create more delicious food - after all there are a lot of fresh ingredients in the wilderness, or dried spices in people's houses. These special foods could give you short-term advantages, like faster running maybe..? thank you for reading this guys xD Janeral
  2. Oh, ok then, sorry, it's just there was no explanation about why it went off and it seemed like (to me and my friends) that you guys were just playing privately to make it easier on yourselves finding loot. I'm sorry for jumping to such a conclusion as cheating. I noticed the number of players went down from 50 to 30 so I entirely believe you. For much of our group Candy Land is like a home server, we play on it whenever we can, but when it went down we set up a hard core base in another server so we won't be back for 1-2 days until the fencing and such disappears or our base is raided/vehicles stolen/tents destroyed.
  3. t3sla

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    Your solution is fucking god-awful, I'm sorry, but it just is. You're pointing out some things that are unrealistic and you're saying since that's unrealistic we should have more unrealistic things, which doesn't help the realism. The only problem here is with the helicopter's radar, which is the only thing that needs to be fixed, not the car hoarding problem. I think if it was down-graded to show all vehicles within a short distance of you, not on the whole map, then this whole problem would be fixed. You would be able to find vehicles and whatnot stashed away on the sides of the map, but you wouldn't be able to see every single one on the map. You're what's turning this game into a hat simulator.
  4. HardTarget

    @DayZ [Suggestions, Fixes and Important Changes] Must Read

    1.) Only acceptable if something can be done about the immensely dark'ish night. While I don't personally have an issue with it, there's a reason there's a dedicated sticky thread regarding how damn dark the night is. It needs an offset somehow if you remove the only way of seeing well for certain people. Also, as stated before, Flares are a natural enemy of NVG's, they make it IMPOSSIBLE to see anything with NVG's on. 2.) True, the sync is off at times, but this is more an issue for the server hosters themselves typically. A well run and operated server usually is synced quite effectively. 3.) No, Rocket has stated before this will BREAK how the game operates, as it utilizes this cycle (in ticks) to be able to tell when to spawn items, how long things have been left out/haven't been around, etc. Altering the cycle mucks up the code. 4.) I'm up for more bicycles, not sure on more vehicles. I am often running so I don't have a good opinion on this. 5.) There are discussions dedicated solely about this already, we know, their super-human pimp slap has gained a lot of notoriety. So has their odd spawning behaviors. However, no need to "tier" them, that's silly (imo). 6.) If you haven't played Arma 2 normally, I suggest you do so on Vet difficulty or something, you'll see that the NPC's have a nack at seeing you at insane distances and quite easily (500M+ out if you stand up, 300~M if crouched, will see despite any sort of cover/bushes), and they're quite the shooters. I prefer the only armed people are player controlled ones, that's my opinion. 7.) There's a reason they exist is my answer. 8.) Already topics about it, general consensus is it needs to go AFAIK. 9.) Also other threads regarding these, although if any "random events" are added I hope it doesn't involve gun-totting NPC's. Anything like the roaring of jet engines as an SA-80 or somesuch jets across overhead is fine, but it should be more atmospheric than otherwise (the Heli with the watchlight idea at night was brilliant, forgot which thread that was in). 10.) Pistols, I understand. Most, ignoring the M1911 and Rev. are 9mm, and such weapons IRL are not difficult to stabilize and quick-fire the trigger excessively. Yes, it'll be harder to account for, but it's possible. I say it's fine as is, if someone gets you with it, kudos to them for using a pistol. As for snipers, haven't experienced an issue with this sparing the DMR, most are single fire and take a bit, and if you have to hit at a farther range than 50m the recoil WILL make you have to re-aim yourself momentarily. 11.) Arma 2 issue, not sure if there is such a fix available. If it is, it should take some time to flip, not like a Halo "flip" where you press a button and the thing flings itself around. 12.) Wasn't aware of this, amusing. 13.) Drop is quite substaintial at certain ranges, sparing weapons that can zero in (M24/M107), but even then you got to account and figure out the range (unless it has the "rangefinder" built-in with certain regular servers. Removing that server option on most/if not all servers would help). 14.) I won't go into this, aside saying this is more of a community problem from people going up in arms about being killed, and turning around only to kill everyone from there-on out. The benefits are there, and they're greater than the items/beans you can pick up off the other person. 15.) Fine by me, keep the heli-hiders from dumping their damn loot far outside the map, unreachable to anyone without a vehicle. Perhaps not in the exact mechanic way you stated, but something of the sort, like a missile lock-on if in a vehicle, and just shot by snipers otherwise if you leave the border too long. Something unique to DayZ.
  5. Bushfries

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    Why not just let everyone keep their vehicles, but have new ones respawn every 12 hours with a cap at, say 5 per vehicle.?
  6. alienfreak

    Have you seen these people?

