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  1. Unfortunately, once you find one, it'll get stolen from you in record time, then you'll be back saying, "i'm wasting my time finding vehicles".
  2. Personally I usually play together with my friends or on my own... so I will be in a group of anything from 1 to 8 people at any given time. Our reward so far: which lone bandit is going to take on 8 well-equipped people? I also wanted to post a response to your idea of being able to repair buildings but didn't have time: Whilst I love the idea of rebuilding even a tiny bit of the doomed civilisation, it does have some problems. The issue which is already apparent with vehicles and tents: There is no way to guard them. They are looteable 24/7, when by rights they shouldn't be. It's a) not realistic, b) sucks and c) there is probably no other way to implement this in a persistent world. This would become even more fustrating when repairing large structures. After having repaired a powerplant you will have to log off sometime... at that point someone could come along and destroy it. In fact, it's almost certain as power plants aren't really hideable. One possible fix (and simple) fix would be to simply make the repaired factory indestructible. This would however allow other players to claim it and still leave the people who repaired it empty-handed once they log off. It would also cause an issue long-term, as at some point all repairable buildings would be repaired. Even though this would make for good progression (surviving -> rebuilding) it would eventually render the survival aspect non-existant. The problem could be alleviated if things such as farming/mining/crafting/building (and perhaps a larger map) were to be added so that the power can actually be used, with bandits still raiding the peaceful settlers. (you would also need to bind characters to specific servers for various reasons) But again, that would turn the game into a zombie-survival minecraft clone, with better graphics etc. Now, whilst I would personally relish to play such a game/mod, I do not think that it's the way Rocket wants to take this mod ;)
  3. biorage

    Rearming/Saving a Tent

    Yeah' date=' it was. However, my Tent Items we're vanished too, and we were well hidden too. My hunch is that it was raided, but some external factors might be perhaps the admins can track them in the database, like vehicles. "* [NEW'] Vehicles can now be tracked on database level, they will respawn or be reset at secret intervals once they have been destroyed. " http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12809 ^ Though unlikely, could be a factor.
  4. tso

    What do you guys do as survivors?

    probably busy trying to survive bandits while building camps/vehicles... And eventually hunting bandits for hunting them... Then there is ever supply runs and exploring...
  5. Vultcha

    Zone of death - off map

    a good compromise would be to make "going out of bounds" penalties to characters steep. say it's "very cold" r something and they need to constantly apply heatpacks... something like that. right now it's just too easy to drive off the map with a fleet vehicles and never have them get chanced with being found by anything but a chopper...
  6. Title. (Steam overlay is up for the clock) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960634382/screenshot/541804955998522244?tab=public http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960634382/screenshot/541804955998524327?tab=public http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960634382/screenshot/541804955998523340?tab=public http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960634382/screenshot/541804955998571661 <---the three players in question Just want to make sure it is locked for a good reason (other than getting all the vehicles and phat lootz).
  7. Metamorphosis

    US 104 Bans For Disconnecting During Fights.

    Tonic @ http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8302 said: Then Rocket @ http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8029 said: Therefore.. it's acknowledged as being an exploit.. and they punish exploiters via bans. I don't see where the confusion comes in. It's only a ban on an individual server so it's not really even much of a punishment.. if they crashed and didn't DC most admins are willing to unban it and give you a second chance, but honestly unless you have a bunch of tents or vehicles on it not much care would even be given about being banned it'd just give the admin some sense of improving his community by reducing repeat offenders.
  8. m3t4lh34d

    [Video] Shopping Disaster

    not me man, server is bein a complete dick, keeps rebooting, losing stuff, i've had vehicles disappear and reappear loot disappear, fucking balls
  9. Makes me wonder if my well hidden tents/vehicles were raided/stolen by someone with this sort of hack, or just got really lucky. Hope he gets banned soon.
  10. Friend-or-Pho

    Zone of death - off map

    So why is it that everyone should be forced to play near other players? In a real apocolyptic scenario there would be plenty of people who try to survive off the grid. This is no less valid than any other survival tactic used in-game. If I don't want to bother with other survivors why should I? I have yet to see a good arguement against going "off-map" other than people claiming it is cheating. Besides, vehicles now despawn after a period of time if they go un-used. So what exactly is wrong with allowing people to go head to the hills?
  11. biorage

    Rearming/Saving a Tent

    Helicopters are used mainly for scouting tents, as it is very easy that way to spot them. Vehicles too, most spots that people place them are as Zak states, quite frequent. Or out of sheer luck that they found your spot.
  12. Zakificus

    Rearming/Saving a Tent

    18 Hours is a long time, especially if a clan is on your server, sometimes they sweep the entire north in a few hours finding dozens of tents/vehicles. 99% chance someone thought "hey this spot on the map is secluded/ popular for tents" and just stole it all after you moved. If they had a vehicle, even more likely they took everything you had. Also, could have just dropped what they didnt take on the ground, to be mean.
  13. biorage

    How do tents work?

