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Everything posted by sheriffhd

  1. sheriffhd

    Make hospitals have hospital related loot.

    The way I heal my self now....Eat every bit of medicine I find untill something works.
  2. sheriffhd

    DayZ Playstyles

    I wonder aimlessly around looking for food and drink and tools I can use (Pickaxe, axe and machette) a bag to carry it all and I try to insure that I always stay healthy. when it comes to weapons I just find something that works just incase I need to defend my self. But usually I like to play it as a survival game. Build a home in the woods, and defend it if need be.
  3. sheriffhd

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    Yeah, same issue here. Not worried about the loss of gear, but I wouldnt mind getting my ingame name changed. It was my steam name before, but now its changed to my computer name (which people may/may not find offensive)
  4. sheriffhd

    Total reset or bug?

    Ive noticed this issue, although for me its changed from being My steam name (sheriffHD) to my Computer name (C*nt) plus all m gear has been lost. I mean Im not fussed about gear loss (although i did spend ages doging bullets to get all my medical supplies.
  5. sheriffhd

    Reason behind your username?

    Im named after a famous US marshal from the wild west. and growing up i was always called sheriff by teachers and friends. So the nickname stuck
  6. sheriffhd

    how did dayz or arma2 get Russian

    If Game devs spend months making a game, least i can do is spend a few months making sure I can understand the words in the game. I think thats the main reason i'll never play Japanese games because their language is fucking hard.
  7. sheriffhd

    how did dayz or arma2 get Russian

    Dayz made me want to learn russian.......I now own a russian for dummies book.
  8. sheriffhd

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I normally buy guys at retail then redeem them on steam, simple because no one really buys PC games in store any more so they sell dirt cheap. :D And if i remember correctly, wasnt there already a post stating that Rocket had intended to release the standalone on steam at some point anyway?
  9. sheriffhd

    Weapon switching

    I never have the opition to eat or drink on my scroll wheel
  10. sheriffhd

    Squa support

    Well in that case, Ima go edit myself a skin and see about making it work. look out for a sheriff badge :D
  11. sheriffhd

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    Yeah, i think its subtle ideas like that is what the game needs more of. I love seeing some of the Ideas that people are coming up with that are just so elegant and brilliant.
  12. sheriffhd

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    Maybe what you could do the add as well, is when you look at their ID, it could also help to see how they were killed. COvered in blood could mean killed by zombies, half the card broke off or with a huge hole in it would mean he was killed by wall of lead. Also if you could collect IDs in your wallet as well as an Infifinate stack item in your own wallet, so if you killed a bandit you could open his wallet to find a huge stack of his victims ID.
  13. sheriffhd

    Backpacks - a new idea for them

    Id have to say no as well. It would just be more hassle than its worth. There is no benifit to doing this other than helping those with OCD who are peeved that their items in their backpacks arnt in the right order.
  14. sheriffhd

    Add a civilian .357 python sidearm

    Well, if they added a few other guns as well which used the .357 ammo, then it would be worth it, but just adding one gun for one ammo type. its just too much hastle than its worth i think. I think what they should add is homemade firearms, which are common but jam alot, while making military issue weaponry more rare.
  15. sheriffhd

    Zombie Running speed

    I like Chabs idea with the mix of the two plus balance. I like fast zombies becuase just being able to outrun a zombie seems too easy. I like being chased and thinking "O shit, O shit, O SHIT"
  16. sheriffhd

    Squa support

    I just think stick with how it is currently as for maps, No makrers, and any markings you do put down and what you put there your self (Black cross and circle) just make it so it isnt broadcasted to the entire server because that isnt good for your hideout to let every one know where it is :S I think so long as we get the mostly suggested Custom characters so its easier to identify friends thats all we will need.
  17. sheriffhd


    In namalesk they have warm clothing, which keeps you warm, which is really needed on the map because I find my self cold alot more on that map, so im always hording aload of heatpacks.
  18. sheriffhd

    Banned for Killing Admin

    Yeah there are always admins who get real butthurt when they get killed. They say that admins cant and shouldnt do it, but they will always be tards.
  19. buy a 30m Ethernet cable from ebay for £4, shitty wifi no longer is an issue then.
  20. sheriffhd

    FPS issues in major cities

    Yeah this game is more of a strain on your CPU than graphics, Just a bump to the clock settings will do you well. I OC my CPU up to 3.8ghz and im seeing a nice improvement from before.
  21. sheriffhd

    Trading function?

    Maybe, an idea may to be to add random chests around the map, These chests can be in residential buildings, or military bases, They can be used to do direct trades or as drop spots for people. For instance, There is a chest located in devils castle up the wooden staircase, I can randomly go there and drop random items int there for any lucky survivor to stumble upon, or I can meet a potential trader there, from which we both put our items into the box. These boxes can be found in the wild as well, random spots around the map.
  22. sheriffhd

    Bandit skin for defending myself???

    well if you have a silenced gun and have a good hiding spot, taking on a squad of guys solo is real fun to do, done it myself lose about 80% of the time, but still fun none the less. as for the bandit skin, nothing to worry about really, majority of bandit skin guys are just good guys going after bad guys.
  23. I know alot of you guys will say - "If you want deathmatch gameplay, go play COD/Battlefield/counter strike etc..." but here is the idea, the past few days, ive taken a break from the large defualt dayz map, simple because none of us can lie, running about a large map gets boring sometimes, so when i downloaded and played on a utes server, it was highly addictive and fun, while also keeping the fun of dayz life. Now you may say "Just stick next to cherno, Its always a deathmatch there" its differnt in utes, because the map is soo small, that there is nothing to do but kill each other, and my gosh did we all have one hell of a laugh doing so. Im not saying its a must have feature for the standalone, but I wont lie, when the stand alone is release, they also went on to remake utes and include it in a later patch for deathmatch gameplay, i would very much welcome it. And if not im not too fussed. Also on my final note, if you havnt played the utes deathmatch servers yet, find one and join it, it is additively fun, and its also an easy way to get better at shooting :D
  24. sheriffhd

    Utes - Deathmatch style gameplay?

    Yeah Me and my friend were playing Its and said why not try the regular arma. I wont lie, from what i played of the regular arma, its different from the dayz utes deathmatch (mainly because it is just stripped down) every server i jumped on it had a cash system, which im not fond of in any game. thats just personal preference. And im not fond on every server i played having AI either. I also enjoyed the aspects of having zombies on the map, and having to scavenge for ammo and food and medical supplies.