    This is... awesome! I already thought about dxtorying a reenacted version during our last coast guard night patrol. Probably we will do it soon though :) But sadly we were all stuffed with LEEWT we needed for other vehicles and some jerry cans for our PBX. Does every PBX eat everything you put into its gear like ours?
  7. A cut down video of us getting caught out by a lot of zombies while trying to refuel our vehicles at Novy. Never again.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    Do tents disappear when a server restarts?

    If you "save" a tent, it should persist. Sometimes the server loses its connection to the hive and "forgets" where tents and vehicles are. A proper server restart will almost always bring them back. Check again in a few hours if your stuff is missing.
  9. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    @DayZ [Suggestions, Fixes and Important Changes] Must Read

    15) Add a Kill zone if you leave the main area of the game like in battlefield series. ( warning you are wandering to far from your chance of rescue you will die in 20 seconds beep beep. ) 16) Add Item/Weapon/Vehicle Degradation ( weapons jam/break after to much use, items like matches run out, etc, vehicles lose hull or engine after x amount of time used etc )
  10. Reaps

    Tent slots!

    +1 to this. Same goes for vehicle's. Knowing how much space is left is a must really. Nothing like losing your new shiny GPS because you pushed the tent / vehicles to breaking point.
  11. damonxwind

    Rules to Survive By

    personal reasons. What's currently there is helpful to new players, but I think that the vehicle spawns that are up there cause camping and quickly snatched vehicles. I think you should learn this game by playing it and world of mouth after a point.
  12. Me and a few buddies hopped onto this server after it being suggested after Dallas 24/26 being shut down. Lived in the wilderness per-usual and found a camp site with 4-5 vehicles (Urals, tractor, ATVs, etc) and 7 m4a1 holo SD 203 launchers in one of their tents (hackers/dupers). Anyways, we went down to the shore after taking two vehicles and killed someone repairing a truck and their passenger, took the truck and drove it up north..suddenly server crashed. Server comes back up and im in a valley by the V35(sp?) and see the same guy we killed inside the truck on the road, kill him and hide the body and hop back into the V35. Head down the road and in-counter a survivor with a hatchet. I attempt to run him over and then suddenly, banned from server. So not only is the server admin, supporting a group of dupers/hackers..he bans people for killing, raiding their poorly hidden camp sites and generally abuses his admin rights by telling others on the server of where people are who killed him..while side/global chat is disabled. p.s. "no crying allowed" is a server message displayed when you join..kinda ironic. TL;DR Hacking/duping admin that crashes his server to recover vehicles/gear/destroyed tents. Server admins name is "Trioxin 245"
  13. clintmbaptiste@gmail.com

    [Guide] Pro Tips for Starting Out

    Camps and Vehicles section has been revised to allow quicker access to vehicles. Soon as you have an Axe, Knife, Matches and a 16-slot backpack your main priority should be finding a vehicle to repair.
  14. CommanderBoiled

    Tents vehicle disappearing

    same here (i think) *Where you were: N/A *What you were doing: being ingame while server restart *Current installed version: *Server you were on: chicago 32 *Timeline of events before/after error: i wanted to pick up a friend - so i started from our camp with motocross (in the camp were also: v3s truck, 2 (empty) tents, a uaz and a bicycle). when i was on about half of the way to my friend the server restarted. after restart i spawned back in our camp, all vehicles were still there. so i left to pick up my friend again and came back to our camp about 10 minutes later - now the v3s truck with some decent loot in it (nvg's, m107, gps units) and the uaz (with some jerrycans in it) were gone. its a pretty strange thing though. at first i thought the 2 vehicles were stolen by at least 2 guys. but its strange that this should have been happened when i was actually ingame on the server, just 10 minutes out with motocross to pick up a friend. the camp (actually inside map borders, not in wasteland) existed since about 2 weeks before that and during this incredibly long time obviously nobody discovered the camp and everything stayed in its place. so why should it be that the 2 vehicles got stolen in exactly this pretty short 10 minutes when i was omw with motocross? other strange thing is that the tents stayed where the were (still empty) and the bicycle also wasnt touched. --- maybe only vehicles and tents which actually had loot in them were concerned by these hive issues?
  15. Oddball_E8

    How often are your camps raided?