    Kaney, How they work is exactly how you think they work. Yes they can loot your tent, so it's best to hide it off of the map, or somewhere in the forests in-land. You can put a lot of items in a tent, I have yet to figure out how much, however, I've stored several weapons in the tent, and a large amount of gear with no issues. Tent's should be save, when your done using it, scroll over it and click "Save" and it should save and you should have no problem. Note: Vehicles can run over tents.
  14. PintOfBass

    Zone of death - off map

    The only thing that needs to be changed concerning this is that off map tents and vehicles don t save. That's it. Your making huge complex solutions for simple problems.
  15. shadowtank754

    Car Questions

    I havent found any vehicles yet but if i do find them will i know it is one you repair or does nothing pop up and ots a bit destroyed, also if i get one and i leave the server while immin it will it dissapear with me and can i then go into a different server with it. If not will it not despawn if left in that server
  16. On almost every occasion, when US89 hosted by NewO restarts (which is about 6 times a day), at least one of our vehicles has it's inventory wiped. Where you were: In a forest What you were doing: Reconnected after server restart, checking vehicle inventory *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US89 (NewO) *Your system specs: Intel i5-2400, nVidia GeForce GTX 460 GTX, 6GB DDR3 Ram
  17. CommanderBoiled

    Tents still duping/losing items

    i can confirm this too. we had put up 2 tents really close to each other and parked a bicycle nearby on a small slope. it was the first time we encountered that its not a good idea to park vehicles in locations which are not plain, because otherwise they will get buggy and hopping downwards the hill sometimes until they stop when they arrive a plain. over night the bicycle was hopping down the hill exactly trough our 2 tents and crushed them. tents gone - loot gone. but after the next server restart the 2 tents were up again, still no stuff in them but usable. i paked them and put them in a car. after next server restart 2 new tents were up again in the exact positions where i packed them before. but then they were not packable anymore..
  18. Yes.ImP

    Vehicles disappearing

    well ok, ppl can find some hidden cars, but not 11 vehicles on 2 different servers at 4-5 different places, i guess )
  19. exetick

    Vehicles disappearing

    latingeek that was a long time ago. the thing is if the server is not restarted proparly all tents + vehicles disappear, the only thing that is needed is a server restart. second most of those places you saved your vehicles at is filled with players running around. they will find them at some point.
  20. Yes.ImP

    Vehicle. :<

    we got same problem today on LU and RU servers! lost 8 vehicles on LU and 3 vehicles on RU http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22120
  21. We had the same issue. All of our vehicles and tents disappeared. When I restarted the server a few hours later, everything came back except our newest tents. The newest tents were completely empty. These had some of our most valuable, recent finds and they are completely gone.
  22. the points below, marked "FIX" i feel are changes that need to happen. the points below marked "SUGGEST" are changes that i feel should happen, but aren't critical points at this time. the "suggest" points all should work together as well, and should be considered together and not independently. Helicopter: >*FIX: remove the ability for helicopters to detect vehicles. self explanatory. it's unrealistic, and it leads to undesired server-wide vehicle hoarding by a few players. Boats: >*FIX: boat speed. increase it by 3X. the boats are capable irl of these speeds, yet they can only go trolling speed. you can outrun a boat. >SUGGEST: adding inventory space to boats. boats irl can store more "cargo" than an atv. this would also work to make boats actually sought after vehicles. as is now, they are considered trash and ignored. Bicycles: >*FIX: increase durability in collisions. >SUGGEST: increasing bicycle spawn rates threefold. >SUGGEST: adding fixable elements to bikes, like "bike chain,""pedals," and "bicycle tire." this can allow for more varied "trash" loot for industrial beyond tires and jerry cans all the time. will also allow players to "fix up" bikes, giving players at the "intermediate" level of loot something to do. would also get more players off the "coast." Civilian autos (gaz/skoda type vehicles:) >SUGGEST: increasing spawn rate greatly. currently they are pretty rare to see. imo, in a zombie apocalypse there should be a great abundance of cars available to use, as zombies don't really eat or explode vehicles. >SUGGEST: making it harder to "fix" cars somehow, if they become superabundant. it should be that there are tons of cars to see, but a "rotar cap for a 1976 gaz sedan should be tough to find," if you catch my meaning. suggest achieving this by making a new "loot category" outside of industrial, for automotive, and have the parts spawn in gas stations, or town sheds almost exclusively. suggest also the ability to "remove" parts form existing vehicles. Military Autos (uaz/v3S types) SUGGEST: same as civilian above, but have them "spawn" in groups/pairs near military areas.
  23. Andy P

    Car Questions

    The ones you can repair look not destroyed. They stand out quite a lot. You see it has no tires etc so you can see what it needs fixed. Also when you get in it up the top left it tells you the health of each part so you can see what needs repairing. You can save it which will lock it in place on that server while you are alive so if you log out and in it will stay there. Otherwise it will reset after a set time if not touched or saved by anyone. You can't take it to a different server, vehicles are locked into the server, as are tents.
  24. Yes.ImP

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    the 7-days respawn system is bugged 100% server #1: 3 saved cars in a deep forest 6km from all roads, 1 saved but not repaired car in Vyshnoe, 1 bike in the forest near Vyshnoe, 1 car in the forest near Stary server #2: 3 cars in a deep forest in 3 different places all vehicles were saved yesterday and all gone today.
  25. weedmasta

    Vehicle disappearing act?

    Hmm you should bug report that then because vehicles are not bound to players and are not supposed to disappear when a player logs off while he is in one unless of course they are teleporting or there is horrible desync.