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Everything posted by sheriffhd

  1. sheriffhd

    DayZ not working ? Please Help

    If you purchased the game via steam, did you at the very least run both arma 2 and arma operation arrowhead first, thats something many people forget to do.
  2. sheriffhd

    Advice for the NW Airfield?

    Yeah every time ive gone to the NW airfield there has always been at leasta mix of 3 differnt rifles and about 1 pistol (2 rilfes normally in the "dorms" ranges dependong on luck, but its normally been DMR's AK's or M4/M16 every time ive gone, with maybe a chance of a M9 or G17) The hangers i pretty much always find at least one AK in, if no weapons then i can be sure that its a decent backpack, for me every time ive gone there, if there isnt an AK or ammo in the hangers then it has been a coyte backpack. As for the fire station, MP5/ammo is real common for me in there, but i never pick it up as i dont like the MP5. and the final room, the air traffic controll room, i have found a map, knife, and food in there, not too much in all honesty, maybe the odd grenade. There is a guard house to the bottom of the airfield, and i once found a ghilli suit there, so maybe worth checkign out, but i dont bother all to much with that.
  3. sheriffhd

    GIMME BACK MY F*CKING CAR - Car Jacking Rage :D

    Thats awesome, nothing like a bit of rage.
  4. Ive not done many commentaries/gameplay videos, but i thought id do a few just for thr fun of doing it. its always enjoy seeing how other play the game. Anyway, this was a quick little video i made taken from my Dayz footage that i managed to record. Not alot of footage i know, but i've been having some issues with getting a good setting on Dxtory. Currently using x264 codec, but the issue was sony vegas wasnt editing it, it would open but you go to edit or render and the image would be all over the place, and if i tried to convert it than vegas wouldnt even read the file after converting (although now ive been uploading the raw footage to youtube then downloading it off youtube, seems to be the best converter now) so any tips on that would be a bonus. (note: i was previously using the Xfire codec for Dxtory, it worked perfectly but the file size was about 1gb a minute over the x264s 1gb to 15 minutes)
  5. sheriffhd

    The lazy Commentator. (My little series.)

    Yeah being bolta, and gun shots that were undoubtly heard, seeing some one run in, first thought is shoot on sight, outside of danger zones ill be friednly but inside KOS. And as for the bus and ATV, it was a stroke of luck, we were running down the NW airfield just before dawn and i noticed the outline of a vehicle run towards it and saw it was a bus, needless to say i was excited, even more so when i saw it was in perfect condition, we took it parked it in the trees then went on to loot the airfield. although you could pretty much tell it was our fist ever vehicle find. by the time we got to the first fuel point we saw a chopper over the tree line and it pretty much just mowed us down. But ill aim to do some better gameplay videos in the comming weeks, i enjoy the game and enjoy sharing the videos.
  6. sheriffhd

    PVE and PVP Servers

    It removes from gameplay, And i guess you ask why? When red dead redepmtion first come out, it had only the one server type for the free roam, PVE and PVP took place all the same, while the PVE'rs (carebears) would try to rack up points while the PVPers would hunt down the PVEs and kill them, but after all these PVErs complained they got given their own servers, (freidnly servers) where you couldnt kill people. Which although it gave back to the PVEers making their gameplay easier it removed the gameplay from the PVPers as although they can indeed hunt others gain for killing each other, half the fun was in hunting the pve players. so in essence you are punishing bandits for their gameplay as you are removing the players which they enjoy killing.
  7. sheriffhd

    DayZ in Takistan & Zargabad

    I wouldnt mind servers that had differnt maps, It would be nice to be able to jump onto a new server with a new map and experiance starting new again and not knowing where i am.
  8. sheriffhd

    War Declared?

    find a AS50 and get into a class spot and just pick of kill after kill. or injure one person shoot medic chasing him down and repeat on all the medics.
  9. sheriffhd

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    Nice, im running Dxtory, and ill get about 15fps when recording about 20-25 when im not.
  10. sheriffhd

    New Intro for my DayZ videos...

    yeah 15 seconds is the key area you want for video intros.
  11. sheriffhd

    Dayz deathmatch

    Yeah its not really a feature that suits the game. You might as well ask for deathmatch to be added to tiger woods pro tour. Id say either just Play arma if you want to just kill (becuase it is the same game) Or like every one else has already said, just walk into cherno on a high pop server and you will have your hunger games.
  12. sheriffhd

    Character Customization: What Would You Like?

    Well the best idea for custom characters would be face and head, as this has no advantage over gameplay only real use is for identifing certain players (such as friends whom you know what they look like) As well as items such as Hats/Glasses as for main clothes, it would be silly to use dark, camo clothing as starting clothing as it is something that should be found not given. so starer outfits can be a range of jeans (blue, dark blue, black) with a choice of certain shirts (bight colours as to remain fair, as a person in all black couldnt hide easier than a person in brght pink) so maybe a small range of about 3-5 tshirts, and a few jackets. Although i do like the idea of facial features like hair style and beards (I always like having a mohawk on my characters)
  13. sheriffhd

    Vehicles=More Common Fuel=Less Common

    I like how limited vehicles are currently, it makes it more rewarding when you actually find one. Having more vehicles in the game i think would unbalance it more. Currently when you find a vehilce the first thing you can bet on is if it is in working order that a player is near by, meaning that you end up fighting for it any way. As for fuel, yeah its pretty common, but due to the volume of the cars and zombies, refulaing can be slow and dangerous, and often provides a good chance for people to ambush other players.
  14. sheriffhd

    Customization point

    Its what i would call the "Call of duty" Mentality of gaming right there. Adding features that are designed to keep people playing by giving them constant unlocks. The point of the game being so simplistic is what makes it addictive and enjoyable. because the game doesnt push you to keep playing, it just natuallary an addictive game. The idea of player customisation is a nice idea though, it would essentially render the Hero/bandit skin mute how ever. But if you could chose how your player looked, it could help to identify friends whom you are playing with if you know what they avatar looks like instead of holding position on the edge of line of sight while askign ieach other to perform a varity of movements just to make sure you're not looking at an enemy player.
  15. sheriffhd

    Non Leathal Rounds?