    Not once did he mention having vehicles, and even if they did, i doubt they had one every time they made a camp.
  16. Kageru

    Rampant Hacking

    You can't dupe anymore after the patch anyway.... Duping is a silly thing to complain about. I can kill you with an Enfield just as easy as I can with a higher tier weapon. Wasn't a lot of the duped stuff hidden away in off-map tents / vehicles though? problem solved.
  17. Blasty

    NY14 Admin abuse or hacking

    we HEARD you talking on the server chan when you were joining and were saying we believed we had gotten nuked because we all got kicked from the server... At this time we believed that the camp we were raiding belonged to ADMINS, and that they had shut the server down to avoid us getting their gear... I was pretty far away from the main shootout when i blew myself up with a grenade and i was right behind a guy laying down near the tent... I'm not saying hacking def. didn't occur, but I can promise you it wasn't any of the 3 of us who were assaulting your camp. I can't explain what happened to kick everyone off the server, but I can tell you that had been happening all throughout the day, and someone was moving vehicles pretty quickly upon server restart each time because I saw the server desync a lot after the reboots.. so that may very well have been admin abuse with bad timing. However, like i said.. some of the corpses were still there from the shootout.
  18. djseanit

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    So opened fire on 7 people last night in an open field, 6 of which logged out.. Turning into a bit of a joke, maybe a little less focus on fixing vehicles and a little more focus on working on a solution for this. Love the game, love the work you guys are doing but this is a big one...
  19. LunaTiK (DayZ)

    POLL: US70 Game Settings

    Yeah I read it and it changes nothing I've said. It's basic common sense. People play on servers where they like the rulesets. Making a thread in forums where people typically only go when they have a problem with something defeats the purpose of having a poll or a vote. It completely swings the favor toward the people wanting the change as the people who don't want the change are playing completely unaware of this post at all and filling up the server everyday. In the end you should set the server rules how you want because you are never going to please everyone. The people who play on the server play there because they enjoy the rulesets or the majority of them would play somewhere else. I often go to hardcore servers because I like that type of gameplay and people really get into the game on those servers. I also like the rulesets on this server because when I want the game to be a little faster I have that choice. If I had to guess I'd assume these guys got vehicles then made camps and none of that stuff is permanent. Wanting rules changed because of some temporary items you have on a server isn't practical. Probably server hoppers that found a vehicle and decided to setup shop and now want server rules changed. I'm just here defending the 100s of people who play everyday just fine with the current ruleset and see no reason to come to forums to find out if there is some poll to change them. Change the rules all you want but do it for your own reasons and what you want not for a few people who some may or may not even play on the server. You'd be ruining the rulesets for many to conform to the few. That just doesn't seem practical to me. Changing them because you want to and pay for the server, that seems practical to me. Someone suggesting new rule sets to you isn't the problem here and you deciding you want to change them is perfectly fine. It's the one sided poll in the forums which will never be accurate at all which is the problem.
  20. Zyme

    How often are your camps raided?

    The answer to this thread is simple. Helicopter bullshit radar. Don't place your vehicles near your tents.
  21. kriegar69@gmail.com

    Germany 23 NW HUGE CAMP...

    We naded 3 of their vehicles and they just vanished xD. Why would you want to pay £10 for 2 skins that really only make a difference in 3rd person mode...
  22. Zyme

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    So if you have a heli, you can find other peoples vehicles by like, tabbing?!
  23. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    @ Ichor/Bass On the topic of realism: Is it realistic that someone in this "zombie survival game" can haul an engine that weighs much more then you do by himself cross country to then replace it into any vehicle make or model and also be able to repair hull damage with scraps, put on new wheels and the like? No its not but its a game and games aren't realistic they are made with set realities that fit the game simulation to make it fun. and on this topic, get rid of radar ( if its in the game ) to find vehicles, get rid of night vision goggles. on the Topic of my ability to craft a car/truck or even something as simple as a bicycle: I have made working buggies. I have rebuilt atc's and I think if I was a game character that could run cross country and pickup a toolbox put an engine in my backpack and carry it all the way back to a broken down car, I could find a way to make a simple bike, or buggy. Edit: interesting pic http://i.imgur.com/AzEDE.jpg this is why there are no vehicles on most servers.
  24. Logic-101

