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About Peteyy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. This one worked for me when I got stuck in a building! Thanks a lot!
  2. Peteyy

    Are tents savable now on 2.6???

    Well I was asking cause I wish duping would not be possible. I hope tents would have autosave. Im not sure how tents work at the moment so thats why I was asking.
  3. Peteyy

    Are tents savable now on 2.6???

    So about the tents and vehicles. What happens if I put stuff in the tent and save the tent after that. Then take some stuff out from the tend and DONT save the tent. Will the server restart bring back those items that I took out after the last tent save? :huh:
  4. So about the tents and vehicles. What happens if I put stuff in the tent and save the tent after that. Then take some stuff out from the tend and DONT save the tent. Will the server restart bring back those items that I took out after the last tent save? :huh:
  5. Peteyy

    DayzCommander will not update

    Got DayzCommander to work now. Had to reinstall it. And just in case before installin it I used CCleaner to clean registry :)
  6. Peteyy

    DayzCommander will not update

    Have you tried Play withSIX? http://play.withsix.com/ That one works just fine for me, but DayzCommander is not working. I really like DayzCommander and would prefer to use that one.
  7. Peteyy

    DayzCommander will not update

    Does anyone else have this problem with DayzCommander? I still cant update with it :(
  8. Peteyy

    Dayz Commander Help Updating

    I am also getting error updating with DayzCommander. I did install dayzmod with sixupdater and can run game with that, but dayzcommander is not showing me right version etc. DayzCommander looks like this : http://s11.postimage...uioo1/error.jpg
  9. Peteyy

    DayzCommander will not update

    I am also getting error updating with DayzCommander. I did install dayzmod with sixupdater and can run game with that, but dayzcommander is not showing me right version etc. DayzCommander looks like this :