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About Iezza

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  1. Iezza

    Getting killed by nothing ?!

    that's generally how i find combat loggers. If they log into a building then cmon, you have no respect for your character and are obv combat logging.in the woods nice and safe if you care for your dude.
  2. Iezza

    Getting killed by nothing ?!

    yep, always wait a good minute or 2 before logging out to make sure no zed is aggro'd onto you, then log out
  3. Question one; D Question two; C Question Three; B Question four A Question five B Question six C Question Seven C Question eight B Question nine; D Question ten; A Question eleven; B Question twelve; C Question thirteen; FINAL QUESTION A
  4. Iezza

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    what is it then? A carbine?
  5. That is what OP wants but on public so.. no. also nice C & C sig
  6. Iezza

    M4A1 Attachments

    How damaged was it? The damage causes a kind of innate sway i believe and harder to aim etc
  7. Private servers connected to public hive is essentially what you're asking for? The answer to that starts with an N and ends with an O
  8. Iezza

    Some funny pictures

    Zombie on a roof.. I cried at the zombie one omfg, how did it even ? xD You like Acacia Clarke too?
  9. If someone spawns in a high loot room , they're probably server hopping, I ( and i assume many other players) go into a nice countryside tree line when logging off, because we want to be safe.
  10. Iezza

    Alien on map?

    I think those are trees.
  11. That could be balanced. Fatter = being able to hold more food in store without going sick. and you gradualy gain weight if you're constantly eating to the point where you're SUPER GREEN energized, could add some depth to the game
  12. Iezza

    A blank canvas

    A blank canvas to play with, DayZ is yours to make of it, and your character is yours to create
  13. Iezza

    The Gun of your Choice

    All depends on the amount of ammo. Shotgun if low ammo 1911 if medium blaze if high
  14. Iezza

    Pistols too inaccurate as well as m4?!

    you really need an easier to understand poll, something like [a] is the M4A1's accuracy too low? [yes] [no] B) are the pistols too inaccurate? [yes] [no]