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Everything posted by sheriffhd

  1. sheriffhd


    get a bike, they are easy to find, fast and easy to maintain.
  2. sheriffhd

    Murder Montage :D 64 Murders

    pretty funny video. Dont know why people are hating, its part of the game, but none the less Soon as i get a decent rifle expect some hero snipping from me :D
  3. sheriffhd


    why would they use a rocket launcher? Besides land mines around a camp to protect from zombies, they kill muthafuckers and the walking dead just the same, two birds with but one stone my man.
  4. Minecraft style of Alpba/beta release, I like the idea, Even in this proof of concept alpha i love the game, Including its bugs, wont lie i wouldnt mind no bugs and no hacks, but its still an awesome game, i look forward to the standalone beta/alpha release.
  5. sheriffhd

    Server Hopping and Ghost Flanking solution

    I like the idea of the 30 second idle time before you charecter vanishes it gives some balence to it. As wellas the 5-10 minute time out before being able to rejoin the same server upon dissconection.
  6. sheriffhd

    A new drink:)

    Pft, i want to know why all the whiskey bottles are EMPTY. hwo is a man supposed to have a drink when its all empty.
  7. sheriffhd

    Singleplayer DayZ

    well if you want the Dayz single player you will need to back date your dayz mod to and will have to lauch the game via dayz comander to get it to work. But it works a charm, alsoa good way to test certain features, right now im trying to see how much of a fort i can build. and if i can build a decent one, then ill take what ive learnt and put it on a live server just for the lulz
  8. sheriffhd

    Singleplayer DayZ

    I can confirm there is a SP mod for the game, I am playing it, (I play Single player to test certain features) Its also nice to play when internet is down. (happens alot in my area lots of maintence going on right now)
  9. sheriffhd

    Internet Cafe

    You could install it on many PC's, But using the same CD key would mean that players might get kicked from sessions for reason "CD key in use"
  10. sheriffhd

    got chopper need help to loot camps

    Ha have fun refueling that thing to max, takes a while Id suggest putting the parts on and loading upa few jerry cans then parking it next to a fuel point so you can refuel quickly.
  11. sod it why not add cancer to the list, Survive long enough to die of cancer. seems legit.
  12. sheriffhd

    My few suggestions

    1) No ammo count: There was a post a guy had made about a game which had you take out the mag to see how many bullets were left, also making sure you count your shots as well, I like this idea and it would make gun play more of a challenge, although to balence it out they should speed at the rate which it takes to bring up the gear menu as it is currently rather slow. Hoping in the stand alone it will be a bit quicker. 2) Intro Video: The only video that will work is one that you get when you first load the game, Always having a video playing before each life starts would just piss me off, wont lie i go to watch a video on youtube and am forced to watch an advert I get annoyed half the time end up saying fuck it ill watch another video instead. It isnt something that will add to the game. 3)No indicator on map: My guess is that you are on the Noob servers, The map system in the alpha is brilliant, because you dont actually know where you are unless you get some landmarks or can find a road sign you are pretty much running blind. 4) Firecrackers: Grenade? Smoke Grenades, Flairs. Its just something else to add to the list. Its not a bad idea, nor is it a good one. 5) Power?: It will certainly add something to the game, personally it wouldnt effect me as i never use my torch and ive never had GPS so wouldnt matter for me. 6) 'Construction': This is something that they are planning on putting in the standalone if im not mistaken. Personally id say that nothing more than Tents (the medical tents size not camping tents) and dear stands
  13. sheriffhd

    Standalone Suggestion (maybe even Aplha)

    I think it would serve better as the opition to investagite the body, it could tell you the players name, how he died, and how old the corpse is. Maybe in the standalone if its a body that has been left for 30minutes plus, you can have rodents eating the flesh.
  14. sheriffhd

    Starting character classes?

    I like the idea of the no weapon random spawn. But you would have the case of people killing them selfs on the spawn just in the hope that they respawn with better items. When every one spawns the same items to start, its all the same goal. just go out and survive as best you can, with what you find. the less people spawn with the better. Personally id say get rid of bandages painkillers and the backpack.
  15. sheriffhd

    Modding weapons

    or just add veriations of weapons and make then x3 more rare then their original counter parts. For instance a lee enfield is a common rifle, But you could find a lee enfield with a scope which would be x3 times as rare to find as the lee enfield it self. so on and so forth.
  16. sheriffhd

    Buying New Game. Which i need?

    Have steam stopped offering Arma II : Free? because i cant find it on their store any more.
  17. sheriffhd

    Fucking mobile.

    Simple fix, Use a computer to look at the forum.
  18. sheriffhd

    Random Starting Gear Option

    Id hate to spawn with items, The first 2 hours of gameplay are the best/most intense, because you have nothing.
  19. To balence it, the pack that replaces the primery rifle should be the size of the patrol pack. Its more than enough to carry what you need.
  20. sheriffhd

    Dynamic zombies spawn rates

    I like this idea, Beans given. It has the Safe zone (ish) that people have been asking for, while also giving some purpose to bandits (to be fair a bandits only purpose is to fuck shit up, so they can do that regardless )
  21. sheriffhd

    Modification to Kill Messages

    I wouldnt mind knowing who killed me, just so i could go for a revenge kill.
  22. sheriffhd

    Vehicle Camo Netting

    5 vehicles Ha. I currently have One tractor and two bycles (they rule) bikes are pretty easy to stash, i mean i hid mine in a tree and you cant see it for crap. The tractor on the other hand, you can see that thing a mile off. A camo net would be nice.
  23. sheriffhd

    Tactical gameplay suggestions

    More guns - Not really a good or bad idea. In this game a Gun is a gun, all the matters is the iron sights/opitics that are on it as you dont fin your self in constant fire fights where you can be picky about what gun you have, so long as it fires bullets you are pretty much sorted, More maps - Yes, id love for there to be like 3-4 maps on release, or even two to be honest. One nice field and forest like we have now, One massive city map with parks (like new york city size) Safe zoes - No, it is the buggest load of crap idea any one could suggest for the game, The idea behind the game is that NOWHERE IS SAFE. if you want a safe zone then you need to have actually players set up in locations around your camp keeping guard. thats the closest to safe you will get. Trading - Maybe if there was an easier way to trade items between players that would be a nice feature, but adding a currency, No. Its the end of the world, the only value an item has is what others are willing to trade for it, back to basic barter system items are only worth what some one is willing to barter you for it. simple. and is already part of the game. Camo nets- Maybe, I like the idea of being able to cover a car, i also like the idea of passengers being able to shoot. Not drivers though just passengers.
  24. sheriffhd


    So..........There is were all the sadistic people are. My new home.
  25. sheriffhd

    Bandit and Hero Camo

    I like this idea, If they dont include a customisation for the game, These skins would do. Maybe use all 4 as well. first at the -5000/5000 humanity mark and the second at the -15000/15000 mark. so you can see just how good people are.