    I like the idea of rubber bullets, Limit them to only being used for the 870shotgun. (the volume of the shotgun would balance the nature of the weapon) As for the Alt-f4 issue, add a disconect feature. The idea is found in other games such as Eve online. When a player disconects his/her avatar remains in the game for 30 seconds before disapearing. This would put more emphase on players making sure that they are in a safe location before they log off, while also punishing those who try to rage quit to avoid losing their gear.
  16. sheriffhd

    Arming Bear Traps on Vehicle Seats

    glad to know im not the only one who thinks that zombie looks like the mythbuster dude
  17. sheriffhd

    New Characters Should Spawn Thirsty

    It wont change anything, it will just increase the PVP that goes on in the south spawns. Not against it, but damn it does indeed make it hard (and yes i know its the point) Maybe add 3 main spanw areas. The remote village coast (the sailor survivor) washed up on the coast line, medium chance of local wrecked items to spawn items such as compass, map, and maybe one food or drink. The middle of a city inside a hospitial (Medical survivor) spawn inside the hospital in the middle of a city, items spawned would include medical supplies, but not much in terms of weapons or food and drink, would have to run deeper into the city for supplies or dash out as fast as they can. And finally the downed chopper (the military survivor) spawn in hurt, near a downed chopper/or parachute spawn, in the middle of the map and the chopper spawn items such as medium teir weapons but no additional supplies such as food drink or medical. It free's up the main common places for spawn camping, while also spreading out PVP across the map, put the spawns random, and the loot always for low yield (dont want people starting too powerful) thoughts?
  18. sheriffhd

    From medical point of view

    Have you guys played Americans arma? In that game you need to diagnose your self and actually rely on your own memory recall as to what treatment is needed, i think instead of the symbol comming up telling you what is injured, that you just be away you are (IE pain) and than have to proceed to diogasnose your self and then treat on what you think is the issue. Would also put more emphasis on teamwork ,and sticking with team mates who are good medics.
  19. sheriffhd

    Too many sniper rifles

    i think most the people with sniper rifles have them because of a hacker gave an entire room them (AS50) as for me, in terms of sniper rilfes, in my 18 hours of gameplay, i had found one CZ550 (after 12 hours of gameplay, and lots of random looting) with one mag, and never found any more ammo for it, and a DMR in a random tent with 3 mags, i was able to find abother 2 mags at the NW airfield. They are pretty hard to find, its just with hackers giving them away to every one, it makes it easier.
  20. sheriffhd

    The ability to move dead bodies.

    Pft, who needs sandbags when you can pile up bodies around your camp lol. This would actually be an awesome feature for the game.
  21. sheriffhd

    Point-Buy Character Creation

    Nope. The game doesnt need a skill/perk system. As for spawning, what would be nice is the choice to join a players "gang/posse" which would give you your own chat channel and maybe a spawn opition that spawns you near team mates (no closer than a 2 sq km radius) cant make it too easy for people. although i rather the idea of spawning ont he coast and having to work towards where friendlsy are, as if you were to die and then respawn it would make the last death kinda hopeless as you could spawn and then grab your stuff back.
  22. sheriffhd

    Spectate Mode ~ Anti-Hackers

    I think a magic box alert system would be an idea. The instant a Magic box is spawned just a big arrow pointing to the box to lety every one know where it is. im sure that would be fun. (joke btw)
  23. sheriffhd

    Non-pvp Servers

    The fear of always having to look over your shoulder is what makes the game. Even in a low pop server, several times ive been going slow on my belly in the middle of nowhere, and ill have my mate behind me all like "dude we are miles away from anywhere, i doubt any one will be out here, plus theres only 5 dudes on the sever" he runs up ahead of me, and boom he dies from a sniper waiting in hills miles away. No matter how many players are in the game, you always have to assume they are watching you. thats what makes the game.
  24. sheriffhd


    I killed a player the other day and my humanity went down to 300 (From 2500) so is it not already kinda in the game?
  25. sheriffhd

    Farming (Creating your own food)

    I like and dislike the idea. For: It makes the game more realistic. Setting up a base camp on a server out the way, and put up defencense around like sandbags and barbed wire, but it would also be kinda cool if you could harvest trees and turn them into small structures (nothing too big) maybe a deer stand (full game not dayz mod) but you would still need to scavange cities for tools like nails and hammers and duct tape (its a must have for any survival game) Against: it makes the game easy, if you can set up a farm right next to a pond out the way of every town and city in a part of the map where no one goes, then basicailly you have nothing left to do just log on eat drink, log off. It all depends how it is done really. I think a good mix would be you can farm, but you have to find seeds at farm spawn points, and it takes days for anything harvestable to grow meanign that you will still have to go to cities to loot food and drink.