    DayZ Stories

    Guys, there's my Day Z story. *--* Remember that, all the Very rare stuff I found, it was the first time for me, and I'm still a sort of new player, I don't really know well the world and the North part of the map, and I'm really bad at shooting games... I'm also in the mode of Hiding and Huting close to a water source with the less gear I can have ( In a forest, close to a water source, with animals, woods, as far as I can of any road, buildings or highest spots of mountains).*--* Well, after a long long time of surviving with my great gear for the type of gameplay I'm playing, I decided to head to the North with my character. I ran, ran, ran. For a long time... But, with the gear I had, it was not a problem : GPS, Compass, Hatchet, Hunting knife, Box of matches, Tool box ( if I was finding any vehicles or bycicle ) and others. I had 3 morphine, 3 painkillers, an M4a1 scoped ( found on a dead body in the airfield, the south one ) with 6 mags for it. I went in the NW Airfield, and found in the south barrack and found an G17 and 4 mags for it, more mags for my M4a1 ( but I didn't took them, I'm a hunter, I'm not a Military bandit who wants to kill everyone). THEN, I found a body, with a Coyote backpack ( I love it :) ) , a Bizon SD with 5 mags, and some usefull stuff ( cooked meat M9 SD, Enhencing Tools, etc.) Well, I found an adevenced dead survivor. I went to the other barrack, more to the North of the airfield. I was looting, and found no good stuff, all I wanted was a Guillie Sout and NVG ahah... Then, I heard footsteps. The time was in slowmotion, my hand was shaking, I was blocked in this little barrack, with like 12 windows, I was in a bad situation. I didn't know if he heard/saw me or if he had a friend or had a group with him. I decided to go in the bathroom, just at the moment I turn myself to the door, I see 2 guys running inside, they didn't noticed me, but they had like 20 zombies on them. The time stopped. I got a brillient idea, when they all killed the zombies, I decided to shoot the mirror, hoping it's going to make the same noise as the window, and with a silencer, they'll not know where I'm. I just wanted them to leave this building. So I shot, and it worked, the sound was the windows breaking sound! At this moment, they went inside a room. I shoted maybe 25 rounds on the mirror at all, and each time I was shooting ( 5-10 Rds ), they were moving to another room. The moment I saw them they weren't looking at me, but at the doors and the windows in the corridor, they came, 1 per 1, in the same piece as me, without noticing i'm there.I saw that their nametag was orange ( Bandits ) and started to shoot at them like a retard. I killed 1 guy, the other went inconscious, I was thinking about if i'm tring to heal him or not, but I finished him. I got NVGs and an FN FAL with 12 mags, so I decided to leave the Bizon leave this area as fast as possible. I was shaking at hell, it took me more than 20 mins to stop. So with 240 Fn FL rounds and all my gear, I knew that I was able to survive for a long long time. But... I went to the Devil's castle, were, I started to shake again, because I know, sometimes, there's bandits camping in there, but for no reasons. I did every lootable place, except the big tower. I found a tent, at this point, I was able to survive for all my life, anytime, anywhere in the forest. The only thing I needed to find, is a great spot with a water source, animals and a place to hide my tent as close as possible of my camp. But, I couldn't leave this great lootable building without going inside. Best and worst Idea EVER... I found my Guillie sout at the top. It was the best Day z moment EVER for me. Just need to find a Spot in the north, in the middle of nowhere and it was like the '' winning of Day Z ''. I was so excited! I started to go down the turning stairs, then, my Left arrow get stuck, and I felt for like 4-7 meters, and Died.... the first reaction was: NOOOOO The second one was : Oh well, I got morphine, 12k Blood, bandages and lots of cooked meats The third was: *You're DEAD* Whut the F*****ck, damn it, I can't f*ck*ng believe that. Well, I can't believe that either right now, 1 day after. All this work, luck, strategy, luck, to fall off a stair of like 5 meters... But, I'm not someone who rage a lot, I took the death, even if it's hard to admit it, and this is exactly why I like Day Z, all the stress, fun, fear that it procures to me is just wonderful! Even the deception and the bad moments are great, maybe 1 or 2 days after, but they are still great! So, Rocket and all the people who makes Dayz works and playable, Thanks a lot, I love this game, continue like this, for me, this is perfect, even with the small bugs sometimes. * I already posted this on another topic, but it was for a certain reason*
  25. I've been playing DayZ nightly for about two weeks now and up until this point I've had a pretty smooth experience with the game until yesterday. My friends and I logged into our normal server (us77) and half our tents were empty. We chalked it up to being raided and moved the camp. We got everything situated in a totally new area. The server started lagging and then went down. When it came back up all our tents and vehicles were gone. I wasn't upset. I shrugged my shoulders and told myself "Easy come, easy go". I know things like this are bound to happen. We all regrouped and decided to raid Berezino for tents, med supplies, etc. It was intense and super fun. By this time we had switched servers to us85 because us77 was always a little bit glitchy. We all went south and put up new tents, raided Electro and then logged. This morning we got on and were at our tents looking through last nights loot when all of a sudden everyone on the server died. I was a bit perturbed but not that upset until I got to our new tent site. We hadn't just died, we had all exploded.. Making all the new tents and gear in them completely useless. That's when I got upset. Essentially I had just wasted all the hours I'd played last night and lost it to a hacker. I really really hope they fix these issues soon because the last 24 hours made me start questioning why I'm even playing this game. I understand DayZ is in alpha but all that happened just left a bitter taste in my mouth. :-/